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Releases: excalith/excalith-start-page


23 Feb 12:01
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This version adds PWA service and Gruvbox theme variants. A big thanks for the PR's! Here is the list of all changes:

What's Changed

  • #89 Added PWA service worker
  • #84 Added Gruvbox Material theme variants
  • #87 Updated device recognition for fetch command.
  • #76 Improved url search encoding
  • #65 Added custom title option

Full Changelog: v3.1.4...v3.1.5


12 Nov 07:14
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Just a quick fix without any new features

What's Changed

  • Fixed blurry text rendering on some platforms #83 by @jannispl

Full Changelog: v3.1.3...v3.1.4


24 Mar 11:39
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This is another minor release that fixes and improves URL Launch Target functionality


  • Now urls you launch with mouse click reads the target from settings


  • Filtered links should read target from settings properly if launching a single filtered link

Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.1.3


19 Jan 15:11
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A hotfix for searching through different engines. Previously, search engine links was not encoding the arguments, resulting in some symbols missing from search on search engines. This hotfix should handle them properly.

What's Changed


10 Jan 17:20
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This very minor version includes a not-so-serious hotfix that will only effect Docker users. With v3.1.0, Docker should only use volumes for reading and writing settings. Somehow I missed the case while using config edit was also writing into local storage. Docker was reading from volume anyway, but still an unnecessary operation.


  • Docker builds writes to local storage when config reset used.

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.1.1

Volume Chuckle

09 Jan 15:38
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  • Support for Docker volumes and mounts! If you prefer using Docker, your configurations will now persist through your devices since it does not use browser’s local storage anymore. Web builds will still continue to use browser’s local storage. For more information, please check out Docker section of wiki pages.
  • Favicon now updates using the fetch image (favicons only support svg, png and gif).
  • Added theme name to the theme scheme for better differencing the theme variations.
  • Fetch now displays active theme name.


  • Theme listing and reading are done through API calls, no need to have a list for all themes anymore.
  • Terminal blur now automatically actives if terminal opacity is 0, using blur value.
  • Changed theme colors and names to match terminal colors, eases the pain to add non-existing themes from other sources.
  • Favicon handling improved.

Configuration Changes

Removed js file completely to read all settings from json file instead.

Configuration file had an update as well. You can have a look at the full configuration file from configuration wiki. Here are the changes to configuration file:


You may need to update your configuration with these changes if you want to update to the latest version.


  • Removed glowColor, violet and orange colors
  • Added textColor


  • Added windowGlowColor (moved from theme glowColor)


  • Added theme name display to

URL Launch

  • Removed defaultColor

For this version I also updated the whole wiki with a better structured sidebar and more informative descriptions.

Huge thanks to @g4xx for the suggestion of using volumes and mounts on Docker!

Arms of Hadar

02 Jan 12:25
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Wallpaper from gnome-backgrounds repository

With this build, we now have support for arm64 docker images beside amd64.

The release name comes from a D&D spell. Probably I am playing Baldur's Gate 3 a lot lately, or it really did some necrotic damage to me while struggling with docker build actions to make this release. So, this is more than a silly pun I guess...

Here you can find what the spell is all about from BG3 Wiki

Arms of Hadar is a level 1 Conjuration spell. This spell allows the caster to summon dark tendrils and deal Damage Types Necrotic damage to enemies in an area centered on the caster, preventing them from taking Reactions.

Anyways, here is the change log:


  • Docker arm64 image automatically builds along with amd64 with each release


  • The online preview look configuration to better suit new features

Special thanks to @g4xx for the arm64 request at Discussion #52

Aetherial Navigator

25 Dec 11:52
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A cool release name with some beautiful changes!


Wallpaper from


  • Terminal window blur and opacity support
  • Searching without auto-complete withCTRL+ENTER (Thanks to @NitroSniper! #49)

Breaking Changes


Now we can define opacity of the terminal window or add blur effect for the background. In order to do this I have added 2 more configurations.


Please edit startpage.config.js accordingly if you are building from source. If you prefer using config edit, add opacity and blur variables to your JSON. Please have a look at Wiki Pages for more information.

terminal: {
   fixedHeight: true,  // Locks window height to list view (other views such as help won't change the height)
-   glowEnabled: true  // Enables or disables the glow
+   glowEnabled: true  // Enables or disables the glow
+   opacity: 1,         // Changes terminal window opacity (Between 0 and 1)
+   blur: 0             // Sets terminal background blur to given px value (Works best with wallpaper and overrides both terminal opacity  and terminal background color)

Everforest Truncation

05 Dec 11:49
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After a long time, here is a small release with a new theme and a fix.


  • Everforest Dark Theme (#43)


  • https truncation issue while opening links

Special thanks to @marco-debortoli, @lenntil and @redxtech!


26 Apr 12:41
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This minor update contains the Verdant Theme shared through a reddit post


  • Verdant Theme