Releases: fprime-community/fprime-workshop-led-blinker
Releases · fprime-community/fprime-workshop-led-blinker
Updated project to work with F´ v3.6.0: Updated to use F´ v3.6.0:
What's Changed
- Fixing topology for new TCP start call by @LeStarch in #103
- Fix links to new website by @thomas-bc in #104
- Fix links to old website architecture by @thomas-bc in #105
- Fix more links by @thomas-bc in #106
- Update instructions for UT creation by @AlesKus in #102
- Bump to v3.6.0 in prep for release by @LeStarch in #107
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.5.1...v3.6.0
Release to work with F´ v3.5.1
What's Changed
- Update instructions to reference bootstrap guide by @thomas-bc in #57
- Update pre-requisites by @thomas-bc in #59
- Update project name by @thomas-bc in #60
- Add override to parameterUpdated by @nateinaction in #63
- Fix typos in by @roemvaar in #64
- Update fprime git submodule to use https by @Joshua-Anderson in #66
- Fix template filenames to new spellings (template.hpp) by @thomas-bc in #70
- Update led issue 2839 by @kevin-f-ortega in #76
- Fixing main by @LeStarch in #79
- Main to devel by @LeStarch in #80
- Fixing milliseconds (#81) by @LeStarch in #82
- Latest devel fixes by @thomas-bc in #84
- Moving instruction before code in order for it to be more clear to th… by @kevin-f-ortega in #85
- Update per feedback by @kevin-f-ortega in #87
- fix: align run_handler types in component guide with fprime-util output by @SiboVG in #90
- [#92] Add missing backtick in unit testing docs by @SiboVG in #93
- Combined into one page for MkDocs Website by @ashleynilo in #98
- Fix doc regression and non-existent links by @thomas-bc in #99
- Update F´ submodule to v3.5.1 by @thomas-bc in #101
New Contributors
- @nateinaction made their first contribution in #63
- @roemvaar made their first contribution in #64
- @SiboVG made their first contribution in #90
- @ashleynilo made their first contribution in #98
Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v3.5.1
Release v3.4.0
Updated to use F´ v3.4.0:
What's Changed
- Update to use new interfaces by @LeStarch in #38
- Removing redundant instruction by @kevin-f-ortega in #39
- Clarify instructions by @thomas-bc in #40
- Fixes for nasa/fprime#2293 by @LeStarch in #43
- Add Table of Contents by @thomas-bc in #45
- Fixing typos in unit testing by @LeStarch in #42
- Update cookiecutter instructions by @thomas-bc in #44
- Linking requirements into tutorial flow by @LeStarch in #46
- Revert fprime version to v3.3.2 by @Joshua-Anderson in #47
- Add instructions about running system tests locally by @Joshua-Anderson in #48
- PosixTime (nasa/fprime#2317) by @thomas-bc in #51
- RateGroupDriver offset changes for nasa/fprime#2166 by @thomas-bc in #52
- Fixing typos in unit testing by @thomas-bc in #53
- October Workshop changes by @thomas-bc in #49
- Merge
by @thomas-bc in #55 - Bump F´ to v3.4.0 by @thomas-bc in #54
New Contributors
- @Joshua-Anderson made their first contribution in #47
Full Changelog: v3.3.2...v3.4.0
Release v3.3.2
What's Changed
- Update by @Another-Person in #3
- Update by @PepeRulo in #1
- Added _config.yml so this page will match the F' documentation theme. by @hAkselS in #12
- Community issue 4 by @kevin-f-ortega in #13
- Some pahts for starting gds testing server and verifying whether 32-b… by @PawelR12 in #16
- Issue 5 by @kevin-f-ortega in #17
- Update cookiecutter prompts by @thomas-bc in #19
- Remove fprime-arm-linux by @jwest115 in #21
- Migrate to new build structure by @jwest115 in #25
- Link docs to cross compilation tutorial by @jwest115 in #24
- Fix typos by @nathancheek in #28
- Make it clear that channels are used for transition count by @LeStarch in #30
- Removed duplicate instruction. by @kevin-f-ortega in #33
- Update prerequsites by @LeStarch in #32
- bugfix. LED will now turn off when blinking is commanded off. by @kevin-f-ortega in #35
- Update gitignore by @thomas-bc in #36
New Contributors
- @Another-Person made their first contribution in #3
- @PepeRulo made their first contribution in #1
- @hAkselS made their first contribution in #12
- @kevin-f-ortega made their first contribution in #13
- @PawelR12 made their first contribution in #16
- @thomas-bc made their first contribution in #19
- @jwest115 made their first contribution in #21
- @nathancheek made their first contribution in #28
Full Changelog: