An E-voting System deployed using Truffle. Developed a decentralized E-voting system using the innate features of Blockchain. A voting solution that ensures voter validation, voter identity non-disclosure, immutable voting records, real-time counting and true transparency in the voting process.It will also make voting a possibility for voters who are not in the country or in the geographical region at large to also participate in the elections.
- metamask extension in your browser (browser must be compatible with metamask)
- Nodejs
- Ganache
- Truffle
Steps to run the project:
- Download the github repo
- run "npm install" in your project directory
- keep Ganache application running in background on "" RPC Server
- run "truffle migrate"
- run "truffle compile"
- run "npm run dev" to start the project in your browser on "http://localhost:3000/"
- connect and transfer your ganache accounts to your metamask