The Eliona REST API enables unified access to the resources and data of an Eliona environment.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.8.1
- Package version: 2.8.2
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python >=3.6
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import eliona.api_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import eliona.api_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import eliona.api_client
from pprint import pprint
from eliona.api_client.api import agents_api
from eliona.api_client.model.agent import Agent
from eliona.api_client.model.agent_device import AgentDevice
from eliona.api_client.model.agent_device_mapping import AgentDeviceMapping
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = eliona.api_client.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): BearerAuth
configuration = eliona.api_client.Configuration(
access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with eliona.api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = agents_api.AgentsApi(api_client)
agent_id = 4711 # int | The id of the agent
agent_class = "iosys" # str | The class of an agent
# Information about an agent
api_response = api_instance.get_agent_by_class_and_id(agent_id, agent_class)
except eliona.api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AgentsApi->get_agent_by_class_and_id: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AgentsApi | get_agent_by_class_and_id | GET /agents/{agent-class}/{agent-id} | Information about an agent |
AgentsApi | get_agent_device_by_id | GET /agent-devices/{agent-class}/{agent-device-id} | Information about agent device |
AgentsApi | get_agent_device_mapping_by_id | GET /agent-device-mappings/{agent-class}/{agent-device-mapping-id} | Information about agent device mapping |
AgentsApi | get_agent_device_mappings_by_device_id | GET /agent-devices/{agent-class}/{agent-device-id}/mappings | Information about agent device mappings |
AgentsApi | get_agent_devices_by_agent_id | GET /agents/{agent-class}/{agent-id}/devices | Information about agent devices |
AgentsApi | get_agents | GET /agents | Information about agents |
AgentsApi | get_agents_by_class | GET /agents/{agent-class} | Information about agents for a specific class |
AgentsApi | post_agent_by_class | POST /agents/{agent-class} | Create an agent |
AgentsApi | post_agent_device_by_agent_id | POST /agents/{agent-class}/{agent-id}/devices | Create an agent device |
AgentsApi | post_agent_device_mapping_by_device_id | POST /agent-devices/{agent-class}/{agent-device-id}/mappings | Create an agent device mapping |
AgentsApi | put_agent_by_class | PUT /agents/{agent-class} | Create or update an agent |
AgentsApi | put_agent_by_class_and_id | PUT /agents/{agent-class}/{agent-id} | Update an agent |
AgentsApi | put_agent_device_by_agent_id | PUT /agents/{agent-class}/{agent-id}/devices | Create or update an agent device |
AgentsApi | put_agent_device_by_id | PUT /agent-devices/{agent-class}/{agent-device-id} | Update an agent device |
AgentsApi | put_agent_device_mapping_by_device_id | PUT /agent-devices/{agent-class}/{agent-device-id}/mappings | Create or update an agent device mapping |
AgentsApi | put_agent_device_mapping_by_id | PUT /agent-device-mappings/{agent-class}/{agent-device-mapping-id} | Update an agent device mapping |
AggregationsApi | delete_aggregation_by_id | DELETE /aggregations/{aggregation-id} | Delete an aggregation |
AggregationsApi | get_aggregation_by_id | GET /aggregations/{aggregation-id} | Information about an aggregation |
AggregationsApi | get_aggregations | GET /aggregations | Information about aggregations |
AggregationsApi | post_aggregation | POST /aggregations | Creates an aggregation |
AggregationsApi | put_aggregation | PUT /aggregations | Creates or updates an aggregation |
AggregationsApi | put_aggregation_by_id | PUT /aggregations/{aggregation-id} | Updates an aggregation |
AlarmRulesApi | delete_alarm_rule_by_id | DELETE /alarm-rules/{alarm-rule-id} | Delete an alarm rule |
AlarmRulesApi | get_alarm_rule_by_id | GET /alarm-rules/{alarm-rule-id} | Information about an alarm rule |
AlarmRulesApi | get_alarm_rules | GET /alarm-rules | Information about alarm rules |
AlarmRulesApi | post_alarm_rule | POST /alarm-rules | Create an alarm rule |
AlarmRulesApi | put_alarm_rule | PUT /alarm-rules | Create or update an alarm rule |
AlarmRulesApi | put_alarm_rule_by_id | PUT /alarm-rules/{alarm-rule-id} | Update an alarm rule |
AlarmsApi | delete_alarm_by_id | DELETE /alarms/{alarm-rule-id} | Removes an alarm |
AlarmsApi | get_alarm_by_id | GET /alarms/{alarm-rule-id} | Information about alarm |
AlarmsApi | get_alarm_history_by_id | GET /alarms-history/{alarm-rule-id} | Information about alarm history |
AlarmsApi | get_alarms | GET /alarms | Information about alarms |
AlarmsApi | get_alarms_history | GET /alarms-history | Information about alarms history |
AlarmsApi | get_highest_alarms | GET /alarms-highest | Information about most prioritized alarms |
AlarmsApi | listen_alarm | GET /alarm-listener | WebSocket connection for alarm changes |
AlarmsApi | patch_alarm_by_id | PATCH /alarms/{alarm-rule-id} | Update alarm |
AlarmsApi | put_alarm | PUT /alarms | Create or update an alarm |
AppsApi | get_app_by_name | GET /apps/{app-name} | Information about an app |
AppsApi | get_patch_by_name | GET /apps/{app-name}/patches/{patch-name} | Information about a patch for an app |
AppsApi | patch_app_by_name | PATCH /apps/{app-name} | Update an app |
AppsApi | patch_patch_by_name | PATCH /apps/{app-name}/patches/{patch-name} | Updates a patch |
AssetTypesApi | delete_asset_type_by_name | DELETE /asset-types/{asset-type-name} | Delete an asset type |
AssetTypesApi | get_asset_type_by_name | GET /asset-types/{asset-type-name} | Information about an asset type |
AssetTypesApi | get_asset_types | GET /asset-types | List of asset types |
AssetTypesApi | post_asset_type | POST /asset-types | Create an asset type |
AssetTypesApi | post_asset_type_attribute | POST /asset-types/{asset-type-name}/attributes | Create asset type attribute |
AssetTypesApi | put_asset_type | PUT /asset-types | Create or update an asset type |
AssetTypesApi | put_asset_type_attribute | PUT /asset-types/{asset-type-name}/attributes | Create or update an asset type attribute |
AssetTypesApi | put_asset_type_by_name | PUT /asset-types/{asset-type-name} | Update an asset type |
AssetsApi | delete_asset_by_id | DELETE /assets/{asset-id} | Delete an asset |
AssetsApi | delete_bulk_assets | DELETE /assets-bulk | Delete a list of assets |
AssetsApi | dry_run_delete_bulk_assets | DELETE /assets-bulk/dry-run | Dry-run for deleting a list of assets |
AssetsApi | dry_run_post_bulk_assets | POST /assets-bulk/dry-run | Dry-run for creating a list of assets |
AssetsApi | dry_run_put_bulk_assets | PUT /assets-bulk/dry-run | Dry-run for creating or updating a list of assets |
AssetsApi | get_asset_by_id | GET /assets/{asset-id} | Information about an asset |
AssetsApi | get_assets | GET /assets | Information about assets |
AssetsApi | get_attribute_display | GET /attribute-display | How attributes are displayed |
AssetsApi | listen_asset | GET /asset-listener | WebSocket connection for asset changes |
AssetsApi | post_asset | POST /assets | Create an asset |
AssetsApi | post_bulk_assets | POST /assets-bulk | Create a list of assets |
AssetsApi | put_asset | PUT /assets | Create or update an asset |
AssetsApi | put_asset_by_id | PUT /assets/{asset-id} | Update an asset |
AssetsApi | put_attribute_display | PUT /attribute-display | Create or update how attributes are displayed |
AssetsApi | put_bulk_assets | PUT /assets-bulk | Create or update a list of assets |
CalculationRulesApi | delete_calculation_rule_by_id | DELETE /calculation-rules/{calculation-rule-id} | Delete a calculation rule |
CalculationRulesApi | get_calculation_rule_by_id | GET /calculation-rules/{calculation-rule-id} | Information about a calculation rules rule |
CalculationRulesApi | get_calculation_rules | GET /calculation-rules | Information about calculation rules |
CalculationRulesApi | put_calculation_rule | PUT /calculation-rules | Creates or updates a calculation rule |
CalculationRulesApi | put_calculation_rule_by_id | PUT /calculation-rules/{calculation-rule-id} | Update a calculation rule |
CommunicationApi | get_message_receipt_by_id | GET /message-receipts/{message-id} | Information about a message |
CommunicationApi | post_mail | POST /send-mail | Send e-mail |
CommunicationApi | post_notification | POST /send-notification | Send notification |
DashboardsApi | get_dashboard_by_id | GET /dashboards/{dashboard-id} | Information about a dashboard |
DashboardsApi | get_dashboards | GET /dashboards | Information about dashboards |
DashboardsApi | post_dashboard | POST /dashboards | Creates a new dashboard |
DataApi | get_data | GET /data | Gets all data |
DataApi | get_data_aggregated | GET /data-aggregated | Get aggregated data |
DataApi | get_data_trend_aggregated_by_id | GET /data-trend-aggregated/{asset-id} | Get aggregated trend of historical data |
DataApi | get_data_trend_by_id | GET /data-trend/{asset-id} | Get trend of historical data |
DataApi | get_data_trends | GET /data-trends | Get trend of historical data |
DataApi | listen_data | GET /data-listener | WebSocket connection for asset data changes |
DataApi | put_bulk_data | PUT /data-bulk | Create or update multiple asset data |
DataApi | put_data | PUT /data | Create or update asset data |
NodesApi | get_node_by_ident | GET /nodes/{node-ident} | Information about a node |
NodesApi | get_nodes | GET /nodes | Information about nodes |
NodesApi | post_node | POST /nodes | Create a node |
NodesApi | put_node | PUT /nodes | Create or update a node |
NodesApi | put_node_by_ident | PUT /nodes/{node-ident} | Update a node |
ProjectsApi | get_project_by_id | GET /projects/{project-id} | Information about a project |
ProjectsApi | get_projects | GET /projects | Information about projects |
ProjectsApi | put_project | PUT /projects | Create or update a project |
QRCodesApi | get_qr_code_by_asset_id | GET /qr-codes/assets/{asset-id} | QR code for assets |
TagsApi | get_tag_by_name | GET /tags/{tag-name} | Information about a tag |
TagsApi | get_tags | GET /tags | Information about tags |
TagsApi | put_tag | PUT /tags | Create or update a tag |
UsersApi | get_user_by_id | GET /users/{user-id} | Information about an user |
UsersApi | get_users | GET /users | Information about users |
UsersApi | put_user | PUT /users | Create or update an user |
VersionApi | get_open_api | GET /version/openapi.json | OpenAPI specification for this API version |
VersionApi | get_version | GET /version | Version of the API |
WidgetsApi | get_dashboard_widgets | GET /dashboards/{dashboard-id}/widgets | Information about widgets on dashboard |
WidgetsApi | post_dashboard_widget | POST /dashboards/{dashboard-id}/widgets | Adds widget to dashboard |
WidgetsTypesApi | delete_widget_type_by_name | DELETE /widget-types/{widget-type-name} | Delete a widget type |
WidgetsTypesApi | get_widget_type_by_name | GET /widget-types/{widget-type-name} | Information about a widget type |
WidgetsTypesApi | get_widget_types | GET /widget-types | List of widget types |
WidgetsTypesApi | post_widget_type | POST /widget-types | Create a widget type |
WidgetsTypesApi | put_widget_type | PUT /widget-types | Create or update a widget type |
WidgetsTypesApi | put_widget_type_by_name | PUT /widget-types/{widget-type-name} | Update a widget type |
- Agent
- AgentClass
- AgentDevice
- AgentDeviceGeneral
- AgentDeviceMapping
- AgentDeviceMappingGeneral
- Aggregation
- Alarm
- AlarmListen
- AlarmListenAllOf
- AlarmPriority
- AlarmRule
- App
- Asset
- AssetDryRun
- AssetDryRun1
- AssetIdentifyBy
- AssetListen
- AssetListenAllOf
- AssetType
- AssetTypeAttribute
- Attachment
- AttributeDisplay
- CalculationRule
- Dashboard
- Data
- DataAggregated
- DataListen
- DataListenAllOf
- DataSubtype
- DataTrendAggregated
- DryRunGeneral
- IosysAgentDevice
- IosysAgentDevice1
- IosysAgentDeviceMapping
- IosysAgentDeviceMapping1
- MbusAgentDevice
- MbusAgentDevice1
- MbusAgentDeviceMapping
- MbusAgentDeviceMapping1
- Message
- MessageReceipt
- Node
- Notification
- Patch
- Project
- Tag
- Translation
- User
- Widget
- WidgetData
- WidgetType
- WidgetTypeElement
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in eliona.api_client.apis and eliona.api_client.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from eliona.api_client.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import eliona.api_client
from eliona.api_client.apis import *
from eliona.api_client.models import *