Godot Engine 4.x addon to send emails through an SMTP server in a non-blocking way.
extends Control
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# Create an SMTPAuthentication (if needed)
var authentication: SMTPAuthentication = SMTPAuthentication.new(
"<[email protected]>", "<your_password>"
# Create and instantiate the SMTPClient (example google -> host: "smtp.google.com" port: 587)
var smtp_client: SMTPClient = SMTPClient.new("<smtp.provider.com>", <smtp_port>, true, authentication)
# Create an Email
var email: Email = Email.new(
# Internet Address of the sender
InternetAddress.new("<[email protected]>", "<a_name>"),
# List of internet addresses of recipients
[InternetAddress.new("<[email protected]>")],
# Subject
"Hello world!",
# Body
"Hello world! This is my first email ever from Godot. Hope you like it!"
# Send the email, the main thread won't be blocked
# Await for the `result` signal, it returns a Dictionary
var result: Dictionary = await smtp_client.result
if result.success:
print("Email sent!")
print("Could not send email ", result.error)
result(Dictionary: { success: bool, error: Dictionary })
error(Dictionary: { error: String, code: int })