Name | Type | Description | Notes |
rule_id | int | The id of the corresponding rule | [readonly] |
message | {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)} | Message.yaml texts for alarm | |
status_code | int | The status code expecting when actually perform the operation. Some values are - 200: updated (ok) - 201: created - 204: deleted (no content) - 304: unchanged (not modified) - 400: problem (bad request) - 404: not found - 409: duplicated (conflict) - 422: unprocessable | [optional] |
asset_id | int, none_type | ID of the corresponding asset | [optional] [readonly] |
subtype | str, none_type | Type of asset data | [optional] [readonly] |
attribute | str, none_type | Name of the attribute of the asset type | [optional] [readonly] |
priority | int, none_type | The priority of the alarm. The lower this value the higher the priority. | [optional] |
requires_acknowledge | bool, none_type | Requires the alarm an acknowledgment | [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False |
value | float, none_type | The value which triggers the alarm | [optional] |
timestamp | datetime, none_type | Timestamp of the latest data change | [optional] |
gone_timestamp | datetime, none_type | Timestamp of the latest data change | [optional] [readonly] |
acknowledge_timestamp | datetime, none_type | Timestamp of the latest data change | [optional] [readonly] |
occurrences | int, none_type | How often this alarm is triggered | [optional] [readonly] |
acknowledge_text | str, none_type | Text of acknowledgement | [optional] [readonly] |
acknowledge_user_id | str, none_type | User who acknowledged the alarm | [optional] [readonly] |
asset_info | Asset | [optional] | |
rule_info | AlarmRule | [optional] | |
any string name | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |