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Releases: dahag-ag/keycloak-openapi

Keycloak 23 openApi definitions

28 Nov 16:24
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  • Release Keycloak 23.0
  • Generating the openapi definitions is now handled by keycloak itself, all this project does now is trigger the generation and copies them out. (keycloak/keycloak#22940 Soon this project can be archived.)

Potential Breaking Change

We didn't have time yet to try the keycloak definitions internally but the definitions coming from keycloak look very close to what was generated before. So as a heads-up: I can't guarantee that any generated clients signatures will match when using the v23 definitions

Keycloak 22 openApi definitions

24 Jul 11:37
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  • Release Keycloak 22.1
  • Ignore their OpenApi annotations. Keycloak now has OpenAPI annotations which is used to generate their HTML API documentation but sadly they do not also upload the raw OpenApi Specification. I hope that this project can be obsolete soon: keycloak/keycloak#21559
OpenAPI Specifications Diff

Modified Endpoints

URL : /{realm}/groups

  • HTTP-Method : GET
    • (added) Parameter : populateHierarchy

URL : /{realm}/users/count

  • HTTP-Method : GET
    • (added) Parameter : q

Keycloak 21 openApi definitions

24 Feb 14:58
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  • Release Keycloak 21
  • Added implicit post body detection. A few endpoints lost their explicit body parameter typing and instead implicitly read out the request body. The solution is not pretty but manages to keep the definition stable

virtually nothing changed except that the java source code lost even more explicit typings

OpenAPI Specifications Diff

Modified Endpoints

URL : /{realm}/push-revocation

  • HTTP-Method : POST
    • Response : 2XX
      • (added) Media Type :

Keycloak 20 openApi definitions

04 Nov 17:09
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  • Release Keycloak 20
  • Improved JavaDoc documentation extraction (Also re-generated v18 and v19 with more documentation)

A small side note:

Some of the endpoints handling Realm Imports/exports have lost their typing in the original Java source code and conversely are now generic "object" blobs in the v20 definition

Keycloak 19 openApi definitions

28 Jul 09:08
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Feat(Definitions): Released definitions for keycloak 19

Component properties casing fix

27 Jun 09:06
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The properties of every component (aka the request models) were generated as UpperCamelCase but should have been lowerCamelCase to correctly work with keycloak. (We didn't notice because we forced that through the generation settings on our clients)

Fixed that behaviour and generated fixed definfitions for keycloak v17 and v18