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ErikSchierboom committed Aug 9, 2024
1 parent d13155a commit f70b624
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 41 deletions.
94 changes: 53 additions & 41 deletions bin/test
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,67 +1,79 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Test if the example/exemplar solution of each
# Practice/Concept Exercise passes the exercise's tests.
# Synopsis:
# Verify that each exercise's example/exemplar solution passes the tests.
# You can either verify all exercises or a single exercise.

# Example:
# ./bin/test
# Example: verify all exercises
# bin/test

# Example: verify single exercise
# bin/test two-fer

set -eo pipefail

die() { echo "$*" >&2; exit 1; }

required_tool() {
command -v "${1}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
die "${1} is required but not installed. Please install it and make sure it's in your PATH."

required_tool jq

copy_example_or_examplar_to_solution() {
jq -c '[.files.solution, .files.exemplar // .files.example] | transpose | map({src: .[1], dst: .[0]}) | .[]' .meta/config.json \
| while read -r src_and_dst; do
cp "$(jq -r '.src' <<< "${src_and_dst}")" "$(jq -r '.dst' <<< "${src_and_dst}")"

docker pull exercism/unison-test-runner

run_tests() {
local slug

function run_test_runner() {
local dir=$1
local slug=$2

docker run \
--rm \
--network none \
--mount type=bind,src="${dir}",dst=/solution \
--mount type=bind,src="${dir}",dst=/output \
--mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/solution \
--mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/output \
--tmpfs /tmp:rw \
exercism/unison-test-runner "${slug}" "/solution" "/output"
jq -e '.status == "pass"' "${PWD}/results.json" >/dev/null 2>&1

function verify_exercise() {
local dir=$(realpath $1)
local slug=$(basename "${dir}")
local implementation_file_key=$2
local implementation_file=$(jq -r --arg d "${dir}" --arg k "${implementation_file_key}" '$d + "/" + .files[$k][0]' "${dir}/.meta/config.json")
local stub_file=$(jq -r --arg d "${dir}" '$d + "/" + .files.solution[0]' "${dir}/.meta/config.json")
local stub_backup_file="${stub_file}.bak"
local results_file="${dir}/results.json"
verify_exercise() {
local dir
local slug
local tmp_dir

cp "${stub_file}" "${stub_backup_file}"
cp "${implementation_file}" "${stub_file}"
dir=$(realpath "${1}")
slug=$(basename "${dir}")
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d -t "exercism-verify-${slug}-XXXXX")

run_test_runner "${dir}" "${slug}"
echo "Verifying ${slug} exercise..."

if [[ $(jq -r '.status' "${results_file}") != "pass" ]]; then
echo "${slug}: ${implementation_file_key} solution did not pass the tests"
trap 'rm -rf "$tmp_dir"' EXIT # remove tempdir when subshell ends
cp -r "${dir}/." "${tmp_dir}"
cd "${tmp_dir}"

mv "${stub_backup_file}" "${stub_file}"
rm -f "${results_file}"
run_tests "${slug}"

# Verify the Concept Exercises
for concept_exercise_dir in ./exercises/concept/*/; do
if [ -d $concept_exercise_dir ]; then
echo "Checking $(basename "${concept_exercise_dir}") exercise..."
verify_exercise $concept_exercise_dir "exemplar"

# Verify the Practice Exercises
for practice_exercise_dir in ./exercises/practice/*/; do
if [ -d $practice_exercise_dir ]; then
echo "Checking $(basename "${practice_exercise_dir}") exercise..."
verify_exercise $practice_exercise_dir "example"
shopt -s nullglob
for exercise_dir in ./exercises/{concept,practice}/${exercise_slug}/; do
if [[ -d "${exercise_dir}" ]]; then
verify_exercise "${exercise_dir}"

exit ${exit_code}
((count > 0)) || die 'no matching exercises found!'

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