Releases: dscolby/CausalELM.jl
Releases · dscolby/CausalELM.jl
CausalELM v0.8.0+docs
CausalELM v0.8.0
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Add support for GPUs (#37)
- CausalELM v0.7.0 (#75)
- Add the marginal effect or the constant marginal effect (#76)
- Parallelize Randomization Inference (#77)
- Implement Confidence Intervals (#78)
- Inline Computationally Expensive Functions in Loops (#79)
- Extend Propensity Score-based Models to Allow Continuous Treatments (#80)
- Causal Mediation Analysis? (#81)
CausalELM v0.7.0
Merged pull requests:
- Replaced cross validation with log heuristic to select number of neurons (#63) (@dscolby)
- Updated release notes (#64) (@dscolby)
- Development (#66) (@dscolby)
Closed issues:
- CausalELM v0.6 (#61)
- Set a heuristic for deciding on the best number of neurons (#62)
- Make inference option in summarize methods (#65)
- Implement Bagging (#67)
- Remove the W argument (#68)
- Change default number of features (#69)
- Fix R-learning (#70)
- Make probabilistic predictions for binary outcomes (#71)
- Make swish the default activation function (#72)
- Make 50 the default number of ELMs (#73)
- Change how the perturbations are calculated to test the counterfactual consistency assumption (#74)
CausalELM v0.6.0
Merged pull requests:
- Changed approach to counterfactual consistency sensitivity check (#46) (@dscolby)
- Refactor (#58) (@dscolby)
- Refactor (#59) (@dscolby)
- Added a few more tests (#60) (@dscolby)
Closed issues:
- Make better looking documentation (#21)
- CausalELM v0.5.1 (#29)
- Doubly Robust Estimation (#31)
- Make counterfactual_consistency work for discrete outcomes (#33)
- Give better explanation for double machine learning in documentation (#34)
- Remove estimate_causal_effect! from constructor docstrings (#35)
- Make sigmoid layer for binary classifiers (#36)
- Add W argument (#39)
- Mild refactoring (#40)
- Update information about estimator treatment and outcome variable types (#41)
- Fix sample splitting and cross fitting for doubly robust estimation (#42)
- Fix convergence in extreme learning machines (#43)
- Update Docstrings (#44)
- Refactor GComputation, SLearner, DoubleMachineLearner, and RLearner (#45)
- Add doctests (#47)
- Fix ATT estimation for G-computation (#52)
- Infer whether a model should use regression or classification (#55)
v0.5.1+docs Updated index
CausalELM v0.5.1
Added mkdocs.yml
Updated documentation theme
v0.3 with updated documentation
v0.3+docs Updated documentation