Releases: eiffel-community/eiffel-intelligence
Releases · eiffel-community/eiffel-intelligence
What's Changed
- Uplifted necessary mongo dependencies in EIB for adaptation to MongoDB v6 by @nidhi-fr in #562
- Bump org.json:json from 20230227 to 20231013 by @dependabot in #559
- Added dependabot.yml for actions by @jainadc9 in #557
- Bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #564
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #565
- Secure the subscription passwords by @RajuBeemreddy1 in #543
- Release 3.2.8 Version by @Vinay-kalpaguri in #571
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.2.7...3.2.8
What's Changed
- Documention of how run eiffel-intelligence improved by @z-sztrom in #548
- Configured workflow with jdk17 environment by @jainadc9 in #554
- Bump json from 20180130 to 20230227 by @dependabot in #552
- code changes to support openJdk17 by @Vinay-kalpaguri in #553
- Release 3.2.7 version by @Vinay-kalpaguri in #555
- Configured jitpack with openjdk17 by @jainadc9 in #556
New Contributors
- @z-sztrom made their first contribution in #548
- @Vinay-kalpaguri made their first contribution in #553
Full Changelog: 3.2.6...3.2.7
What's Changed
- Bump spring-boot-starter-web from 2.5.5 to 2.5.12 by @dependabot in #530
- Bump commons-io from 2.6 to 2.7 by @dependabot in #499
- Bumps jackson-databind from 2.13.3 to 2.14.1 by @jainadc9 in #545
- committed changes for springboot uplift 2.7.5 by @Meeravali1986 in #547
New Contributors
- @Meeravali1986 made their first contribution in #547
Full Changelog: 3.2.5...3.2.6
Uplifted jackson databind dependency to 2.13.3
Uplifted jackson databind dependency from 2.12.5 to 2.13.3
EI Bugfixes for subscription triggering
What's Changed
- EI Frontend clogged when old subscriptions are not removed. by @Gangisetty-Alekhya in #517
- Duplicate key error fix by @dhruvin-kalavadia in #514
- EI Documentation update regarding API Token usage in Jenkins authentication for subscription by @dhruvin-kalavadia in #520
- Eib more subscription triggering at high load by @shubhamkumarguptaTCS in #523
- Excluded log4j-to-slf4j dependency by @jainadc9 in #518
- Uplifted the logback-classic version to 1.2.10 by @shubhamkumarguptaTCS in #522
- Update pom.xml by @jainadc9 in #524
New Contributors
- @dhruvin-kalavadia made their first contribution in #514
- @jainadc9 made their first contribution in #518
Full Changelog: 3.2.3...3.2.4
Provided fix for the mongoDb status check
Changed implementation in isMongoDBServerUP method to check status for mongoDB connection.
Fix for RabbitMQ queue bindings missing due to update in spring boot version
Bug Fixes
- Fix for RabbitMQ queue bindings missing due to update in spring boot version
- Some minor log changes from info to debug.
Lowered jasypt encryption in pom.xml
- Issue in seen after delivering the 3.2.0 version, in order to fix it we have lowered the jasypt dependency version to 2.1.2
Eiffel Intelligence 3.2.0
What's New?
- Introduced TTL for event object map collection.(Uses aggregation TTL defined in file, will move to a new configuration parameter soon)
- Added log statements to print response time of the MongoDB and ER queries.
- Change in Mongo client library, we have upgraded to mongodb-driver-sync v4.3.2.
- Implemented cache mechanism for subscription-repeat-handler.
- Reduced the duplicate calls on subscription checks.
- Fixed Null pointer exceptions thrown for ExtractionHandler.
- Fix for document lock, when two events try to lock the same aggregation object.(Introduced re-queue for the event failing to acquire a lock on the aggregation object).