Zemberek-NLP provides basic Natural Language Processing tools for Turkish. Please note that all code and APIs are subject to change until version 1.0.0
Latest version is 0.12.0 (April 29th 2018). Change Log
If you use this project in an academic publication, please refer to this site.
Please read the FAQ for common questions.
Add this to pom.xml file
<name>ahmetaa Maven Repo on Github</name>
And dependencies (For example morphology):
Google docs page page contains jar files for different versions.
[module-jars] folder contain all zemberek modules as separate jar files. [zemberek-all-VERSION.jar] contains all zemberek modules. [dependencies] folder contains other dependencies suchas Google Guava.
There is a examples module in the code for usage examples.
Also, there is a separate project with same examples that uses Zemberek-NLP as maven modules: Turkish-nlp-examples
Core classes such as special Collection classes, Hash functions and helpers.
Maven artifact id : zemberek-core
Turkish morphological analysis, disambiguation and word generation. Documentation
Maven artifact id : zemberek-morphology
Turkish Tokenization and sentence boundary detection. Documentation
Maven artifact id : zemberek-tokenization
Allows fast identification of text language. Documentation
Maven artifact id : zemberek-lang-id
Provides a language compression algorithm. Documentation
Maven artifact id : zemberek-lm
Provides basic spell checker and suggestion functions. Documentation
Maven artifact id : zemberek-normalization
Provides basic usage examples. Source
Maven artifact id : zemberek-examples
- Project requires Java 8 or higher.
- Morphological disambiguation is working less accurate then expected.
- Library is not well-tested for multi-threaded usage.
Please see issues section for further issues and feel free to create new ones.
Code is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0
Please refer to contributors.txt file.