This module functionality is to detect phrases that are not translated, i.e. those phrases that may appear to the end user as in their original phrasing, regardless of active/current locale.
To install:
- bin/magento module:enable Comwrap_TranslatedPhrases
- bin/magento setup:upgrade
- bin/magento setup:di:compile
To use the module:
- bin/magento i18n:non-translated:detect
The output is a file, containing current date in the name and ends with a .list extension, that is located in the /var folder.
Known limitations: The Native parser is not applicable to Magento version 2.1.x
Resources usage: During run, one PHP process will consume 100% of a given processor core that runs that process. The memory used tends to be low.
Time needed to process full /vendor and /app/code: Depending on processing power, but it may take a couple of minutes to complete.