328 commits
to development
since this release
Thanks to everyone who contributed!
What's Changed
- Import-DbaCsv - #8554 add documentation for importing gzip csv by @match-gabeflores in #8885
- Backup-DbaDatabase - EnableException when appropriate by @potatoqualitee in #8887
- Import-Command: Wait if file in use by @potatoqualitee in #8893
- New Command - Test-DbaAgSpn by @potatoqualitee in #8889
- New-DbaCredential - MappedClassType not found by @potatoqualitee in #8892
- New-DbaComputerCertificate - Fix immutability issue by @potatoqualitee in #8897
- Refactored function to improve code clarity and fix issue #8807 by @HCRitter in #8896
- Update library version with working Analysis Services on Desktop by @potatoqualitee in #8898
New Contributors
- @match-gabeflores made their first contribution in #8885
- @HCRitter made their first contribution in #8896
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1