This repository is to provide some config files and scripts to facilate the deployment of Red Hat build of Keycloak into Openshift based on this documentation
Ensure that you are logged into an Openshift cluster to be able to complete all steps listed below.
Set sesion env var for the namespace and hostname.
export NAMESPACE=rhbk-playground
export HOSTNAME=<hostname for cluster>
oc apply -f config/namespace.yaml
oc project $NAMESPACE
oc apply -f config/rhbk-operator.yaml
- Navigate to Operators, select OperatorHub
- Search for Red Hat build of Keycloak
- Select and click install
oc apply -f config/rhbk-postgres.yaml
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
oc get keycloaks/rh-keycloak -o go-template='{{range .status.conditions}}CONDITION: {{.type}}{{"\n"}} STATUS: {{.status}}{{"\n"}} MESSAGE: {{.message}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
View the documentation to get start with Keycloak here