A python package that helps to get the user info from social apps
Required Python Version >= 3
pip install social-user-info
- Github
- Microsoft
The package has a method APIService.get_user_info(access_token, auth_source)
This method accepts the access_token and auth_source and returns the user info corresponding to the given access token
- Navigate to: https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/
- In Step 1, select Google OAuth2 API v2 and add
. Click on Authorize APIs - Login/Select the account you want the access token of
- In Step 2, Click on Exchange Authorization Code for Tokens
- Get the
from the returned JSON
- Read through this: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens/
- Login to your github account
- Navigate to settings
- Navigate to developer settings at the bottom left
- Navigate to personal access token
- Generate a new Token
- Get the
by clicking on Generate Token
- Navigate to https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer
- Authorize with your microsoft account and give permission to read users
- Select the
Access Token
Tab and copy the access token
from social_user_info.social_user_info import APIService
APIService.get_user_info(access_token={access_token_from_above_step}, auth_source='google')
APIService.get_user_info(access_token={access_token_obtained_from_facebook}, auth_source='facebook')
APIService.get_user_info(access_token={access_token_obtained_from_github}, auth_source='github')
APIService.get_user_info(access_token={access_token_obtained_from_microsoft}, auth_source='microsoft')