🚧 This library as under heavy development until release of version 1.x.x
Just a URI manipulation library for Java. Provides URI builder and parser.
- lightweight, exactly 1 minimalistic dependency
- single purpose, not part of a framework
- does percent encoding and decoding
- adds option to encode/decode
character as a space
Add to your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "com.coditory.quark:quark-uri:0.0.10"
Build uri string
.addQueryParam("a", "X")
.addQueryParam("a", "X")
.addQueryParam("a", "Y")
.addQueryParam("b", "Y")
.addQueryParam("e", "")
// Result:
// https://coditory.com/about?w=W&a=A&a=X&a=X&a=Y&b=Y&e=
Build uri components
// uriComponents is a value object, that provides access to all parts of parsed uri
UriComponents uriComponents = UriBuilder.fromUri("https://coditory.com?w=W&a=A")
.addQueryParam("a", "X")
.addQueryParam("a", "X")
.addQueryParam("a", "Y")
.addQueryParam("b", "Y")
.addQueryParam("e", "")
// Result:
// UriComponents{scheme="https", host="coditory.com", pathSegments=[about], queryParams={w=[W], a=[A, X, X, Y], b=[Y], e=[]}}
Parses encoded spaces and pluses:
UriComponents plusesAsSpaces = UriBuilder.fromUri("/abc?a+b=A+B").buildUriComponents();
UriComponents encodedSpaces = UriBuilder.fromUri("/abc?a%20b=A%20B").buildUriComponents();
assert plusesAsSpaces == encodedSpaces
// Result:
// UriComponents{rootPath=true, pathSegments=[abc], queryParams={a b=[A B]}}
By default encodes spaces as %20
.addPathSegment("x y ")
.setFragment("frag ment")
.addQueryParam("f oo", "b ar")
.addQueryParam("x", "y+z")
// Result:
// https://coditory.com/a+bc/d%20ef/x%20y%20?f%20oo=b%20ar&x=y%2Bz#frag%20ment