Welcome to Portfolio 2025, a modern, interactive landing page that simulates a sophisticated code editor. This project is designed to showcase my front-end development skills and deliver an engaging, immersive experience. Whether you're exploring my projects or interacting with the editor, you'll see how I use modern technologies to create seamless and functional web experiences.
🚀 Live Demo: View Portfolio
This project is powered by an array of cutting-edge technologies that provide a sleek and responsive experience:
- React - A flexible and efficient JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces.
- Next.js - Full-stack framework for React, enabling fast server-side rendering, static site generation, and API routes.
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for styling and responsive layouts.
- Radix UI (ShadCN) - Headless UI components for building accessible, customizable design systems.
- React Syntax Highlighter - Highlighting code snippets in the simulated editor for enhanced readability.
- Lucide React - Beautiful, customizable icons for a modern UI.
- React Icons - Access to popular icon libraries for a consistent design language.
- React Hook Form - Performant form validation and management for user interactions.
- Motion - Smooth animations for dynamic interactions.
- Prisma - Powerful ORM for managing data and schema.
- Prisma - Next-generation ORM for interacting with databases in Node.js apps.
- NextAuth - Authentication library for handling user sessions and login flows.
- Supabase - Real-time database and authentication for seamless user management.
- Vite - Fast, optimized development environment for quicker builds.
- Vitest - Lightning-fast unit testing for React components.
- Playwright - End-to-end testing framework for simulating real-world user interactions.
- ESLint & Prettier - Code linting and formatting for clean, consistent code.
- Commitizen - Standardized commit messages for a clean Git history.
- Semantic Release - Automated versioning and release notes based on commit history.
- Vercel - Serverless deployment platform optimized for Next.js apps.
- GitHub Actions - CI/CD workflows for automating testing and deployment processes.
- Simulate a real-world development environment with syntax highlighting.
- Supports multiple programming languages (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more).
- Customizable themes (Dark/Light modes) for a personalized experience.
- Sign in with ease using NextAuth to simulate user login and manage sessions.
- Leveraging Radix UI components for accessibility and a seamless user experience. Customizable dialogs, dropdowns, and accordions.
- Unit tests with Vitest and end-to-end tests powered by Playwright to ensure smooth functionality.
While the current version of Portfolio offers a solid foundation and interactive experience, there are still several areas for improvement and features to be added in future updates:
- New themes: Add more themes and customization options for the code editor, currently whe only have GitHub Dark and Light.
- Initial Loader Animation on Guest Book: Add a loader animation to the guest book while fetching the comments (this page use SSR to fetch messages, so it can take a time before showing the page result).
- Add testing integrate with NextAuth: Add tests for the authentication flow and session management
git clone https://github.com/dpnunez/portfolio-editor.git
Important: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine, the version is specified in nvmrc.
cd portfolio-editor
npm install
npm run dev
Your local server should be running at http://localhost:3000.
You can also run the portfolio using Docker in two modes:
Development server
Runs the project with hot-reloading support for easier development. Use the following command:docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build
Production server
Builds the project and runs it in production mode. Use the following command:docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up --build
If you’re planning to use the back-end features:
Generate the Prisma client:
npm run postinstall
Set up the database schema and run migrations as needed.
Explore the live version of the portfolio here:
Portfolio Live Demo
Run the unit tests with Vitest:
npm run test:unit
Run end-to-end tests with Playwright:
npx playwright test
This project is licensed under the MIT License.