Powered by https//workwithme.app/ and shields.io.
- Building a privacy-respecting, user-focused URL Shortener: interweb.wtf
- Working at the edge of my abilities at the Recurse Center
- Training a Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) tokenizer on Portable Game Notation (PGN): pgn-tokenizer
- Building a chess tutoring app for beginners
Recent statuses that I've had prior to this.
Mostly pretending I'm a Game Developer.
But also building a comprehensive Prompt Injection Benchmark for evaluating prompt injection detection solutions.
- comparing some traditional approaches and AI-powered approaches to tasks like sentiment analysis and emotional affect detection
- creating an imagination-powered music recommendation service
- building a Prompt Engineering research tool
- contributing to Open Interpreter
- trying to standardize model metadata with the AI Engineer Foundation
Previously working on better dice rolls in JavaScript and building tools for D&D.
P.S. - Also still building some tools for D&D while playing around with AI, like an AI-powered DM assistant.
I've always wanted to hack into the system and say:
I'm in.
- 2025-02-18: WTF Links are coming
- 2023-10-12: Hey there, Gygax AI
- 2023-08-21: BeatBrain is coming
- 2022-02-07: Hello, Work w/ Me
- 2020-03-01: RIP @RSS bot