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🔮🧹 ESLint plugin for my projects with my preferred code style and bugfixes


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ESLint Plugin Evelyn icon

ESLint Plugin Evelyn

ESLint plugin for my projects with my preferred code style

npm version check status license: MIT


These are my boilerplate ESLint flat configs.

My code style is very opinionated, so I only use this package on my projects. However, others are welcome to use, copy, or fork this project.


Save this project to your dev dependencies.

npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-evelyn

If you are using an --legacy-peer-deps, you will have to install peer dependencies manually. See the peerDependencies in package.json for recommended dependency version ranges.


Include as many configs as you'd like to use in your config. Extend them in the order that they should be applied, in order of importance, lowest to highest.

Configs Applied to All Files


import eslintPluginEvelyn from "eslint-plugin-evelyn";

export default [

Configs applied to a specific path

tseslint.config offers support for extends, which is similar can be used with files similarly to ESLint legacy config's overrides.


import eslintPluginEvelyn from "eslint-plugin-evelyn";
import tseslint from "typescript-eslint";

export default tseslint.config(
		files: [
		extends: [

ESM TypeScript Next.js React App Example


import eslintPluginEvelyn from "eslint-plugin-evelyn";
import tseslint from "typescript-eslint";

export default tseslint.config(
  // Optionally add global ignore file patterns
		ignores: [

package.json (snippet)

Make sure to remove any references to old ESLint plugins or configs and replace the lint script with eslint.

  "name": "my-app",
  "type": "module",
  "...": "...",
  "scripts": {
    "...": "...",
    "lint": "eslint"

tsconfig.json (snippet)

Strict TypeScript config is recommended for type safety. Consider allowImportingTsExtensions or rewriteRelativeImportExtensions for ESM.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "allowImportingTsExtensions": true,
    "...": "..."
  "...": "..."


npm run lint


  • Make sure you're using the local version of eslint using npm run or npx eslint
  • Use the --debug ESLint CLI flag for determining things like the modules that get loaded
  • Use the --print-config ESLint CLI flag for a minimal computed config


Semantic Versioning Policy

This plugin follows semantic versioning a-la-ESLint.

  • Patch release (not intended to break your lint build)
    • A bug fix in a rule that results in ESLint reporting fewer or the same amount of errors
    • Improvements to documentation
    • Non-user-facing changes such as refactoring code
    • Re-releasing after a failed release
  • Minor release (might break your lint build)
    • A new config or rule is added
    • A new non-default option is added to an existing rule
    • A bug fix in a rule that results in ESLint reporting more errors
    • An existing rule, config, or part of the public API is deprecated, but still runs/works
    • New capabilities to the public API are added
    • A config is updated in a way that results in ESLint fewer or the same amount of errors
      • The hypothetical removal of semi would be a good example as not enforcing it could create the potential to break your code
  • Major release (likely to break your lint build)
    • A config or rule is removed
    • A config is updated in a way that results in ESLint reporting more errors
    • A newer version of ESLint, a plugin, or Node.js may be required
      • Any changes to the low end of any of the peerDependencies or the engines
    • A rule's default behavior is changed
    • Part of the public API is removed or changed in an incompatible way


Copyright Evelyn Hathaway, MIT License