- Support viewing
formats by taking advantage of Windows Imaging Component (WIC) - Windows 7+ 8b3a08c - New file type icons for associated extensions #217
- Display "A new version is available" in menu 74885c8
- Full support for Portable mode #82
- Double click to view actual image size #86
- Ability to display / hide hidden image files #187
- Add "Zoom to fit" button to toolbar #212
- Add support for real time resizing #257
- Removed Share to Facebook, Extension Manager, Settings, About buttons on toolbar. 965ac50
- Add "Autosave after rotating" option #239
- Improve full screen mode: #261
- Image's height fits the window automatically
- Hides the thumbnail bar automatically (same as the toolbar)
- Check for update every 3 days instead of 7 days 965ac50
- Unhandled exception when 3 or more new images are moved/copied into the folder in which the current image is being viewed #193
- Windows number format minus sign causes error on startup #201
- Keep maximized window after exiting full screen #226
- GIF image file locked after viewing #227
- Thumbnail line width resets after closing window #232
- Unhandled exception when canceling UAC prompt for "Create new language pack" #236
- Set as Desktop Background changed current the Fit Option in Windows 10 #247
- Unhandled exception when closing two windows #262
- Image does not scale to fit when using title bar maxim-ze/-estore buttons #265
- Drag and drop image from same folder doesn't open the image #271
- Fix hamburger menu disappearing 6867a4a
- Unhandled error when cancel the Register Extensions operation 288a19d