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class Scene:
Soundspaces scene including room, receiver, and source list
def __init__(self,
room: str,
source_name_list: T.List[str],
receiver: Receiver = None,
source_list: T.List[Source] = None,
include_visual_sensor: bool = True,
device: torch.device = torch.device('cpu'),
image_size: T.Tuple[int, int] = (512, 256),
hfov: float = 90.0,
use_default_material: bool = False,
channel_type: str = 'Ambisonics',
channel_order: int = 1
# Set scene = room
self.n_sources = len(source_name_list)
assert self.n_sources > 0
self.receiver = receiver
self.source_list = source_list
self.source_current = None
self.include_visual_sensor = include_visual_sensor
self.device = device # where to store IR
# Set channel config for soundspaces = {}['type'] = channel_type['order'] = channel_order
if channel_type == 'Ambisonics':
self.channel_count = (['order'] + 1)**2
elif channel_type == 'Binaural':
self.channel_count = 2
elif channel_type == 'Mono':
self.channel_count = 1
# Set aihabitat config for soundspaces
self.aihabitat = {}
self.aihabitat['default_agent'] = 0
self.aihabitat['sensor_height'] = 1.5
self.aihabitat['height'] = image_size[0]
self.aihabitat['width'] = image_size[1]
self.aihabitat['hfov'] = hfov
# Set acoustics config for soundspaces
self.acoustic_config = {}
self.acoustic_config['sampleRate'] = 16000
self.acoustic_config['direct'] = True
self.acoustic_config['indirect'] = True
self.acoustic_config['diffraction'] = True
self.acoustic_config['transmission'] = True
self.acoustic_config['directSHOrder'] = 5
self.acoustic_config['indirectSHOrder'] = 3
self.acoustic_config['unitScale'] = 1
self.acoustic_config['frequencyBands'] = 32
self.acoustic_config['indirectRayCount'] = 50000
# Set audio material
if use_default_material:
self.audio_material = 'SonicSet/material/mp3d_material_config_default.json'
self.audio_material = 'SonicSet/material/mp3d_material_config.json'
# Create simulation
# Randomly set source and receiver position
source_position, source_rotation = None, None
receiver_position, receiver_rotation = None, None
# Create receiver (inside the room)
if self.receiver is None:
# random receiver
self.create_receiver(receiver_position, receiver_rotation)
# input receiver
def create_scene(self):
Given the configuration, create a scene for soundspaces
# Set backend configuration
backend_cfg = habitat_sim.SimulatorConfiguration()
backend_cfg.scene_id = f'mp3d/{}/{}.glb'
backend_cfg.scene_dataset_config_file = 'SonicSet/material/mp3d.scene_dataset_config.json'
backend_cfg.load_semantic_mesh = True
backend_cfg.enable_physics = False
agent_config = habitat_sim.AgentConfiguration()
if self.include_visual_sensor:
# Set color sensor
rgb_sensor_spec = habitat_sim.CameraSensorSpec()
rgb_sensor_spec.uuid = "color_sensor"
rgb_sensor_spec.sensor_type = habitat_sim.SensorType.COLOR
rgb_sensor_spec.resolution = [self.aihabitat['height'], self.aihabitat['width']]
rgb_sensor_spec.position = [0.0, self.aihabitat["sensor_height"], 0.0]
rgb_sensor_spec.sensor_subtype = habitat_sim.SensorSubType.PINHOLE # “针孔”(Pinhole)相机模型
rgb_sensor_spec.hfov = self.aihabitat["hfov"]
agent_config.sensor_specifications = [rgb_sensor_spec]
# Set depth sensor
depth_sensor_spec = habitat_sim.CameraSensorSpec()
depth_sensor_spec.uuid = "depth_sensor"
depth_sensor_spec.sensor_type = habitat_sim.SensorType.DEPTH
depth_sensor_spec.resolution = [self.aihabitat["height"], self.aihabitat["width"]]
depth_sensor_spec.position = [0.0, self.aihabitat["sensor_height"], 0.0]
depth_sensor_spec.sensor_subtype = habitat_sim.SensorSubType.PINHOLE
depth_sensor_spec.hfov = self.aihabitat["hfov"]
# Set simulator configuration
cfg = habitat_sim.Configuration(backend_cfg, [agent_config])
# Set simulator
sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(cfg)
# set navmesh path for searching for navigatable points
navmesh = f'mp3d/{}/{}.navmesh'
# seed for navmesh
sim.seed(random.randint(0, 1024))
# Set simulation
self.sim = sim
print('Scene created!')
return self
def add_audio_sensor(self):
Add audio sensor to the scene
# set audio sensor
audio_sensor_spec = habitat_sim.AudioSensorSpec()
audio_sensor_spec.uuid = "audio_sensor"
audio_sensor_spec.enableMaterials = True # make sure _semantic.ply file is in the scene folder
audio_sensor_spec.channelLayout.channelType = getattr(habitat_sim.sensor.RLRAudioPropagationChannelLayoutType,['type'])
audio_sensor_spec.channelLayout.channelCount = self.channel_count # ambisonics
# Set acoustic configuration
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.sampleRate = self.acoustic_config['sampleRate'] = self.acoustic_config['direct']
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.indirect = self.acoustic_config['indirect']
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.diffraction = self.acoustic_config['diffraction']
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.transmission = self.acoustic_config['transmission']
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.directSHOrder = self.acoustic_config['directSHOrder']
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.indirectSHOrder = self.acoustic_config['indirectSHOrder']
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.unitScale = self.acoustic_config['unitScale']
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.frequencyBands = self.acoustic_config['frequencyBands']
audio_sensor_spec.acousticsConfig.indirectRayCount = self.acoustic_config['indirectRayCount']
# Initialize receiver
audio_sensor_spec.position = [0.0, self.aihabitat['sensor_height'], 0.0] # audio sensor has a height of 1.5m
audio_sensor = self.sim.get_agent(self.aihabitat['default_agent'])._sensors['audio_sensor']
return self
def render_ir(self,
source_id: int
) -> torch.Tensor:
Render IR given the source ID
source = self.source_list[source_id]
ir = torch.tensor(self.sim.get_sensor_observations()['audio_sensor'], device=self.device)
return ir
Above is my code about to simulate an audio with rir in the scenes. If I want to get simultaneous rir rendering for multiple sound sources, is there an API to ues? I'm sorry that I can't find this current in your tutorial. I'm appreciate it if you can answer me.