- ulisp-web - uLisp for WebAssembly
- zxel - Interactive terminal shell for JavaScript runtimes with syntax highlight and zx utilities
- brushlib-wasm - Brush engine based on WebAssembly port of MyPaint
- neko - Neko is a cross-platform open-source animated cursor-chasing cat screenmate application
- microcity - Miniature city simulation evolved from Micropolis
- mooz - Modules for web audio and music
- tetris - Rotate tetrominoes as they fall and complete rows to clear them
- visual-programming-environments - Examples of visual programming environments
- gitmoji-overview - Overview of Gitmoji Markdown
- estreval - Evaluate JavaScript abstract syntax tree in ESTree format
- expreva - Expreva is a language based on arithmetic and algebra expressions
- php-beautify - Lint and format source files in Node.js using PHP Code Sniffer and WordPress Code Standards running on PHP WebAssembly
- tstree - Parse TypeScript code into ESTree-compatible abstract syntax tree
- waxolotl - A small language that compiles to WebAssembly Text format
- zig-playground - Zig compiler and language server in the browser
- base64-compressor - Compress and encode data as URL-safe base64 string
- png-compressor - Compress and encode data as PNG image
- zip-compressor - Encode and decode zip files with CompressionStream
- immerst - Modular immutable state management
- tangible-roller - Build project assets using Rollup and ESBuild
- template-system - A template system for WordPress with content type loops and conditions
- testra - Minimal test runner
- Explorable Explanations
- Ink & Switch
- WordPress Playground - Run WordPress in the browser via WebAssembly PHP
- uLisp - Lisp for Microcontrollers
- unified - Interface for parsing, inspecting, transforming, and serializing content through syntax trees
- Vexflow - TypeScript library for rendering music notation
- VexML - MusicXML score layout and rendering using Vexflow