JS Client for Push me out
Click here to go to push me out
server repo.
- run
npm install http-server -g
- run
http-server --p 8000
- run
npm install -g web-push
- run
web-push generate-vapid-keys
- create a new file
- Add the following contents to the file
APPLICATION_KEY = {generated_public_key}
- Save the Private Key for application server
Open localhost:8000
on your browser and start sending notification to yourself.
- The tab
Play With Notification
lets you send customised notifications (Notification Customisation happens on backend server)
- Currently, notification is pushed to all the active subscribers
- Trigger Success Alert is shown once the notification is triggered
- Notification Types are supported from backend (Notification types are fetched on the page load)
- Basic Notification
- Notification With Actions
- Notification With Image