EnderDragonTweaks v1.3.0
- Bumped config version to v3 due to significant changes and additions
- You will have to generate a new config and copy over your old values!
- Added a configurable Dragon respawn cooldown (#19)
- Added Dragon bossbar customisation (#8)
- You can change the name, colour, and style
- Added Dragon Egg respawn chance config option (#17)
- Added Dragon Egg respawn announcement message config option
- Allows players to know when an Egg has spawned
- Added bStats
- This is anonymous collection of interesting information regarding your use of the plugin, which you can opt out of in its config
- bStats is trusted and used by huge plugins like WorldEdit
- Improved performance when finding players in the End
- Made the defeat announcement the first thing to happen out of all the features of the plugin
- Refactored underlying config system
- Made minor code improvements
- Reduced plugin .jar file size (~750KB -> ~50KB)