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Joddie edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 4 revisions



This guide assumes

  1. You are familiar with JSON formatting
  2. You have read and understood the Alarm Configuration Wiki
  3. You are comfortable with the layout of alarms.json.

Please familiarize yourself with all of the above before proceeding.


Facebook Pages is an online social networking service that enables users to post status messages to a public profile specifically created for business, brands, celebrities, causes, and other organizations. Registered users can read and post messages, but those who are unregistered can only read them. Users access Facebook through the website interface, SMS or mobile device app.

PokeAlarm offers the following for Facebook Pages:

Basic Config

Required Parameters

These alarms.json parameters - active, type, and page_access_token - are required to enable the Facebook Pages alarm service:

Parameters Description
type must be facebook_page
active True for alarm to be active
page_access_token Your permanent FB page access token

Example: Basic Alarm Configuration using Required Parameters

	"active": "True",

Note: The above code is to be inserted into the alarms section of alarms.json. It does not represent the entire alarms.json file.

Advanced Config

Optional Parameters

In addition to the 3 required parameters, several optional parameters are available to personalize your Facebook Pages notifications. Below is an example of these optional parameters and how they are incorporated into a functional alarm layout for Facebook Pages.

These optional parameters are entered at the same level as "type":"facebookpages".

Parameters Description Default
startup_message confirmation post when PokeAlarm initialized True

These optional parameters below are applicable to the pokemon, pokestop, gym, egg, and raid sections of the JSON file. Check Image column to see where everything appears in the final publication.

Parameters Description Image
message Message to post as status message 1
link Link to be added to notification text Link
image Url of the image to show as a preview (empty for linked page preview) 2
name Link title (empty for linked page title) 3
description Link description (empty for blank description) 4
caption Link domain (empty for linked page domain) 5

When it says "empty for X" it means that you can disable the default PokeAlarm value setting that parameter to "" in your alarms.js file. In that case Facebook will use the link information to fill that field in the publication.

For example if you have link as a google maps link and you disable the image parameter setting it to "", it will be a minimap image of that coordinates.

pokemon default values:

Parameters Default
message A wild <pkmn> has appeared!
link <gmaps>
name <pkmn>
description Available until <24h_time> (<time_left>)
caption None

pokestop default values:

Parameters Default
message Someone has placed a lure on a Pokestop!
link <gmaps>
name Lured Pokestop
description Lure will expire at <24h_time> (<time_left>)
caption None

gym default values:

Parameters Default
message A Team <old_team> gym has fallen!
link <gmaps>
name <old_team> gym fallen
description It is now controlled by <new_team>
caption None

egg default values:

Parameters Default
message A level <raid_level> raid is upcoming!
link <gmaps>
name Egg
description The egg will hatch <begin_24h_time> (<begin_time_left>).
caption None

raid default values:

Parameters Default
message A Raid is available against <pkmn>!
link <gmaps>
name Raid
description The raid is available until <24h_time> (<time_left>).
caption None

Example: Alarm Configuration Using Optional Parameters

    "active": "True",
        "message": "<pkmn> available. <move_1>/<move_2> (<iv>% - <atk>/<def>/<sta>)",
        "link": "<gmaps>",
        "image" : "<pkmn_id>.png",
        "description": "Address: <address>",
        "name": "<pkmn>"		
        "message": "Someone has placed a lure on a Pokestop! Lure will expire at <24h_time> (<time_left>).",
        "description": "Address: <address>",
        "link": "<gmaps>",
        "name": ""
        "message":"A Team <old_team> gym has fallen! It is now controlled by <new_team>.",
        "link": "<gmaps>",
        "name": "<new_team>",
        "description": "Address: <address>",
        "image": ""
    "egg": {
        "message": "A level <raid_level> raid is upcoming!",
        "image": "<raid_level>.png",
        "link": "<gmaps>",
        "name": "Egg",
        "description": "The egg will hatch <begin_24h_time> (<begin_time_left>)."
    "raid": {
        "message": "A Raid is available against <pkmn>!",
        "image": "<pkmn_id>.png",
        "link": "<gmaps>",
        "name": "Raid",
        "description": "The raid is available until <24h_time> (<time_left>)."

Note: The above code is to be inserted into the alarms section of alarms.json. It does not represent the entire alarms.json file.

How to get a Permanent Facebook Page Token

Use the Graph API Explorer for all of these steps except where otherwise stated.

0. Create Facebook App

If you already have an app, skip to step 1.

  1. Go to My Apps.
  2. Click "+ Add a New App".
  3. Setup a website app.
  4. Go to App Review of your new app and make sure your app is made Public.

1. Get User Short-Lived Access Token

  1. Go to the Graph API Explorer.
  2. Select the application you want to get the access token for by clicking on the "Graph API Explorer" dropdown near the top right.
  3. Click "Get Token" dropdown and choose "Get User Access Token".
  4. In the pop-up, under the "Events, Groups & Pages" section, check "manage_pages" and "publish_pages".
  5. Click "Get Access Token".
  6. Grant access from a Facebook account that has access to manage the target page. Note that if this user loses access the final, never-expiring access token will likely stop working.

Token that appears in the "Access Token" field is your short-lived access token.

2. Generate Long-Lived Access Token

Following these instructions from the Facebook docs, make a GET request to{app_id}&client_secret={app_secret}&fb_exchange_token={short_lived_token}

entering in your app's ID and secret, generated from step 0, and the short-lived token, generated in the previous step. Be sure to remove the curly braces "{}" when replacing values.

You cannot use the Graph API Explorer. For some reason it gets stuck on this request. I think it's because the response isn't JSON, but a query string. Since it's a GET request, you can just go to the URL in your browser.

The response should look like this:


"ABC123" will be your long-lived access token. You can put it into the Access Token Debugger to verify. Under "Expires" it should have something like "2 months".

4. Get User ID

Using the long-lived access token, make a GET request to{long_lived_access_token}

Be sure to remove the curly braces "{}" when replacing values. The id field is your account ID. You'll need it for the next step.

5. Get Permanent Page Access Token

Make a GET request to{account_id}/accounts?access_token={long_lived_access_token}

Be sure to remove the curly braces "{}" when replacing values. The JSON response should have a data field under which is an array of items the user has access to. Find the item for the page you want the permanent access token from. The access_token field should have your permanent access token. Copy it and test it in the Access Token Debugger. Under "Expires" it should say "Never".