This project is using opensearch to index content of the eLife API and provide a full-text search for Journal.
- Clone the project
git clone
- To bring up all services, run:
make dev
You should now be able to access the search API on http://localhost:8888/search
Common tasks include:
- To run a production rather than a development image:
make prod
- To empty the database and all state:
make clean
See the Makefile for further targets.
make import-entity
will enqueue all items from a local instance of the api-dummy.
An optional make variable ENTITY
can be passed in. Possible values for ENTITY
can be found in src/Search/Queue/Command/ImportCommand.php.
To monitor the queue count:
docker compose exec app bin/console queue:count
Reload http://localhost:8888/search to see items being served by the search API.
To run all PHPUnit tests, including slow ones:
make test
To run fast checks (e.g. linting) and fast tests:
make check
To replicate CI checks, including integration tests:
make all-checks
To access all documents in the local database under the index named elife_test
curl -v 'localhost:9200/elife_test/_search?pretty=true&q=*:*' | jq .