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Releases: criticalmanufacturing/dev-tasks

CMF MES 8.2.0

15 Jul 15:25
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  • Project context (ctx) can now specify the path for a specific Typescript version (typescriptPath); #132
  • Support a new task __check-md-links that for documentation projects that supply the strict argument (gulp build --strict) #133

CMF MES 8.1.3

15 Jul 14:58
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  • Support a new task __check-md-links that for documentation projects that supply the strict argument (gulp build --strict)

CMF MES 8.1.0

08 Apr 16:09
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  • Added options to allow the bundle of i18n and metadata files of the project packages.
  • i18n file paths of a package are now included in their own metadata file. This allows them to be dynamically imported in production environments.
  • Support for Swedish translation

CMF MES 8.0.2

26 Nov 19:12
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Bug Fix

  • Add woff2 to the deployable files;

CMF MES 8.0.0

13 Oct 13:53
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  • Node 12 support
  • Bump version of Angular (v9.1.9)
  • Added graceful-js dependency to support node 12 (v4.2.2)
  • Support Docker Container (i.e. Linux environment)

Bug fix

  • Added missing required package (dev-i18n-transform) in specific tasks
  • Elasticlunr.js dependency changed to lurn.js due to maximum call stack size exceeded error on JSON.stringify
  • Fix ModuleName as a Number Issue
  • Gulp install with production flag (--production) also applied to NPM
  • Other small fixes

Migration notes

  • Due to Angular version bump, it's possible that your code no longer compiles. Please refer to Angular upgrade guide to fix your code.

CM MES 7.2.1

30 Jun 15:04
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix watch to work on root folder.
  • Fix i18n-ts2po and i18n-po2ts to require the i18n transform packages properly.

CM MES 7.2.0

09 May 10:37
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  • gulp install now supports the flag --updateDependencies.
    This flag allows the usage of package-lock during install updating all cmf.* and @criticalmanufacturing/* packages to the version available on the default channel specified on .dev-tasks file.

CMF MES 7.1.1

17 Feb 10:41
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Bug Fixes

  • Moved @criticalmanufacturing/dev-i18n-transform to a peer dependency, to avoid conflits.

CMF MES 7.1.0

03 Jan 15:41
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  • Package bundling
    Regarding the improvements on CMF MES startup time, it was made some changes to aggregate files and static resources (like css, js, fonts, etc.) within bundles.
    • How it works? in each web project (within gulfile.js), the developer can specify which bundles should be created and which paths should be included in each bundle (bu.json).

    • Where we load the bundles ? Is responsibility of each development team. By default, the vital bundles are configured in core solution bootstrap.

    • Ex. (Gulp File):

// Define if the compiler will make bundles or not
isBundleBuilderOn: true,
// The bundle configuration are attached with systemjs builder restrictions ( In this case, the configuration only matters for system js bundles )
bundleBuilderInitialConfig: "systemjsbuilderconfig.js",
// Which bundles will be created and what is their configuration file
bundleBuilderConfigFiles: [
		bundleName: 'cmf.js',
		// By default, the bundle will be minified (true)
		bundleMinify: false,
		bundleConfigs: ["./bu.json"]
		bundleName: 'external_static.js',
		bundleConfigs: ["./bu.json"]
// Which static assets should be copied and where
bundleBuilderAssetsConfig: [
		bundleAssetsTask: 'core_fonts',
		bundleConfigs: ["./bu.json"],
		bundleDestPath: "node_modules/bundles/css/style/fonts/"
 * **Ex (Bundle Config File):**
    * **bundleExpressions** are computed by systemjs builder.*
    * **bundlePaths** are relative paths for static files*
    * **bundleAssetsTask** is a kind of task for copy files only*
    "bundlesConfiguration": [
            "bundleName": "external_static.js",
            "bundlePaths": [
            "bundleAssetsTask": "style_fonts",
            "bundlePaths": [
            "bundleName": "kendo.js",
            "bundleExpressions": "[node_modules/cmf.kendoui/js/kendo.*.min.js]"

Bug Fix

  • URL Match: Changed the match expression of URLs to only redirect to index.html those which don't end on . (are files)

CMF MES 7.0.1

09 Sep 13:59
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Bug fixes

  • Support for Spanish translation;
  • Detect circular dependencies;
  • Context variable was being leak when running. If more than one project was being built simultaneously tasks would fail for no apparent reason;