PHP Indicators for command line interface (CLI)
To run this library you must have php 7.1 or greater.
This library can be found on packagist and installed using composer:
composer require ed9/php-indicators
Enable loading indicator for your CLI application. View the full example usage code at: example.
Initiate new loading instance by overwriting the total row count, the bar length and auto step increment straight from the constructor.
$loading = new \Edward\Indicator\Loading(100, 30, true);
Overwrite the bar length on demand
Overwrite the total row count on demand
Overwrite the necessity for steps to be incremented on every ping automatically. If set to false, the script will not increment when ping is called but will rely on you to update via setCurrent()
You can change the current step even if auto increment is enabled, it will follow your input.
Run ping on every row you are processing and it will output the string into your console if no argument is provided.
Alternatively you can provide a callable argument to process the output yourself.
- The variables you will receive in the argument:
- A formatted string that can be outputtedprocess.current
- Integer representing current
- Integer representing total row countpercentageCompleted
- Float represented completion percentageelapsed.value
- Time unit elapsed since initial pingelapsed.format
- Time format elapsed since initial ping (seconds,minutes,hours)eta.value
- Estimated time unit until completioneta.format
- Estimated time format until completion (seconds,minutes,hours)
$loading->ping(function ($info) use ($loading) {
print $info['string'];