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Designing a Lakehouse for extensive data frequency of SoalrX with Spark and Iceberg as big data tools.

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SolarX Lakehouse is a big data platform designed to handle and analyze energy consumption, solar energy production, and battery energy storage. The project follows a modern lakehouse architecture, integrating **Apache Spark, Iceberg, Kafka, Docker, and Kubernetes to enable scalable, real-time monitoring and batch processing.

Data Source & Ingestion

The data powering SolarX Lakehouse comes from the Solar-X Kafka logged data repository (Solar-X), where real-time energy data is streamed from IoT devices monitoring solar panels, battery storage, and household energy consumption. Apache Kafka acts as the data pipeline, streaming structured JSON logs into the Lakehouse storage.

Key Features

  1. Streaming & Batch Data Processing:
    • Apache Kafka enables real-time monitoring from Solar-X IoT devices.
    • Spark Structured Streaming processes live data efficiently.
    • Supports batch ETL processing for historical analysis.
  2. Scalable Storage & Data Modeling:
    • Uses Apache Iceberg to store raw and transformed data.
    • Implements a structured Data Warehouse layer for optimized analytics.
    • Supports time-travel queries, schema evolution, and transactional consistency.
  3. Big Data Computation with Apache Spark:
    • Enables large-scale distributed data processing.
    • Performs advanced analytics and aggregations on energy data.
  4. Lakehouse Architecture for Analytics:
    • Combines the benefits of data lakes (scalability, raw storage) and data warehouses (structured querying, ACID transactions).
    • Multi-layered storage model:
      • Raw Kafka logs → Stored as-is for historical reference.
      • Processed wh structured data → Cleaned and Optimized for analytics & BI tools.
  5. Containerization & Orchestration (Docker + Kubernetes):
    • Docker and Kubernetes containerizes all components (Spark, Kafka, Iceberg) for easy deployment and orchestrating scalable workloads.
  6. Workflow Orchestration (Apache Airflow)
    • Data Ingestion: Airflow manages the orchestration of data ingestion from Apache Kafka in batches, coordinating the flow of streaming data into the lakehouse storage.
    • ETL Processes: It schedules and manages ETL tasks, leveraging Apache Spark for data transformation and ensuring that processed data is accurately stored in Apache Iceberg tables.

Tech Stack

  • Processing: Apache Spark
  • Storage: Minio object storage and Apache Iceberg
  • Streaming: Apache Kafka
  • Workflow Orchestration: Apache Airflow
  • Containerization & Orchestration: Docker and Kubernetes
  • Query Engine: SQL-based querying on Iceberg tables
  • Data Warehouse Modeling: Dimensional & Facts schema for structured analytics

This system (SolarX-Monitoring-App and SolarX-Lakehouse) provides a fully scalable and reliable solution for managing solar energy data, supporting real-time monitoring, analytics, and predictive insights for optimized energy usage.

Some Background on the Data Sources (Derived)

In this part we derive the home power usage and solar panels power generation without using the data generated by SolarX Kafka Logs, ofx we will use kafka logged data later on.

Weather Data

We start by splitting the EGY_QH_Helwan data collected back in 2013, the data is sampled each one hour and is nicely formatted in a csv file after running the script which makes a csv file for each day in the weather_history_splitted directory


A sample of the 2013-01-01.csv data

The average size of this data is 23 KB with about 1400 rows, but to truly leverage spark capabilities I resampled this data down to go from frequency by hour to 5 ms, which increased the same day csv file size to around 730 MB with around 16,536001 rows.

The resampling happens with the script which takes the above csv file an argument, resample it and write it down to lakehouse/spark/weather_history_splitted_resampled directory.

python3 weather_history_splitted/2013-01-01.csv

A sample of the resampled 2013-01-01.csv data

Home Data

We could've grabed some home power usage data from the internet, but to make it more customized and variable, the home power usage is calculated based on the data provided in a json file home_appliances_consumption.json, in it we add the different devices we have in our home and their corresponding hourly power rating and the time of use.

		"consumption": [300,1500],
		"time": "00:00-24:00"
	"Electric Oven":
		"consumption": [2000,5000],
		"time": "16:00-16:30,21:00-21:30"
	"Electric Kettle":
		"consumption": [1500,1500],
		"time": "07:00-07:15,12:00-12:15,16:30-17:00,21:30-22:00"
	"Air Conditioner":
		"consumption": [500,3000],
		"time": "00:00-24:00"

Above is a sample of to get an idea, consumption have a minimum and maximum value a device can draw, and in time we specify ranges each separated with a ,.

The data is also resampled to 5ms like the weather data for the same reason and it's size this time is around 1.4GB

The process happens using the script which takes the same above weather csv file an argument and write the home usage down to lakehouse/spark/home_power_usage_history directory, the weather csv file purpose is just to extract the corresponding date.

python3 weather_history_splitted/2013-01-03.csv

A sample of the resampled 2013-01-01.csv data and files sizes

Some Background on the Data Sources (Kafka Logs)

A real time data is being streamed with kafka each one second, weather data, home power usage data, solar panel data and batteries data. We will batch each day worth of data and use it as the source data.

Inside kafka container run the following, it will save the data from kafka topics into log files that we can later use. --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic battery_data --from-beginning >> kafka_log_battery_data_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).log & --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic home_energy_consumption --from-beginning >> kafka_log_home_energy_consumption_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).log & --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic solar_energy_data --from-beginning >> kafka_log_solar_energy_data_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).log &

Then in your host so that the data is available to spark.

docker cp kafka:/kafka_log_battery_data_2025-02-13.log ~/Documents/projects/SolarX-Lakehouse/lakehouse/spark/solarx_kafka_log_data/

docker cp kafka:/kafka_log_home_energy_consumption_2025-02-13.log ~/Documents/projects/SolarX-Lakehouse/lakehouse/spark/solarx_kafka_log_data/

docker cp kafka:/kafka_log_solar_energy_data_2025-02-13.log ~/Documents/projects/SolarX-Lakehouse/lakehouse/spark/solarx_kafka_log_data/

An example of battery log data:

{"time_stamp": "2025-02-14 02:08:59", "batteries": {"battery_1": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 9860, "is_charging": 0, "status": "ideal", "max_output_w": 3.33}, "battery_2": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 8600, "is_charging": 0, "status": "ideal", "max_output_w": 3.33}, "battery_3": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 9993.67, "is_charging": 0, "status": "discharging", "max_output_w": 3.33}}

{"time_stamp": "2025-02-14 02:09:00", "batteries": {"battery_1": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 9860, "is_charging": 0, "status": "ideal", "max_output_w": 3.33}, "battery_2": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 8600, "is_charging": 0, "status": "ideal", "max_output_w": 3.33}, "battery_3": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 9992.87, "is_charging": 0, "status": "discharging", "max_output_w": 3.33}}

{"time_stamp": "2025-02-14 02:09:01", "batteries": {"battery_1": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 9860, "is_charging": 0, "status": "ideal", "max_output_w": 3.33}, "battery_2": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 8600, "is_charging": 0, "status": "ideal", "max_output_w": 3.33}, "battery_3": {"capacity_kwh": 12, "max_charge_speed_w": 1, "current_energy_wh": 9992.13, "is_charging": 0, "status": "discharging", "max_output_w": 3.33}}

Cluster Configuration Setup

Docker Setup

In the docker compose file, there are 4 workers and one master, spark-worker-1 to spark-worker-4. We can specify the default memory and cores in the environment variables below.

The setup is 4 workers each with 1G of memory and 2 cores, and example of the worker service is below.

	image: tabulario/spark-iceberg
	container_name: spark-worker-1
	build: spark/

		- ./
		- iceberg_net
		- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=admin		
		- AWS_REGION=us-east-1
		- SPARK_MODE=worker
		- SPARK_MASTER_URL=spark://spark-master:7077
		- spark-master

To Start the Cluster:

An important note: make sure your machine have these extra resources for the workers, if not then remove some of the workers or allocate fewer cpu and memory for them

First we run the docker compose file which will start the spark master, workers and iceberg

docker compose up

There is one other step we need to do, connect the workers with the master, we do that using the bash script.

docker exec -it spark-worker-service-name /bin/bash -c "chmod +x /opt/spark/ && /opt/spark/"

Navigate to the url in which the spark master is running, make a note of the spark master internal url spark://9611ff031a11:7077, we will need it in the session creation step below. We can see that all worker is now recognized by the master.

Note that we could've just run the script as a command in docker compose file, but some reason it doesn't work.

Kubernetes Setup

If setting up the environment locally, make sure you have minikube installed, then specify how much resources you will give it and SolarX-Lakehouse-TEMP directory will have

SolarX-Lakehouse-TEMP$ ls
lakehouse  notebooks  spark_etls

or you can just copy them with minikube cp or scp

minikube start --vm-driver=kvm2 --cpus=6 --memory=8192 --mount --mount-string=/home/dyab/Documents/projects/SolarX-Lakehouse-TEMP:/tmp/solarx/

Using host installed docker images

If we care about using already downloaded docker images in host machine

  • With small size images
minikube image load minio/mc
minikube image load minio/minio
minikube image load apache/iceberg-rest-fixture
  • With big size images
docker save -o spark-iceberg.tar tabulario/spark-iceberg
minikube cp ./spark-iceberg.tar /tmp/solarx/spark-iceberg.tar
minikube ssh
docker load -i /tmp/solarx/spark-iceberg.tar

Then we create a namespace lakehouse for our cluster

kubectl create namespace lakehouse
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=lakehouse
kubectl apply -f k8s-configMaps.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s-secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s.yaml
SolarX-Lakehouse$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mc-deployment-59d667df79-9kpqs             1/1     Running   0          24s
minio-deployment-754449f485-k65n8          1/1     Running   0          24s
rest-deployment-6b4f5566fb-jtt5b           1/1     Running   0          24s
spark-master-deployment-6fcd6d868d-4777s   1/1     Running   0          24s
spark-worker-deployment-54cf5f9898-jq285   1/1     Running   0          24s
spark-worker-deployment-54cf5f9898-p752q   1/1     Running   0          24s

A lock into configMaps and secrets

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
	name: spark-config
	AWS_REGION: us-east-1
	SPARK_MASTER_URL: spark://spark-master-service:7077
	CATALOG_WAREHOUSE: s3://warehouse/
	CATALOG_S3_ENDPOINT: http://minio:9000
	REST_API_URL: http://rest:8181
	MINIO_ENDPOINT: http://minio:9000
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
	name: spark-secret
type: Opaque

Where AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD are encoded as password, of course in a production setting the secrets should not be pushed whatsoever.

  • We can specify the number of replicas for spark-worker-deployment in the k8s.yaml, it's set to be 2 by default.

  • Connect workers to master, make sure to change spark-master to spark-master-service in the bash script for this setup with k8s.

kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- /bin/bash -c "chmod +x /opt/spark/ && /opt/spark/"

Derive Solar Panel Readings with Spark

Here we start working on the 730 MB and 16,536001 records of data of first day, we start by setting up the cluster, the choice was 3 workers with 6 executors each with 1 core and 512M for memory.

spark = (
    .appName("Solar Power")
    .config("spark.executor.cores", 1)
    .config("spark.cores.max", 6)
    .config("spark.executor.memory", "512M")

After creating the spark session, here with app name Solar Power, you can navigate to this session related app jobs and stages details on to better understand how the job is working and optimize it.

Then we load the csv file and partition with a derived column hour, this partitioning will ensure data spreading without skewing and will help down the line in processing, also it will prevent memory spill.

_schema = "timestamp timestamp, solar_intensity float, temp float"

weather_df ="csv").schema(_schema).option("header", True)\
                   .withColumn("hour", F.hour(F.col("timestamp")))

Then we do the calculations to drive the solar panel power for each reading, we assume an approximate linear model in the calculations, a good enough approximation since it's not really the point here, then we save the data as csv, we will use parquet format down the line.

Here is the explain plan, only one necessary exchange (shuffling) at the begging.

And here are the files saved partitioned by hour of the day with some sizes of them, it's on the order of 20M to 40M each.

Optimization in this step

As you can see there is a spill both in memory and disk, which is very expensive, the job took about 25 seconds, to solve this problem we have a number of options:

  • Increase the number of executors and their memory (we can't here I've limited resources in my laptop)
  • increase the number of partitions

I went with option 2, I increased the number of partitions from 23 to 92, 92 being the number of every 15 minutes time interval of the day.

_schema = "timestamp timestamp, solar_intensity float, temp float"

weather_df ="csv").schema(_schema).option("header", True)\
                   .withColumn("15_min_interval", F.floor((F.hour(F.col("timestamp"))*60 + F.minute(F.col("timestamp")) - 60) / 15))
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 92)
weather_partitioned_df = weather_df.repartition(92, F.col('15_min_interval'))
solar_panel_readings_df.write.format("csv").option("header", True).mode("overwrite").partitionBy("15_min_interval") \

And now there is no spill in memory and disk, as a result the job went from taking 25 seconds to just 14 seconds, and the size per partition is also decreased down to the range from 5MB to 10MB.

Now to have a structured lakehouse with tables format and to have some management and governance on the data, we will need a tool to help orchestrate and facilitate that, if continue saving the data like we did above it will quickly become a mess without versioning and also it will be a hustle to update data (overwriting).

So going forward will use iceberg for that, iceberg also have a nice api that we can use to query the data saved on disk in csv or parquet format as if it was a table with normal sql, so it will feel homey for the analytical team.

Lakehouse Raw Records

Solar Tables

You can find the code in the notebooks/raw_solar_panel_iceberg_tables.ipynb which will be a .py file later with the others to run the pipeline with Airflow.

We start with those two tables solar_panel and solar_panel_readings


CREATE TABLE SolarX_Raw_Transactions.solar_panel(
    id INT,
    name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    capacity_kwh FLOAT NOT NULL,
    intensity_power_rating FLOAT NOT NULL,
    temperature_power_rating FLOAT NOT NULL
USING iceberg

CREATE TABLE SolarX_Raw_Transactions.solar_panel_readings(
    timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    15_minutes_interval INT NOT NULL,
    panel_id INT NOT NULL,
    generation_power_wh FLOAT NOT NULL
USING iceberg
PARTITIONED BY (DAY(timestamp), panel_id, 15_minutes_interval);

We are partitioning the raw readings on the day, solar panel id and the 15_minutes_interval, the power is calculated same as before, the only difference is that now we have 3 solar panels and instead of saving the data into csvs, we are saving them with iceberg, and iceberg under the hod saves them in parquet format.

We are partitioning the raw readings on both the day, that would be a lot of partitions you might say in the long run, we would only keep the last 7 days of raw data in our lakehouse, because after this one week period we generally won't be interested in the high frequency data and also to minimize space cost.

Instead we will save the past data in the 15_minutes_interval frequency in another table in the warehouse, and this table is what will be used in the analytics.

We can see here on using the minio service in the docker compose, log in with username and password specified in the docker compose file, after creating the two tables in the jupyter notebook, All raw data will live inside Raw Transactions and later we will make a new dir/table for the warehouse low frequency aggregated data for analytics.

Inside each directory exists two dirs, data and metadata, the data files will be organized using the partitioning we provided, fore example here after inserting the first solar panel data

panel_id = 1
solar_panel_readings_df1 = calc_solar_readings(panel_id, weather_partitioned_df)
INSERT INTO SolarX_Raw_Transactions.solar_panel_readings (timestamp, 15_minutes_interval, panel_id, generation_power_wh)
SELECT timestamp                  as timestamp,
       15_min_interval            as 15_minutes_interval,
       1                          as panel_id,
       current_generation_watt    as generation_power_wh
FROM temp_view_1

And after inserting the other two solar panels data

Same structure will apply if we were using a cloud storage based service like amazon S3 for example, also these data can also be inspected form the container minio

Also and interesting observation, the csv files of one solar panel data of one day was around 600MB in size, now the 3 solar panels data combined is only around 171.6MB in size, this nice reduction in size comes from the fact that iceberg saves the data in parquet format and this format uses run length encoding which can reduce the size of the data if the low cardinality data are grouped together, and that is the case in our data, the average sun hours is something like 11 hours a day, and the rest is just zero, so the solar power generated is zero in the rest, and we're partitioning in way that also groups those zeros together to achieve this reduction in size.

Home Power Usage Tables

You can find the code in the notebooks/raw_home_power_load_iceberg_tables.ipynb which will be a .py file later with the others to run the pipeline with Airflow.

Only one table is used here which has the power usage related data


CREATE TABLE SolarX_Raw_Transactions.home_power_readings(
    timestamp               TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    15_minutes_interval     SMALLINT  NOT NULL,
    min_consumption_wh      FLOAT     NOT NULL,
    max_consumption_wh      FLOAT     NOT NULL
USING iceberg
PARTITIONED BY (DAY(timestamp), 15_minutes_interval);

We are partitioning the raw readings on both the day and the 15_minutes_interval, that would be a lot of partitions you might say in the long run, we would only keep the last 7 days of raw data in our lakehouse, because after this one week period we generally won't be interested in the high frequency data and also to minimize space cost.

Instead we will save the past data in the 15_minutes_interval frequency in another table in the warehouse, and this table is what will be used in the analytics.

Also the 3 days worth of data size combined is only 350MB compared to one day of data in the source making 1.4GB.

Some quick analysis


    DAY(timestamp) as day, 
    SUM(min_consumption_wh)/1000 as min_consumption_kwh, 
    SUM(max_consumption_wh)/1000 as max_consumption_kwh
FROM SolarX_Raw_Transactions.home_power_readings

|2|33.01199622871832 |121.20579759246623|

Battery Tables

You can find the code for battery and also the above two (solar and home) from solarx kafka logged data in the notebooks/raw_kafka_log_data_iceberg.ipynb which will be a .py file later with the others to run the pipeline with Airflow.

solar and home raw schema for kafka logged data is the same as above, we only add here the raw battery_readings table.


CREATE TABLE SolarX_Raw_Transactions.battery_readings(
    timestamp               TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    15_minutes_interval     INT NOT NULL,
    battery_name            VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    capacity_kwh            FLOAT NOT NULL,
    max_charge_speed_w      FLOAT NOT NULL,
    current_energy_wh       FLOAT NOT NULL,
    is_charging             FLOAT NOT NULL,
    status                  VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    max_output_w            FLOAT NOT NULL
USING iceberg
PARTITIONED BY (DAY(timestamp), battery_name, 15_minutes_interval);


In this part we will aggregate the raw data into a low frequency data which are suitable for long term storage and would be easier to analyse and is more governed.

We start by creating a new name-space/database in iceberg catalog for the warehouse tables, separate from the previous SolarX_Raw_Transactions of the raw data.




You can find the code in the notebooks/wh_facts_dimensions_iceberg_tables.ipynb which will be a .py file later with the others to run the pipeline with Airflow.

Home Appliances Dimension


CREATE TABLE SolarX_WH.dim_home_appliances(
    home_appliance_key                  SMALLINT    NOT NULL,
    home_key                            SMALLINT    NOT NULL, -- REFERENCES dim_home(home_key)
    appliance                           VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,    
    min_consumption_power_wh            FLOAT       NOT NULL,
    max_consumption_power_wh            FLOAT       NOT NULL,
    usage_time                          VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
USING iceberg;

Home Dimension


CREATE TABLE SolarX_WH.dim_home(
    home_key                             SMALLINT    NOT NULL,
    home_id                              SMALLINT    NOT NULL,
    min_consumption_power_wh             FLOAT       NOT NULL,
    max_consumption_power_wh             FLOAT       NOT NULL,

    -- scd type2 for min_consumption_power_wh
    start_date                           TIMESTAMP   NOT NULL,
    end_date                             TIMESTAMP,

    current_flag                         BOOLEAN NOT NULL
USING iceberg;

We model the consumption_power as a slowly changing dimensions of type 2 to be able to historically track the home load changes.

Home Fact


CREATE TABLE SolarX_WH.fact_home_power_readings(
    home_power_reading_key          TIMESTAMP     NOT NULL,
    home_key                        SMALLINT      NOT NULL,   -- REFERENCES dim_home(home_key)
    date_key                        TIMESTAMP     NOT NULL,   -- REFERENCES dim_date(date_key)

    min_consumption_power_wh        FLOAT         NOT NULL,
    max_consumption_power_wh        FLOAT         NOT NULL 

USING iceberg

It's worth noting here that the home_power_reading_key will be a combination of the date and the 15_minutes_interval from the source raw data to uniquely identify the readings.

Solar Panel Dimension


CREATE TABLE SolarX_WH.dim_solar_panel(
    solar_panel_key                             INT         NOT NULL,
    solar_panel_id                              SMALLINT    NOT NULL,
    name                                        VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,    
    capacity_kwh                                FLOAT       NOT NULL,
    intensity_power_rating_wh                   FLOAT       NOT NULL,
    temperature_power_rating_c                  FLOAT       NOT NULL,

    -- scd type2
    start_date                                  TIMESTAMP   NOT NULL,
    end_date                                    TIMESTAMP,

    current_flag                                BOOLEAN
USING iceberg;

We model the capacity_kwh, intensity_power_rating_wh and temperature_power_rating_c as slowly changing dimensions of type 2 to be able to historically track the solar panels changes.

Solar Panel Fact


CREATE TABLE SolarX_WH.fact_solar_panel_power_readings(
    solar_panel_key                 SMALLINT      NOT NULL,   -- REFERENCES dim_solar_panel(solar_panel_key)
    date_key                        TIMESTAMP     NOT NULL,   -- REFERENCES dim_date(date_key)
    solar_panel_id                  INT           NOT NULL,
    generation_power_wh             FLOAT         NOT NULL 

USING iceberg
PARTITIONED BY (MONTH(date_key), solar_panel_id)

Battery Dimension


CREATE TABLE SolarX_WH.dim_battery(
    battery_key                             INT         NOT NULL,
    battery_id                              SMALLINT    NOT NULL,
    name                                    VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,    
    capacity_kwh                            FLOAT       NOT NULL,
    max_charge_speed_w                      FLOAT       NOT NULL,
    max_output_w                            FLOAT       NOT NULL,

    -- scd type2
    start_date                              TIMESTAMP   NOT NULL,
    end_date                                TIMESTAMP,

    current_flag                            BOOLEAN
USING iceberg;

We model the capacity_kwh, max_charge_speed_w and max_output_w as slowly changing dimensions of type 2 to be able to historically track the solar panels changes.

Battery Fact


CREATE TABLE SolarX_WH.fact_battery_power_readings(
    battery_key                     SMALLINT      NOT NULL,   -- REFERENCES dim_batteryl(solar_panel_key)
    date_key                        TIMESTAMP     NOT NULL,   -- REFERENCES dim_date(date_key)
    battery_id                      SMALLINT      NOT NULL,
    current_energy_wh               FLOAT         NOT NULL,
    is_charging                     SMALLINT      NOT NULL,
    status                          VARCHAR(15)   NOT NULL 

USING iceberg
PARTITIONED BY (MONTH(date_key), battery_id)

Date Dimension


CREATE TABLE SolarX_WH.dim_date
    date_key            TIMESTAMP  NOT NULL,
    year                SMALLINT   NOT NULL,
    quarter             SMALLINT   NOT NULL,
    month               SMALLINT   NOT NULL,
    week                SMALLINT   NOT NULL,
    day                 SMALLINT   NOT NULL,
    hour                SMALLINT   NOT NULL,
    minute              SMALLINT   NOT NULL,
    is_weekend          BOOLEAN    NOT NULL

USING iceberg
PARTITIONED BY (month, minute)

SolarX_WH namespace/database tables

Warehouse ETL

In this section we extract transform and load the lakehouse raw data into the warehouse lower granularity dimensions and tables.

Home Appliances Dimension

We use the home_appliances_consumption.json file as the source data here and load it into the dim_home_appliances, first we process the json data with pandas, make a temporary view of the dataframe then invoke the following


MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.dim_home_appliances dim_app
    (SELECT    home_appliance_key        as home_appliance_key, 
               home_key                  as home_key,
               name                      as appliance,
               min_consumption_rating    as min_consumption_power_wh,
               max_consumption_rating    as max_consumption_power_wh,
               usage_time                as usage_time
    FROM temp_view_2) tmp
ON dim_app.home_appliance_key = tmp.home_appliance_key

    dim_app.min_consumption_power_wh != tmp.min_consumption_power_wh OR
    dim_app.max_consumption_power_wh != tmp.max_consumption_power_wh
    dim_app.min_consumption_power_wh = tmp.min_consumption_power_wh,
    dim_app.max_consumption_power_wh = tmp.max_consumption_power_wh


Which make only insert new data and update the existing if matching, we didn't use scd2 here, we will use it with the home dimension.

A snapshot of the table content

Home Dimension

We use the dim_home_appliances as the source data here and load it into the dim_home after calculation the the total power per hour for the home usage, the etl is splited into two main sequential process.


MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.dim_home dim_home
        SUM(min_consumption_power_wh) AS min_consumption_power_wh,
        SUM(max_consumption_power_wh) AS max_consumption_power_wh 
    FROM SolarX_WH.dim_home_appliances
    GROUP BY home_key
) dim_app
ON dim_home.home_id = dim_app.home_key AND dim_home.current_flag = TRUE

    dim_home.max_consumption_power_wh != dim_app.max_consumption_power_wh OR
    dim_home.min_consumption_power_wh != dim_app.min_consumption_power_wh
    dim_home.end_date = NOW(),
    dim_home.current_flag = FALSE;

MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.dim_home dim_home
        SUM(min_consumption_power_wh) AS min_consumption_power_wh,
        SUM(max_consumption_power_wh) AS max_consumption_power_wh 
    FROM SolarX_WH.dim_home_appliances
    GROUP BY home_key
) dim_app
ON dim_home.home_id = dim_app.home_key AND dim_home.current_flag = TRUE

    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SolarX_WH.dim_home) + 1,

And here is a test run for the scd2 when changing the source data dim_home_appliances- two times in the background and running the etl again.

Also iceberg natively tracks the changes creating a snapshot with each INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE operation we do, so it kinda do the scd internally.


CALL demo.system.create_changelog_view(
    table => 'SolarX_WH.dim_home',
    changelog_view => 'dim_home_clv',
    identifier_columns => array('home_id')

And we can go back and time travel to any snapshot even if delete the record.

Home Power Readings Fact

We use the high rate raw SolarX_Raw_Transactions.home_power_readings as the source data here and load it into the fact_home_power_readings after extracting the relevant data from the source, like decrease the granularity from ms to batches of 15 minutes and extracting the the date and keys.

We also take the dim_home from earlier as a source too for the home_key.

The ETL process consists of two main parts, First extract the desired data from the raw source with the below query


     TIMESTAMP(FLOOR(UNIX_MICROS(timestamp) / (15 * 60 * 1000000)) * (15 * 60)) AS home_power_reading_key,
    DATE(timestamp) AS date,
    SUM(min_consumption_wh) AS min_consumption_power_wh,
    SUM(max_consumption_wh) AS max_consumption_power_wh
    DAY(timestamp) = 1
    15_minutes_interval, home_power_reading_key, DATE(timestamp)

A look of how this looks like We used the timestamp of 15 minutes chunks as a surrogate key, it's also not strait forward to get the normal incremental key in a parallel computing setup like here, and the timestamp is guaranteed to be unique.

Then we use the previous query as window function with merge operation to only insert new data


WITH staging_table AS (
            YEAR(timestamp), '-', 
            LPAD(MONTH(timestamp), 2, '0'), '-', 
            LPAD(DAY(timestamp), 2, '0'), ' ',
            LPAD(HOUR(timestamp), 2, '0'), ':',
            LPAD(FLOOR(MINUTE(timestamp) / 15) * 15, 2, '0'), ':00'
        ) AS TIMESTAMP) AS home_power_reading_key,
        DATE(timestamp) AS date,
        SUM(min_consumption_wh) AS min_consumption_power_wh,
        SUM(max_consumption_wh) AS max_consumption_power_wh
        DAY(timestamp) = 1
        15_minutes_interval, home_power_reading_key, DATE(timestamp)

MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.fact_home_power_readings AS target
USING staging_table AS source
ON target.home_power_reading_key = source.home_power_reading_key
    INSERT (home_power_reading_key, 
    VALUES (source.home_power_reading_key,
            (SELECT home_key FROM SolarX_WH.dim_home WHERE dim_home.current_flag = TRUE), 

And here is the final outcome of this fact table

The above inserted day 1 data, now we try inserting day 2 by only changing DAY(timestamp) = 1 to DAY(timestamp) = 2, also we updated the dim_home table to test the home_key change.

Solar Panel Dimension

We use the SolarX_Raw_Transactions.solar_panel as the source data here and load it into the dim_solar_panel.


MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.dim_solar_panel dim_solar_panel
USING SolarX_Raw_Transactions.solar_panel solar_panel_raw
ON dim_solar_panel.solar_panel_id = AND dim_solar_panel.current_flag = TRUE

    dim_solar_panel.capacity_kwh != solar_panel_raw.capacity_kwh OR
    dim_solar_panel.intensity_power_rating_wh != solar_panel_raw.intensity_power_rating OR
    dim_solar_panel.temperature_power_rating_c != solar_panel_raw.temperature_power_rating
    dim_solar_panel.end_date   = NOW(),
    dim_solar_panel.current_flag = FALSE;

MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.dim_solar_panel dim_solar_panel
USING SolarX_Raw_Transactions.solar_panel solar_panel_raw
ON dim_solar_panel.solar_panel_id = AND dim_solar_panel.current_flag = TRUE

    CAST(CONCAT(, date_format(NOW(), 'yyyyMMdd')) AS INT),,,

And here is a test run for the scd2 when changing the source data two times in the background and running the etl again.

The solar_panel_key is a composite of both the solar_panel_id and the timestamp to uniquely identify the record, first digit is the solar_panel_id and the rest is the timestamp

Solar Panel Power Reading Fact

We use the high rate raw SolarX_Raw_Transactions.solar_panel_readings as the source data here and load it into the fact_solar_panel_power_readings after extracting the relevant data from the source.

This ETL is a bit different than the others because it involves a join step between the dim_solar_panel and the staging table of the raw data to get the solar_panel_key from the dimension of the corresponding inserted panel power reading.

And in this merge broadcast join is used to broadcast the smaller table (dimension table) to the other staging table partitions to avoid shuffling latency, and to do saw I had to get both the staging table and the dimension table into two pyspark df and the join with pyspark, because the broadcast join can't be leverage in inline normal sql with iceberg.

Here is the two queries with pyspark

from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast

staging_df = spark.sql(staging_query)
dimension_df = spark.sql(dim_solar_panel_current_query)

# Broadcast the smaller dimension table for the join
joined_df = staging_df.join(
    (staging_df.panel_id == dimension_df.solar_panel_id),


Then we insert the new records only to the fact table with iceberg

MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.fact_solar_panel_power_readings AS target
USING staging_temp_view AS source
ON target.solar_panel_id = source.panel_id AND target.date_key = source.truncated_timestamp
    INSERT (solar_panel_key, 
    VALUES (source.solar_panel_key, 

There is no column as a surrogate key here in this fact table, both the date_key and solar_panel_id serve as a composite unique identifier for each record and made sure that this is the case in the MERG INTO section here.

ON target.solar_panel_id = source.panel_id AND target.date_key = source.truncated_timestamp

Battery Dimension

We use the SolarX_Raw_Transactions.battery_readings as the source data here and load it into the dim_battery.

A CTE battery_info is used to get the last updated values for batteries 1 to 3.

  • Update part in scd2
WITH battery_info AS (
        CAST(SPLIT_PART(battery_name, '_', 2) AS INT) as battery_id,
        TIMESTAMP(FLOOR(UNIX_MICROS(timestamp) / (15 * 60 * 1000000)) * (15 * 60)) AS timestamp_15min,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY TIMESTAMP(FLOOR(UNIX_MICROS(timestamp) / (15 * 60 * 1000000)) * (15 * 60)), battery_name  ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS row_num
    FROM SolarX_Raw_Transactions.battery_readings battery
    ORDER BY timestamp desc
    LIMIT 3    
battery_info AS (
		SELECT * FROM battery_readings_15m
		WHERE row_num = 1
		ORDER BY timestamp_15min DESC

MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.dim_battery dim_battery
USING battery_info battery_raw
ON dim_battery.battery_id = battery_raw.battery_id AND dim_battery.current_flag = TRUE

    dim_battery.capacity_kwh != battery_raw.capacity_kwh OR
    dim_battery.max_charge_speed_w != battery_raw.max_charge_speed_w OR
    dim_battery.max_output_w != battery_raw.max_output_w
    dim_battery.end_date   = NOW(),
    dim_battery.current_flag = FALSE;
  • Insert part in scd2
WITH battery_info AS (
        CAST(SPLIT_PART(battery_name, '_', 2) AS INT) as battery_id,
        TIMESTAMP(FLOOR(UNIX_MICROS(timestamp) / (15 * 60 * 1000000)) * (15 * 60)) AS timestamp_15min,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY TIMESTAMP(FLOOR(UNIX_MICROS(timestamp) / (15 * 60 * 1000000)) * (15 * 60)), battery_name  ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS row_num
    FROM SolarX_Raw_Transactions.battery_readings battery
    ORDER BY timestamp desc
    LIMIT 3    
battery_info AS (
		SELECT * FROM battery_readings_15m
		WHERE row_num = 1
		ORDER BY timestamp_15min DESC

MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.dim_battery dim_battery
USING battery_info battery_raw
ON dim_battery.battery_id = battery_raw.battery_id AND dim_battery.current_flag = TRUE

    CAST(CONCAT(battery_raw.battery_id, date_format(timestamp, 'yyyyMMdd')) AS INT),

Battery Reading Fact

We use the high rate raw SolarX_Raw_Transactions.battery_readings as the source data here and load it into the fact_battery_power_readings after extracting the relevant data from the source.

Like solar this ETL is a bit different than the others because it involves a join step between the dim_battery and the staging table of the raw data to get the battery_key from the dimension of the corresponding inserted battery power reading.

And in this merge broadcast join is used to broadcast the smaller table (dimension table) to the other staging table partitions to avoid shuffling latency, and to do saw I had to get both the staging table and the dimension table into two pyspark df and the join with pyspark, because the broadcast join can't be leverage in inline normal sql with iceberg.

  • The idea of the etl in inline normal sql with iceberg
  • With spark broadcast join (full code in notebooks/wh_etl.ipynb or
from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast

staging_df = spark.sql(staging_query)
dimension_df = spark.sql(dim_battery_current_query)

# Broadcast the smaller dimension table for the join
joined_df = staging_df.join(
    (staging_df.battery_id == dimension_df.dim_battery_id),

MERGE INTO SolarX_WH.fact_battery_power_readings AS target
USING staging_temp_view AS source
ON target.battery_id = source.battery_id AND target.date_key = source.timestamp_15min
    INSERT (battery_key, 
    VALUES (source.battery_key, 

Submitting ETL Python Scripts to Spark Cluster

With Docker

While jupyter notebooks are great for development, testing and visualization but they are not sutiple for production environment, that's why in this section we will script everything in normal .py files.

Enter the spark master container

docker exec -it spark-master bash

Inside the /opt/spark directory run the following with desired parameters

For Raw Data

  • Create raw schema
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/
For home
  • Run raw home power readings etl, it takes an extra 2 parameters:
    1. source_data_type which is
      • solarx-kafka: implies taking the data source from batched relevant kafka topic data from SolarX project.
      • internal: implies taking the data source from the derived weather dataset.
    2. date the date of batched file to perform the etl on
      • for solarx-kafka the data is batched kafka topics logged files are located in lakehouse/spark/solarx_kafka_log_data directory.
      • for internal derived data csv files are located in lakehouse/spark/home_power_usage_history/ directory.
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/ solarx-kafka 2025-02-14
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/ internal 2013-01-01
For solar panel
  • Run raw solar panel etl
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/
  • Run raw solar panel power readings etl, it takes two extra parameters, same as before with home power readings
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/ solarx-kafka 2025-02-14
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/ internal 2013-01-01
For battery
  • Run raw battery power readings etl, it takes two extra parameters, same as before with home power readings
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/ solarx-kafka 2025-02-14

For Warehouse Data

  • Create warehouse schema
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/
For home
  • Wh dim home appliances power etl
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/
  • Wh dim home power etl
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/
  • Wh fact home power readings etl, it takes an extra parameter, date of data we which to insert, this is only to filter data in spark so that we don't load all the data, the pipeline is idempotent, if we run it twice, we won't load twice the data, only the new data will be loaded.
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/ 2025-02-14
For solar panel
  • Wh dim solar panel power etl
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/
  • Wh fact solar panel power readings etl, it takes an extra parameter, same as before.
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/ 2025-02-14
For battery
  • Wh dim battery power etl
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/
  • Wh fact battery power readings etl, it takes an extra parameter, same as before.
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 --num-executors 6 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/ 2025-02-14

Submitting ETL Python Scripts to Spark Cluster With Airflow

Inside the airflow directory there is a docker-compose file and Dockerfile to setup the airflow environment with docker and we are using the same spark network.

We use a lightweight airflow setup here, the docker related files are manly inspired from this repo airflow_lite

After starting the environment

docker compose up

Airflow will be accessible from localhost:8000 with default username and password airflow.

Airflow will run the spark scripts using ssh, so we need to enable it in the spark master with following command.

docker exec -it spark-master /bin/bash -c "echo 'PermitRootLogin yes' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config && echo 'root:password' | chpasswd && service ssh restart"
  • Two main dags scripts in the airflow/dags directory:
    1. for raw data etls
    2. for warehouse data etls
  • Two Variable and one Connection needs to be set in Airflow:
    1. source_data_type variable
    2. date variable variable
    3. spark_master_ssh connection
  • A Dataset is used in the two airflow dags python scripts to trigger the warehouse dag after the raw dag finishes execution.

The two main dags workflow:

  1. etl_raw_kafka_workflow
check_schema_exists >> check_raw_schema_exists_output
check_raw_schema_exists_output >> [skip_create_raw_schema, create_raw_schema] >> merge_task
merge_task >> raw_home_power_readings_etl >> raw_solar_panel_power_etl >> raw_solar_panel_power_readings_etl
raw_solar_panel_power_readings_etl >> raw_battery_power_readings_etl

  1. etl_wh_kafka_workflow
check_schema_exists >> check_wh_schema_exists_output
check_wh_schema_exists_output >> [skip_create_wh_schema, create_wh_schema] >> merge_task
merge_task >> wh_dim_home_appliances_power_etl >> wh_dim_home_power_etl >> wh_fact_home_power_readings_etl
wh_fact_home_power_readings_etl >> wh_dim_solar_panel_power_etl >> wh_fact_solar_panel_power_readings_etl
wh_fact_solar_panel_power_readings_etl >> wh_dim_battery_power_etl >> wh_fact_battery_power_readings_etl

With Kubernetes

  • Enter the master container
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- bash

We need to add a couple more configuration settings here duo to the fact that the spark master and workers containers are not in the same pod, they are in different pods and in k8s we need explicitly specify and open ports for communication.

--conf spark.driver.bindAddress=
--conf spark.driver.port=5000 
--conf spark.broadcast.port=5001 
--conf spark.replClassServer.port=5002 
--conf spark.blockManager.port=5003

so that workers can resolve the master service name correctly instead of accessing the container name, which won't work here in k8s setup.

We can use the above Docker commands here with adding those couple more configuration, I will give an example with the raw schema

  • Create raw schema
./bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master-service:7077 --conf --conf spark.driver.bindAddress= --conf spark.driver.port=5000 --conf spark.broadcast.port=5001 --conf spark.replClassServer.port=5002 --conf spark.blockManager.port=5003 --num-executors 4 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 512M /home/iceberg/etl_scripts/


Designing a Lakehouse for extensive data frequency of SoalrX with Spark and Iceberg as big data tools.







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