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DOM tree microhydration

Sprae is open & minimalistic progressive enhancement framework.
Perfect for small-scale websites, static pages, landings, prototypes, or lightweight UI.
A light alternative to alpine, petite-vue etc (see why).


<div id="container" :if="user">
  Hello <span :text="">there</span>.

<script type="module">
  import sprae from './sprae.js' //

  // init
  const container = document.querySelector('#container');
  const state = sprae(container, { user: { name: 'friend' } })

  // update = 'love'

Sprae evaluates :-directives and evaporates them, returning reactive state for updates.


UMD version enables sprae via CDN, as CJS, AMD etc.

<!-- `init` attribute autoinits sprae on document with initial state (optional) -->
<script src="" init="{ user: 'buddy' }"></script>

  window.sprae(el); // global standalone


:if="condition", :else

Control flow of elements.

<span :if="foo">foo</span>
<span :else :if="bar">bar</span>
<span :else>baz</span>

<!-- fragment -->
<template :if="foo">foo <span>bar</span> baz</template>

:each="item, index? in items"

Multiply element.

<!-- :text order matters -->
<ul><li :each="item in items" :text="item"/></ul>

<!-- cases -->
<li :each="item, idx in array" />
<li :each="value, key in object" />
<li :each="count, idx in number" />

<!-- fragment -->
<template :each="item in items">
  <dt :text="item.term"/>
  <dd :text="item.definition"/>


Set text content of an element.

Welcome, <span :text="">Guest</span>.

<!-- fragment -->
Welcome, <template :text="" />.


Set class value.

<!-- appends class -->
<div class="foo" :class="bar"></div>

<!-- array/object, a-la clsx -->
<div :class="[foo && 'foo', {bar: bar}]"></div>


Set style value.

<!-- extends style -->
<div style="foo: bar" :style="'bar-baz: qux'">

<!-- object -->
<div :style="{barBaz: 'qux'}"></div>

<!-- CSS variable -->
<div :style="{'--bar-baz': qux}"></div>


Set value to/from an input, textarea or select (like alpinejs x-model).

<input :value="value" />
<textarea :value="value" />

<!-- selects right option & handles selected attr -->
<select :value="selected">
  <option :each="i in 5" :value="i" :text="i"></option>

<!-- handles checked attr -->
<input type="checkbox" :value="item.done" />

:<prop>="value", :="values"

Set any attribute(s).

<label :for="name" :text="name" />

<!-- multiple attributes -->
<input :id:name="name" />

<!-- spread attributes -->
<input :="{ id: name, name, type: 'text', value }" />


Define values for a subtree.

<x :with="{ foo: 'bar' }">
  <y :with="{ baz: 'qux' }" :text="foo + baz"></y>


Expose element with name.

<textarea :ref="text" placeholder="Enter text..."></textarea>

<!-- iterable items -->
<li :each="item in items" :ref="li">
  <input :onfocus..onblur="e => (li.classList.add('editing'), e => li.classList.remove('editing'))"/>


Run effect, not changing any attribute.

<div :fx="a.value ? foo() : bar()" />

<!-- cleanup function -->
<div :fx="id = setInterval(tick, 1000), () => clearInterval(id)" />

:on<event>="handler", :on<in>..on<out>="handler"

Attach event(s) listener with optional modifiers.

<input type="checkbox" :onchange="e => isChecked =">

<!-- multiple events -->
<input :value="text" :oninput:onchange="e => text =">

<!-- sequence of events -->
<button :onfocus..onblur="e => ( handleFocus(), e => handleBlur())">

<!-- modifiers -->
<button :onclick.throttle-500="handler">Not too often</button>
  • .once, .passive, .capture – listener options.
  • .prevent, .stop (.immediate) – prevent default or stop (immediate) propagation.
  • .window, .document, .outside, .self – specify event target.
  • .throttle-<ms>, .debounce-<ms> – defer function call with one of the methods.
  • .<key> – filtered by event.key:
    • .ctrl, .shift, .alt, .meta, .enter, .esc, .tab, .space – direct key
    • .delete – delete or backspace
    • .arrow – up, right, down or left arrow
    • .digit – 0-9
    • .letter – A-Z, a-z or any unicode letter
    • .char – any non-space character
    • .ctrl-<key>, .alt-<key>, .meta-<key>, .shift-<key> – key combinations, eg. .ctrl-alt-delete or .meta-x.
  • .* – any other modifier has no effect, but allows binding multiple handlers to same event (like jQuery event classes).

:data="values" 🔌

Include as import 'sprae/directive/data'.

Set data-* attributes. CamelCase is converted to dash-case.

<input :data="{foo: 1, barBaz: true}" />
<!-- <input data-foo="1" data-bar-baz /> -->

:aria="values" 🔌

Include as import 'sprae/directive/aria'.

Set aria-* attributes. Boolean values are stringified.

<input role="combobox" :aria="{
  controls: 'joketypes',
  autocomplete: 'list',
  expanded: false,
  activeOption: 'item1',
  activedescendant: ''
}" />
<input role="combobox" aria-controls="joketypes" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-expanded="false" aria-active-option="item1" aria-activedescendant>

:html="element" 🔌 (experimental)

Include as import 'sprae/directive/html'.

Set html content of an element or instantiate a template.

Hello, <span :html="userElement">Guest</span>.

<!-- fragment -->
Hello, <template :html="">Guest</template>.

<!-- instantiate template -->
<template :ref="tpl"><span :text="foo"></span></template>
<div :html="tpl" :with="{foo:'bar'}">...inserted here...</div>


Sprae uses preact-flavored signals for reactivity and can take signal values as inputs.
Signals can be switched to any preact/compatible implementation:

import sprae from 'sprae';
import { signal, computed, effect, batch, untracked } from 'sprae/signal';
import * as signals from '@preact/signals-core';

// switch sprae signals to @preact/signals-core

// use signal as state value
const name = signal('Kitty')
sprae(el, { name });

// update state
name.value = 'Dolly';
Provider Size Feature
ulive 350b Minimal implementation, basic performance, good for small states.
@webreflection/signal 531b Class-based, better performance, good for small-medium states.
usignal 850b Class-based with optimizations, good for medium states.
@preact/signals-core 1.47kb Best performance, good for any states, industry standard.
signal-polyfill 2.5kb Proposal signals. Use via adapter.


Expressions use new Function as default evaluator, which is fast & compact way, but violates "unsafe-eval" CSP. To make eval stricter & safer, as well as sandbox expressions, an alternative evaluator can be used, eg. justin:

import sprae from 'sprae'
import justin from 'subscript/justin'

sprae.use({compile: justin}) // set up justin as default compiler

Justin is minimal JS subset that avoids "unsafe-eval" CSP and provides sandboxing.


++ -- ! - + ** * / % && || ??
= < <= > >= == != === !==
<< >> & ^ | ~ ?: . ?. [] ()=>{} in


[] {} "" ''
1 2.34 -5e6 0x7a
true false null undefined NaN

Custom Build

Sprae can be tailored to project needs via sprae/core:

// sprae.custom.js
import sprae, { directive } from 'sprae/core'
import { effect } from 'sprae/signal'
import * as signals from '@preact/signals'
import compile from 'subscript'

// standard directives
import 'sprae/directive/default.js'
import 'sprae/directive/if.js'
import 'sprae/directive/text.js'

// custom directive :id="expression" = (el, evaluate, state) => {
  effect(() => = evaluate(state))

// configure signals

// configure compiler
sprae.use({ compile })


  • To prevent FOUC add <style>[:each],[:if],[:else] {visibility: hidden}</style>.
  • Attributes order matters, eg. <li :each="el in els" :text=""></li> is not the same as <li :text="" :each="el in els"></li>.
  • Watch out for self-closing tags, it's tempting to use <a :text="item" /> but that's invalid html, it will create rendering errors.
  • Properties prefixed with _ are untracked: let state = sprae(el, {_x:2}); state._x++; // no effect.
  • To destroy state and detach sprae handlers, call element[Symbol.dispose]().
  • State getters/setters work as computed effects, eg. sprae(el, { x:1, get x2(){ return this.x * 2} }).
  • this is not used, to get access to current element use <input :ref="el" :text="el.value"/>.
  • event is not used, :on* attributes expect a function with event object as first argument :onevt="event => handle()", see #46.
  • key is not used, :each uses direct list mapping instead of dom diffing.
  • await is not supported in attributes, it’s a strong indicator you need to put these methods into state.


Modern frontend stack is unhealthy, like non-organic processed food. There are alternatives, but:

Sprae holds open & minimalistic philosophy:

  • Slim : API, signals for reactivity.
  • Pluggable directives & configurable internals.
  • Small, safe & performant.
  • Bits of organic sugar.
  • Aims at making developers happy 🫰

