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minesweeper-exercise: Added new exercise. (#130)
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SimaDovakin authored Jul 26, 2024
1 parent a27178a commit 68cf9f7
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Showing 10 changed files with 348 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions config.json
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Expand Up @@ -414,6 +414,14 @@
"practices": [],
"prerequisites": [],
"difficulty": 1
"slug": "minesweeper",
"name": "Minesweeper",
"uuid": "58338fa3-b558-4de7-af05-04d5c9289000",
"practices": [],
"prerequisites": [],
"difficulty": 7
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/minesweeper/.docs/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Instructions

Your task is to add the mine counts to empty squares in a completed Minesweeper board.
The board itself is a rectangle composed of squares that are either empty (`' '`) or a mine (`'*'`).

For each empty square, count the number of mines adjacent to it (horizontally, vertically, diagonally).
If the empty square has no adjacent mines, leave it empty.
Otherwise replace it with the adjacent mines count.

For example, you may receive a 5 x 4 board like this (empty spaces are represented here with the '·' character for display on screen):


Which your code should transform into this:

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/minesweeper/.docs/
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Introduction

[Minesweeper][wikipedia] is a popular game where the user has to find the mines using numeric hints that indicate how many mines are directly adjacent (horizontally, vertically, diagonally) to a square.

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/minesweeper/.meta/config.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"authors": [
"files": {
"solution": [
"test": [
"example": [
"blurb": "Add the numbers to a minesweeper board."
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
minesweeper.annotate : [Text] -> [Text]
minesweeper.annotate board =
boardHeight = size board |> toInt
boardWidth = List.head board |> Optional.getOrElse "" |> Text.size |> toInt
neighbours =
|> findBoardMines
|> map (coordinates -> getNeighbours coordinates boardWidth boardHeight)
|> join
coordinatesMap = createCoordinatesMap neighbours
annotateBoard board coordinatesMap

minesweeper.directions : [(Int, Int)]
minesweeper.directions =
use base.Int range
range -1 +2
|> map (n -> zip (fill 3 n) (range -1 +2))
|> join
|> filter (p -> (at1 p, at2 p) !== (+0, +0))

minesweeper.natToDigit : Nat -> Char
minesweeper.natToDigit = cases
n | (n >= 0) && (n <= 9) -> Char.fromNat (48 + n) |> Optional.getOrElse ?\s
_ -> ?\s

minesweeper.getNeighbours : (Int, Int) -> Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
minesweeper.getNeighbours coordinates width height =
addCoordinates coords1 coords2 =
use Int +
(r1, c1) = coords1
(r2, c2) = coords2
(r1 + r2, c1 + c2)
isOnBoard w h coords =
(r, c) = coords
(r >= +0) && (r < h) && (c >= +0) && (c < w)
|> map (addCoordinates coordinates)
|> filter (isOnBoard width height)

minesweeper.createCoordinatesMap : [(Int, Int)] -> Map (Int, Int) Nat
minesweeper.createCoordinatesMap coordinates =
incrementFrequency = cases
Some old -> Some (old + 1)
_ -> Some 1
|> List.foldLeft (acc coord -> Map.alter incrementFrequency coord acc) Map.empty

minesweeper.findRowMines : Int -> Text -> [(Int, Int)]
minesweeper.findRowMines rowNumber row =
use base.Int range
isMine = at2 >> (==) ?*
|> toCharList
|> zip (range +0 (size row |> toInt))
|> filter isMine
|> map (p -> (rowNumber, at1 p))

minesweeper.findBoardMines : [Text] -> [(Int, Int)]
minesweeper.findBoardMines board =
use base.Int range
|> zip (range +0 (size board |> toInt))
|> map (uncurry findRowMines)
|> join

minesweeper.annotateRow : Int -> Text -> Map (Int, Int) Nat -> Text
minesweeper.annotateRow rowNumber row coordinatesMap =
use base.Int range
populateTile indexedTile =
(colNumber, value) = indexedTile
match value with
?* -> value
_ -> match Map.get (rowNumber, colNumber) coordinatesMap with
Some val -> natToDigit val
None -> value
|> toCharList
|> zip (range +0 (size row |> toInt))
|> map populateTile
|> fromCharList

minesweeper.annotateBoard : [Text] -> Map (Int, Int) Nat -> [Text]
minesweeper.annotateBoard board coordinatesMap =
use base.Int range
|> zip (range +0 (size board |> toInt))
|> map (p -> (uncurry annotateRow p) coordinatesMap)
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/minesweeper/.meta/testAnnotation.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex1",
"test_code": "expected = []\n input = []\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"no rows\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex2",
"test_code": "expected = [\"\"]\n input = [\"\"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"no columns\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex3",
"test_code": "expected = [\" \", \" \", \" \"]\n input = [\" \", \" \", \" \"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"no mines\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex4",
"test_code": "expected = [\"***\", \"***\", \"***\"]\n input = [\"***\", \"***\", \"***\"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"minefield with only mines\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex5",
"test_code": "expected = [\"111\", \"1*1\", \"111\"]\n input = [\" \", \" * \", \" \"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"mine surrounded by spaces\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex6",
"test_code": "expected = [\"***\", \"*8*\", \"***\"]\n input = [\"***\", \"* *\", \"***\"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"space surrounded by mines\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex7",
"test_code": "expected = [\"1*2*1\"]\n input = [\" * * \"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"horizontal line\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex8",
"test_code": "expected = [\"*1 1*\"]\n input = [\"* *\"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"horizontal line, mines at edges\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex9",
"test_code": "expected = [\"1\", \"*\", \"2\", \"*\", \"1\"]\n input = [\" \", \"*\", \" \", \"*\", \" \"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"vertical line\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex10",
"test_code": "expected = [\"*\", \"1\", \" \", \"1\", \"*\"]\n input = [\"*\", \" \", \" \", \" \", \"*\"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"vertical line, mines at edges\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex11",
"test_code": "expected = [\" 2*2 \", \"25*52\", \"*****\", \"25*52\", \" 2*2 \"]\n input = [\" * \", \" * \", \"*****\", \" * \", \" * \"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"cross\""
"name": "minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex12",
"test_code": "expected = [\"1*22*1\", \"12*322\", \" 123*2\", \"112*4*\", \"1*22*2\", \"111111\"]\n input = [\" * * \", \" * \", \" * \", \" * *\", \" * * \", \" \"]\n expected === minesweeper.annotate input\n |> expect\n |> Test.label \"large minefield\""
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/minesweeper/.meta/
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Testing transcript for minesweeper exercise

.> load ./minesweeper.u
.> add
.> load ./minesweeper.test.u
.> add
.> move.term minesweeper.tests tests
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/minesweeper/.meta/tests.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# This is an auto-generated file.
# Regenerating this file via `configlet sync` will:
# - Recreate every `description` key/value pair
# - Recreate every `reimplements` key/value pair, where they exist in problem-specifications
# - Remove any `include = true` key/value pair (an omitted `include` key implies inclusion)
# - Preserve any other key/value pair
# As user-added comments (using the # character) will be removed when this file
# is regenerated, comments can be added via a `comment` key.

description = "no rows"

description = "no columns"

description = "no mines"

description = "minefield with only mines"

description = "mine surrounded by spaces"

description = "space surrounded by mines"

description = "horizontal line"

description = "horizontal line, mines at edges"

description = "vertical line"

description = "vertical line, mines at edges"

description = "cross"

description = "large minefield"
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/minesweeper/minesweeper.test.u
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex1 =
expected = []
input = []
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "no rows"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex2 =
expected = [""]
input = [""]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "no columns"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex3 =
expected = [" ", " ", " "]
input = [" ", " ", " "]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "no mines"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex4 =
expected = ["***", "***", "***"]
input = ["***", "***", "***"]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "minefield with only mines"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex5 =
expected = ["111", "1*1", "111"]
input = [" ", " * ", " "]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "mine surrounded by spaces"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex6 =
expected = ["***", "*8*", "***"]
input = ["***", "* *", "***"]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "space surrounded by mines"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex7 =
expected = ["1*2*1"]
input = [" * * "]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "horizontal line"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex8 =
expected = ["*1 1*"]
input = ["* *"]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "horizontal line, mines at edges"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex9 =
expected = ["1", "*", "2", "*", "1"]
input = [" ", "*", " ", "*", " "]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "vertical line"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex10 =
expected = ["*", "1", " ", "1", "*"]
input = ["*", " ", " ", " ", "*"]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "vertical line, mines at edges"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex11 =
expected = [" 2*2 ", "25*52", "*****", "25*52", " 2*2 "]
input = [" * ", " * ", "*****", " * ", " * "]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "cross"

minesweeper.annotate.tests.ex12 =
expected = ["1*22*1", "12*322", " 123*2", "112*4*", "1*22*2", "111111"]
input = [" * * ", " * ", " * ", " * *", " * * ", " "]
expected === minesweeper.annotate input
|> expect
|> Test.label "large minefield"

test> minesweeper.tests = runAll [
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/minesweeper/minesweeper.u
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
minesweeper.annotate : [Text] -> [Text]
minesweeper.annotate = todo "implement annotate"

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