ReqBot is a simple ChatBot built which can provide information regarding your Requests and help you to create a new one. It requires a CSV file with the Request data.
Its written in Node.js, uses the Microsoft Bot Framework and (for Language understanding).
I used the following tutorial '' as a starting point, credits also to the stackoverflow community for their.
Requires an account for Microsoft Bot Framework and Recast account plus the required config for a new bot.
Clone this Repository
git clone
- Fill the config.js with your Tokens
var tokens =
recast: 'Recast Token',
AppId: 'Application Id',
Secret: 'Your Microsoft Secret',
- Edit the download url for your CSV in ./intents/reqstatus.js
var url = 'yoururl/netreqs.csv';
- install the dependencies
npm install
- run ReqBot
npm run build
npm run start
- use ngrok or similar to run the endpoint (this deployment runs fine on a Azure Web App, see how to here )
./ngrok http 8080
- Has quite a lot of hardcoded things
- Error handling to be improved
- Very specific for our usecase
- Waterfall/dialogs not implemented
- Text only, no cards/buttons