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My favorite JQL queries.

JQL can be quite forgiving so I will put down a couple derivatives as I think of them.

Jira updated how JQL queries are composed. It seems to be entirely aestetic instead of functional. Because of this, any images on this page may be outdated.

Keeping up to date with current events

Let's say, for example, I work in tech support but I enjoy looking at CyberSecurity-related tickets so I can learn more about 1) MacEwan's IT infrastructure, 2) MacEwan's security and privacy policies, 3) trends for cybersecurity from the POV of support desk (is something trending?) and 4) the field of cybersecurity in general. Always be learning.

  1. Assigned to the current user
    • assignee = currentUser()
  2. Created this year
    • created >= StartOfYear()
  3. Keyword list in text or summary fields
    • text ~ "approx match in the text field"
    • summary ~ "approx match in the ticket title field"
    • the list:
      • secur*
      • cyber*
      • cybersec*
      • hack*
      • phish*
      • compromise
      • malware
      • malicious
      • breach
      • vulnerab
      • fire*wall
      • encrypt*
      • incident response
      • authenticat*
      • ransom*
      • MFA
      • 2FA
      • Multi*factor
      • 2*factor
      • DDOS
      • security awareness training
(text~"security" OR text~"secure" OR text~"cyber" OR text~"cybersecurity" OR text~"cybersec" OR text~"hack" OR text~"phish" OR text~"phishing" OR text~"compromise" OR text~"malware" OR text~"breach" OR text~"vulnerable" OR text~"vulnerability" OR text~"firewall" OR text~"fire wall" OR text~"encryption" OR text~"encrypt" OR text~"encrypted" OR text~"incident response" OR text~"authentication" OR text~"authenticate" OR text~"ransom" OR text~"ransomware" OR text~"MFA" OR text~"2FA" OR text~"Multi-factor" OR text~"2-factor" OR text~"DDOS" OR text~"security awareness training" OR summary~"security" OR summary~"secure" OR summary~"cyber" OR summary~"cybersecurity" OR summary~"cybersec" OR summary~"hack" OR summary~"phish" OR summary~"phishing" OR summary~"compromise" OR summary~"malware" OR summary~"breach" OR summary~"vulnerable" OR summary~"vulnerability" OR summary~"firewall" OR summary~"fire wall" OR summary~"encryption" OR summary~"encrypt" OR summary~"encrypted" OR summary~"incident response" OR summary~"authentication" OR summary~"authenticate" OR summary~"ransom" OR summary~"ransomware" OR summary~"MFA" OR summary~"2FA" OR summary~"Multi-factor" OR summary~"2-factor" OR summary~"DDOS" OR summary~"security awareness training") 
assignee = currentUser()
created >= startOfYear()

order by Updated DESC, statusCategory ASC


If the main body of the ticket has these keywords, don't return.

Any tickets that have the word printer but not the word parking.

text ~ printer AND NOT text ~ parking        # notice the lack of quotations around the keyword. If there was a space there, you should use quotations
text ~ "printer" AND NOT text ~ "parking"    # does the same as above
text ~

Multiple keywords

It looks like "konica printer" should be processed differently to "konica" AND "printer", but not in JQL. If there is more than one word in the quotations, it does not specifically look for only instances where the two words are together. Demonstration:

Any tickets that have the words konica and printer anywhere in them

text ~ "printer" AND text ~ "konica"
text ~ "printer konica"                      #no difference!

Specific keywords

You can search for specific and non-specific (fuzz) text. To continue on from the Konica Printer example above:

Any tickets that have the words 'konica printer', together, specifically in this order.

text ~ "\"konica printer\""

the \ is not an error in GitHub formatting, it is literally what I have to use in a JQL search to include quotations for a string. text ~ kinda search terms here vs text ~ "these exact search terms here"

All tickets that I have, unfinished

assignee in currentUser() AND status not in (Done, Completed, Closed)


assignee in currentUser() AND statusCategory != Done

any improperly categorized tickets

no dept & no sub-dept

updated >= startofyear() #arbitrary 
    ("Department Queue" is EMPTY OR "Department Queue" in cascadeOption(11307) 
    "Department Queue" not in cascadeOption(11307, 11541) 
    "Department Queue" not in cascadeOption(11307, 11308) 
    "Department Queue" not in cascadeOption(11307, 14665) 
    "Department Queue" not in cascadeOption(11307, 14178) 
    "Department Queue" not in cascadeOption(11307, 15115) 
    "Department Queue" not in cascadeOption(11307, 15091) 
    "Department Queue" not in cascadeOption(11307, 15379)) 
 (project = MHC OR project = HAR) 
 "Request Type" != "Laptop loan request (HAR)" 


The above filter JQL will grab any MHC or HAR tickets that don't have a department, or don't have a complete department.

E.g. 11307, 11308 - this is Client Services - Classroom support

More to come

as I create/improve them


My favorite JQL queries







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