Coding is already hard on the brain, so it should at least be easy on the eyes.
Ashen is a warm, muted colorscheme that evokes the feeling of embers sizzling out in an old fire pit. It features red & orange tones, plenty of grayscale, and hints of teal.
All extras have been moved to ficcdaf/ashen. They will eventually be removed from this repository.
- Features
- Installation
- Plugins
- Configuration
- Plugin Configuration
- Extras
- Acknowledgements
- Roadmap
- Contributing
- Warm, cozy, muted palette that's easy on the eyes.
- Incredibly fast load time.
- Optional transparency.
- Palette and highlight group overriding.
- Customizable terminal palette.
- Extensive plugin support.
- Extra themes for other software.
Using lazy.nvim:
-- optional but recommended,
-- pin to the latest stable release:
tag = "*",
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
-- configuration is optional!
opts = {
-- your settings here
You can load Ashen anywhere in your Neovim configuration. You only need to call
if you want to change any settings!
vim.cmd("colorscheme ashen")
-- You may call the load function as well
-- Do NOT call them both; they both do
-- the same thing!
If you're using LazyVim, I recommend the following:
return {
{ "ficcdaf/ashen.nvim" },
opts = {
colorscheme = "ashen",
You can also configure lazy.nvim
to use Ashen while installing plugins:
install = {
colorscheme = {"ashen"}
Many plugins are already "supported" because they use standard Neovim highlight groups. However, some plugins require explicit support from color schemes. Additionally, some plugins may require extra setup to work with Ashen. Please see Plugin Configuration for more details.
Plugin | Requires Configuration |
blink.cmp | |
nvim-cmp | |
flash.nvim | |
lualine | X |
mini.icons | |
trailblazer.nvim | X |
obsidian.nvim | |
oil.nvim | |
render-markdown.nvim | |
telescope.nvim | |
minimap.vim | |
neogit | |
FzfLua | X |
fzf.vim | |
org-bullets.nvim | |
lazy.nvim |
If you choose to set any options, please note that setup
sets up the configuration and does not load the theme! You must call
colorscheme ashen
or require("ashen").load()
after setup
You can pass an options table to the setup
function to configure Ashen, the
same you would any other plugin. If you use lazy.nvim
, you can set options as
shown in installation!
-- your settings here
-- theme must be loaded *after* setup!
vim.cmd("colorscheme ashen")
The default settings will work for most people. However, extensive configuration options are provided.
If you are not changing any of the defaults, avoid calling setup
setting any opts
-- your startup time will be faster!
All available settings, along with their default values, are listed below. User provided settings will be merged with the defaults.
Available Settings
-- default settings
-- toggle text style options
---@type table<StyleName, boolean>
style = {},
-- toggle group specific settings
style_presets = {
bold_functions = false,
italic_comments = false,
--- override palette colors
---@type Palette
---@field [ColorName] HexCode
colors = {},
-- override highlight groups
hl = {
---Overwrite; omitted fields are cleared
---@type HighlightMap
force_override = {},
---Merge fields with defaults
---@type HighlightMap
merge_override = {},
---Link Highlight1 -> Highlight2
---Overrides all default links
---@type table<HighlightName, HighlightName>
link = {},
-- use transparent background
-- (requires terminal support)
transparent = false,
-- force clear other highlights
-- even if no other theme is set
force_hi_clear = false,
-- set built-in terminal colors
terminal = {
-- if disabled, Neovim terminal will
-- use your terminal emulator's theme
enabled = true,
---override terminal palette
---@type AnsiMap
colors = {},
-- configure plugin integrations
plugins = {
-- automatically load plugin integrations
autoload = true,
---if autoload: plugins to SKIP
---if not autoload: plugins to LOAD
---@type string[]
override = {},
You can disable all uses of a certain style with the following setting:
opts = {
style = {
bold = false,
italic = false,
-- etc...
The following presets are available. They are off by default, and you may choose to enable them in your configuration:
opts = {
style_presets = {
bold_functions = true,
italic_comments = true,
Click to expand
You can override any color in Ashen's palette, or set new colors entirely. The
setting accepts a table of ColorName = HexCode
pairs, where they are
both strings, with ColorName
corresponding to an Ashen color, and HexCode
being a #
prefixed hexadecimal color code. For an list of available color
names, please see colors.lua.
Please see the following example:
opts = {
colors = {
background = "#000000",
red_ember = "#933737"
Made a palette you're proud of? It could become Ashen's next "theme variant" -- don't be afraid to open a feature request for it!
Click to expand
You can find a detailed explanation of the HighlightMap type below.
Explanation of HighlightMap type
---@alias HighlightSpec [FgHexCode?, BgHexCode?, Style?]
-- The colors *must* be in this ^^^ order. If you want
-- to set a background but no foreground, you MUST pass
-- nil for the FgHexCode!
-- example:
{ "#FFFFFF" } -- set only foreground
{ "#FFFFFF", "#000000" } -- set foreground and background
{ nil, "#000000" } -- set only background
-- Please see `:h nvim_set_hl()` -> {val}
-- for the possible style table options.
---@alias Style table<string, boolean|string|integer>
-- example:
{ bold = true, underline = true }
-- You may pass a style table as the LAST element
-- of a HighlightSpec.
{ "#FFFFFF", "#000000", { bold = true, underline = true } }
-- The style table can be the only element, too.
{ { bold = true, underline = true } }
-- Or you may pass a "normalized" table as well:
{ fg = "#FFFFFF", bold = true }
---@alias HighlightMap table<HighlightName, HighlightSpec>
-- Example of a HighlightMap:
Normal = { "#FFFFFF", "#000000", { bold = true, underline = true } },
["@function.macro"] = { "#B14242" },
Users can override Ashen's highlight group definitions, or set new ones
entirely. There are two options under the hl
setting: force_override
The former will completely overwrite the given highlight group; existing
properties are not preserved. An empty table {}
means Ashen will clear
that highlight group.
The latter will merge properties: it will override only the properties you specify, and keep non-conflicting Ashen defaults.
You can also link arbitrary highlight groups. Links defined in
priority over all other links set by Ashen.
must be a key-value table
in which the key is the link's origin and the value is its target.
Note that both hexadecimal color codes and Ashen color names are valid inputs for color parameters.
-- full example
hl = {
-- overwrite every field
---@type HighlightMap
force_override = {
Normal = { "red_ember", "#000000", { bold = true, underline = true } },
-- keep untouched fields
---@type HighlightMap
merge_override = {
["@function.macro"] = { "#B14242" },
---@type table<HighlightName, HighlightName>
link = {
-- link FlashBackdrop to Normal
FlashBackdrop = "Normal",
Click to expand
The following explanation of the terminal palette applies to both the Neovim terminal and some extra themes.
Explanation of terminal palette
The palette for the built-in Neovim terminal follows the standard 16-color Xterm
palette. ashen.nvim
sets these to the same colors as in the terminal theme
Note that, by default, many palette colors do not match their expected "names"
-- for example, green
is set to a shade of orange. This is to stay consistent
with Ashen's visual identity; while Ashen does have a green color in its
Neovim palette, setting it in the terminal theme results in an overuse of the
color; which appears jarring in contrast with how Ashen looks in Neovim.
Furthermore, note that the bright
colors (except bright black
) are set to
the same color codes as their "regular" counterparts. This is for consistency
with Ashen's minimal Neovim palette -- as a design goal, the terminal themes
should not appear jarring next to the standard Neovim theme.
The default terminal palette is carefully selected to maintain the visual feel
while retaining important semantic meanings, such as red
and yellow
errors and warnings in compiler output.
A mapping of index to Xterm color names is provided below.
Index | Color |
0 | black |
1 | red |
2 | green |
3 | yellow |
4 | blue |
5 | magenta |
6 | cyan |
7 | white |
8 | bright black |
9 | bright red |
10 | bright green |
11 | bright yellow |
12 | bright blue |
13 | bright magenta |
14 | bright cyan |
15 | bright white |
The terminal.colors
field of the opts
table should be a mapping of Xterm
indexes to hexadecimal color codes. Please note that the indexes are a C-style
zero indexed array and not a Lua array - the count starts from 0
, not 1
---@alias AnsiMap table<integer, HexCode> -- where integer ∈ [0, 15]
Please see the following example:
terminal = {
colors = {
-- override black
[0] = "#000000",
-- override bright green
[11] = "#AADB1E",
Click to expand
Plugin integration settings can be set under the opts.plugins
plugins = {
autoload = true,
---@type string[]
override = {},
By default, plugin integrations are automatically loaded. To disable this
behaviour, you can set plugins.autoload
to false
needs to be loaded manually even ifplugins.autoload == true
You can manually load any plugin integration on-demand in your Neovim config by
using the load_plugin
function. The same naming rules apply as for
, please see below for more details.
-- example
You can provide a list of plugin names as an "override". The names must match
the filenames in lua/ashen/plugins, with the .lua
extension removed, and exclude init.lua
For example:
-- flash.nvim
-- mini.icons
Overriding behaves differently depending on whether autoloading is enabled. If
is set, the overridden plugins will not be loaded
automatically. If autoloading is disabled, the overridden plugins will be
loaded automatically.
Click to expand
If FzfLua's colors aren't looking quite right, please make sure that you have
disabled fzf_colors
in the settings:
opts = {
-- must be false for the Ashen
-- integration to work properly!
fzf_colors = false,
Click to expand
Ashen comes with a preconfigured Lualine theme that includes a word counter for Markdown, Text, and Latex files. Optionally, noice.nvim is used to indicate Macro recording status, and pomo.nvim is supported. The following is an example of how to configure Lualine to use Ashen:
return {
-- ensure Ashen is loaded first
dependencies = {
opts = function()
local ashen = require("ashen.plugins.lualine").lualine_opts
-- you can set any other options
-- expected by lualine, since this
-- table will be passed directly to `setup`
ashen.extensions = { "lazy", "fzf" }
return ashen
I am working on improving the word counter and releasing it as a separate plugin. When that happens, Ashen will be updated to support it out of the box.
Click to expand
Trailblazer tends to overwrite the highlight groups set by Ashen. Therefore, you may need to invoke Ashen's Trailblazer setup immediately after loading Trailblazer. Please see the following example:
return {
event = "UIEnter",
-- ensure Ashen is loaded first
dependencies = {
config = function()
-- your Trailblazer setup here
-- This ensures Ashen's HL groups are set up
-- AFTER Trailblazer sets its own.
Click to expand
Ashen will support render-markdown
OOTB with no additional configuration. You
may optionally consider including the following icons in your setup. Note they
may not render properly in all browsers.
-- as part of render-markdown.nvim setup
opts = {
bullet = {
-- cleaner bullet points
icons = { "•", "∙" },
heading = {
-- Icons that say H1, H2, etc.
icons = { " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " " },
Ashen is available for many other programs. Most Ashen ports can be found in the main repository, ficcdaf/ashen. Below, you can find some, but not all of them.
Missing an extra? Open an issue and request it, or try porting it yourself!
Ashen was inspired by nvim-noirbuddy.
Theme variants and massive performance overhauls are in the works.
Please refer to the issues page for a detailed roadmap.
If you want a certain plugin or extra to be added, please open an issue and I'll get to it as soon as I can. If you want to contribute, please read the contribution guidelines.
I'm a busy & broke graduate student doing my best to develop and maintain this plugin. If you feel that Ashen has added value to your Neovim experience, you may consider buying me a coffee. Your support is greatly appreciated but never expected. Thanks!