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[Breaking Change][lexical] Bug Fix: Only select RootNode on removal of last child if there was an existing selection #2663

[Breaking Change][lexical] Bug Fix: Only select RootNode on removal of last child if there was an existing selection

[Breaking Change][lexical] Bug Fix: Only select RootNode on removal of last child if there was an existing selection #2663

Job Run time
3m 28s
22m 57s
29m 7s
30m 43s
26m 13s
23m 27s
33m 1s
4m 24s
3m 22s
4m 15s
3m 12s
4m 25s
3m 39s
12m 49s
17m 12s
15m 4s
19m 1s
14m 56s
14m 20s
19m 19s
15m 31s
17m 12s
14m 57s
14m 36s
19m 55s
19m 37s
17m 24s
22m 14s
7h 26m 20s