A Twitch Resources Recommendation Website
👩💻 Motivation
This web application is built to help users search twitch resources(stream/video/clip) and get recommendations.
🚀 Functionality
• On the home page, users can either register as a new user or log into an existing account.
• Once logged in as a user, you will be able to see twitch resources in your area and you can search for any stream/video/clip and click on the title to favorite it. All favorited items will be kept in the favorite page and saved in database.
• On the recommend for you page, the application will list the resources based on your previously favorited items.
🛠Built With
• Back-end implemented RESTful APIs based on Java servlets, stored data in MySQL and depoloyed it to Amazon RDS.
• Front-end was built with React/Ant Design/HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
• Containerized application using Docker and deployed the service to AWS EC2.
Jiadi Doris Leng - https://github.com/doris2018