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Releases: fluxcd/flux2


30 Mar 18:57
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Flux v0.28.5 is a patch release that comes with various improvements and dependency updates to the controller components. Please consult the changelogs from the list below for a precise overview of changes. Users are (as always) encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Note that if you are upgrading from v0.27 you need to follow the Upgrade Flux to the Source v1beta2 API guide.

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28 Mar 17:29
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Flux v0.28.4 is a patch release that comes with improvements to the experimental managed transport's overall stability. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Note that if you are upgrading from v0.27 you need to follow the Upgrade Flux to the Source v1beta2 API guide.

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25 Mar 18:32
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Flux v0.28.3 is patch release that comes with a regression bug fix for SOPS Azure Key Vault decryption. In addition, Kustomize has been updated to v4.5.3 to address an issue with YAML anchors. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Note that if you are upgrading from v0.27 you need to follow the Upgrade Flux to the Source v1beta2 API guide.

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24 Mar 08:05
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Flux v0.28.2 is patch release that comes with a regression bug fix for notification spam. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Note that if you are upgrading from v0.27 you need to follow the Upgrade Flux to the Source v1beta2 API guide.

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23 Mar 21:04
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Flux v0.28.1 is patch release that comes with a regression bug fix for image update automation. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Note that if you are upgrading from v0.27 you need to follow the Upgrade Flux to the Source v1beta2 API guide.

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23 Mar 14:08
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Flux v0.28.0 comes with new reconcilers for Source kinds and graduates the Flux Source API to v1beta2.

Breaking changes

  • From this version on, controllers depending on Source kinds (kustomize-controller, helm-controller and image-automation-controller) do now require the Source v1beta2 Custom Resource Definition to be present on the cluster.

Features and improvements

API specifications in a user-friendly format

The new specifications for the v1beta2 API have been written in a new format with the aim to be more valuable to a user. Featuring separate sections with examples, and information on how to write and work with them.

Artifact now advertises size

The size (in bytes) of a tarball Artifact is now advertised in the Size (.size) field of the Artifact. This can be utilized by users to e.g. quickly see if .sourceignore rules have an effect, or be displayed in a UI.

Azure Blob Storage support for Bucket resources

The .spec.provider of a Bucket resource can now be set to azure to instruct the source-controller to use the Azure Blob Storage SDK while fetching objects. This allows for authenticating using Service Principals, Managed Identities and Shared Keys.

For more information, see the Bucket spec about the Azure provider.

Azure Key Vault multi-tenancy

Kustomization resources making use of SOPS with Azure Key Vault as the backing KMS are now allowed to refer to Azure credentials in the tenant's namespace.

For more information, see the Kustomization spec about Azure Key Vault Secret entries.

Enhanced Kubernetes Conditions

Source API resources will now advertise more explicit Condition types (more about the types in API changes), provide Reconciling and Stalled Conditions where applicable for better integration with kstatus, and record the Observed Generation on the Condition.

For a detailed overview per Source type, refer to the spec:

Enhanced Kubernetes Events (and notifications)

The Kubernetes Events the source-controller emits have been reworked to provide a proper reason, and more informative messages. Users making use of the notification-controller will notice this as well, as this same information is used to compose notifications.

Experimental managed transport for libgit2 Git implementation

The libgit2 Git implementation supports a new experimental transport to improve reliability, adding timeout enforcement for Git network operations. Opt-in by setting the environment variable EXPERIMENTAL_GIT_TRANSPORT to true in the source-controller and/or image-automation-controller their Deployment.

This will result in the low-level transport being handled by the controller, instead of libgit2. It may result in an increased number of timeout messages in the logs, however it will remove the ability of Git operations to make the controllers hang indefinitely.

Manage cluster addons

A new annotation ( merge) is available for allowing Flux to patch cluster addons such as CoreDNS without the kustomize-controller removing the kubectl managed fields.

For more information, see the Kustomization spec about reconciliation.

Reuse of HTTP/S transport for Helm repository index and chart downloads

The Helm dependency has been updated to v3.8.1, with a patch applied from helm/helm#10568. Using this patch, the HTTP transports are now managed by the source-controller, to prevent the clogging of thousands of open TCP connections on some instances.

Update of libgit2 Git implementation to v1.3.x

The libgit2 Git implementation has been updated to v1.3.x, allowing us to provide better error signals for authentication, certificate and transport failures. Effectively, this means that instead of a unable to clone: User error string, a descriptive one is now given.

In addition, NO_PROXY settings are now properly taken into account.

Preparation of support for rsa-ssh2-256/512

The dependency on has been updated to v0.0.0-20220315160706-3147a52a75dd, as preparation of support for rsa-ssh2-256/512. This should theoretically work out of the box for known_hosts entries and go-git Git provider credentials, but has not been widely tested.

API changes

The API is backwards compatible with v1beta1.

  • Introduction of Reconciling and Stalled Condition types for better integration with kstatus.
  • Introduction of new Condition types to provide better signals and failure indications:
    • ArtifactOutdated: indicates the current Artifact of the Source is outdated.
    • SourceVerified: indicates the integrity of the Source has been verified.
    • FetchFailed: indicates a transient or persistent fetch failure of the upstream Source.
    • BuildFailed: indicates a transient or persistent build failure of a Source's Artifact.
    • StorageOperationFailed: indicates a transient or persistent failure related to storage.
    • IncludeUnavailable: indicates an include is not available. For example, because it does not exist, or does not have an Artifact.
  • Introduction of a Size (in bytes) field (.status.artifact.size) in the Artifact object.
  • Introduction of ObservedChartName (.status.observedChartName) and ObservedSourceArtifactRevision (.status.observedSourceArtifactRevision) fields in the HelmChart Status.
  • Introduction of azure provider implementation for Bucket.

Upgrade procedure

To upgrade your cluster, download the Flux CLI binary from the release page and rerun the flux bootstrap command. This will upgrade the Flux components on your cluster to the latest version. Other upgrade options can be found on the docs website.

ℹ️ Note that updating the manifests in Git from to can be done at any time after the Flux components upgrade. All users are encouraged to update the manifests as any deprecated fields will be removed when the next API version will be released. For more information, see post upgrade.

Terrafrom upgrade

When using the Terraform provider for Flux, you have to manually remove the v1beta2 GitRepository from the TF state:

terraform state rm 'kubectl_manifest.sync[""]'

Other upgrade methods

When upgrading without the CLI or Terraform (using e.g. GitHub Actions or RenovateBot), we recommend to bump the GitRepository API version in gotk-sync.yaml to v1beta2.

Post upgrade

After rolling out the upgrade, and when you have confirmed things to be working as expected. Resources in Git which refer to can be updated to refer to

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 kind: GitRepository
   name: gitrepository-sample

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15 Mar 22:11
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Flux v0.27.4 is a patch release that comes with patches to the Deployment manifest of helm-controller and the-notification controller, to set the .spec.securityContext.fsGroup, which may be required for some EKS setups as reported in #2537. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Components changelog


01 Mar 16:08
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Flux v0.27.3 is a patch release that comes with improvements to the libgit2 OpenSSL build dependency in image-automation-controller, which fixes some issues related to git server connection leaks. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Components changelog

  • image-automation-controller v0.20.1


23 Feb 14:11
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Flux v0.27.2 is a patch release that comes with altering improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.


  • Add support for using basic auth when sending alerts to Grafana annotations API
  • Allow the proxy address to specified in the Kubernetes Secret referenced in Flux Alerts

Components changelog


23 Feb 12:20
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Flux v0.27.1 is a patch release that comes with fixes and no breaking changes. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.


  • Convert stringData to data before diffing and applying Secrets (workaround for upstream Kubernetes bug)
  • Set QPS and Burst when impersonating service account in helm-controller (avoid client-side throttling when upgrading Helm releases containing hundreds of resources)

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