A Flash Card Application built using Python and Tkinter. This app helps users learn new words or concepts by displaying a card with a term and revealing the meaning upon interaction.
- Interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI).
- Displays flashcards with words or concepts.
- Allows flipping the card to reveal the answer.
- Uses a dataset stored in
. - Built using Python, Tkinter, and OOP principles.
│── README.md # Project documentation
│── main.py # Main script to run the flash card app
│── data/ # Stores word/concept dataset
│── images/ # Contains UI-related images
git clone https://github.com/your-username/Flash-card-project.git
cd Flash-card-project
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
Modify `data/` to add or update flashcard content.
Modify `main.py` to customize the UI or functionality.
- Implement a progress-tracking feature.
- Add a database for storing custom flashcards.
- Support multiple flashcard categories.
Feel free to fork, improve, and submit pull requests!