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Gallery application with landing page and audio/text intro.


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Gallery application with landing page and audio/text intro.

Made for the XR Finland chapter gallery to celebrate brave rebels fighting against climate change.


This application can be deployed either by running it as a Node application or via Docker. We recommend using the Docker way.

Memories runs in two modes: purely frontend or frontend + backend. Running with the backend allows for security splitting into several subgalleries via access codes. The purely frontend version just has one image list without any access controls.

In the following instructions, choose "frontend only" or "frontend + backend", where applicable.

Choose your images

Choose your images and place them in a folder called originals. Create it if necessary.

Init configuration file

  • Frontend only:

    cp config.example_with_frontend_only.js config.js to initialize the configuration file.

  • Frontend + backend:

    cp backend_config.example.js backend_conf.js to initialize the backend config.

    cp config.example_with_backend.js config.js to initialize the frontend config.

The config files are pretty self-explanatory. Some of them control behaviour:

  • Removing or setting texts.introTextLinkClickHere to false will immediately render the intro text.
  • Removing or setting to false will hide the help text section.

Configure image list

Get a list of your images to be placed in your preferred order into the config files.

Hint: ls -1 originals/ | xargs -I img echo '"img",' for an easily copypasteable list.

  • Frontend only: put the images into the pictures array in config.js.

  • Frontend + backend: split the images into one or more galleries under codes in the backend_conf.js file. The key of the property in codes is the access key to the gallery. Put the relevant images for each gallery (code) in the array under the code, as in the example config file.

Optimize and copy images

Install imagemagick if you don't have it and in the project root folder execute the following:

node prepare_pictures.js

This will resize the images and drop their quality a bit for web usage. When you want to refresh your images, just repeat this step.

If you have configured backend mode, the images will be copied to code specific subfolders.

Image captions

Memories supports the following captions per image:

  • caption
  • long caption

These are optional. If you want to set them, have a look at the examples in the config file and add as needed. If you don't want captions, ignore this step.

  • Frontend only: the captions are in config.js under pictureProperties.

  • Frontend + backend: the captions are in backend_conf.js under properties.


The top-left logo comes from public/logo.png. Copy your PNG format file there.


If you want to override some styling, put it in public/custom.css. Don't forget to add some !important to the styles where necessary to ensure they override the Vue generated component styles.


There is an audio file that starts playing when the user enters the gallery. Copy your audio file to public/audio.mp3.


The site favicon should be added to public/favicon.png. It should be exactly 32x32 in size.


The frontend config.js file contains a list of texts that will be shown either in the landing page intro or during the gallery viewing. Go through them and edit as needed.


Phew, that wasn't so bad. Now you can either run the gallery locally or build a docker image(s).

Running locally

npm install
  • Frontend only:

    npm run serve
  • Frontend + backend, open two terminals, in one:

    npm run serve

    The other:

    node src/backend/app.js

Docker image

  • Frontend only:

    docker build -f docker/frontend/Dockerfile -t memories-frontend:latest .
    docker save -o memories-frontend memories-frontend:latest
  • Backend + frontend:

    docker build -f docker/frontend/Dockerfile -t memories-frontend:latest .
    docker save -o memories-frontend memories-frontend:latest
    docker build -f docker/backend/Dockerfile -t memories-backend:latest .
    docker save -o memories-backend memories-backend:latest

Now you have a shiny new Memories docker image(s) with your own pictures and configuration. Note! These images contain the config files, so if you're deploying a secret code protected gallery, don't upload the backend image to a public registry!

Copy to your server and import the images:

  • Frontend only:

    docker load < memories-frontend
  • Frontend + backend:

    docker load < memories-frontend
    docker load < memories-backend

Then run them, pointing traffic to the following ports:

  • Frontend: 80
  • Backend: 3000

How to run Docker images or how to set up a load balancer is out of scope of this readme.


Install dependencies

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads frontend for development

npm run serve

Run backend

NODE_ENV=development node src/backend/app.js

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


Application code licensed under MIT license.

Additionally, includes the following fonts with their own license, files found in src/assets:


Jason Robinson / @jaywink /

& the XR Finland media team.

Made with love and rage.