Smooth Monokai Pro-inspired theme for Discord.
This theme was designed to be minimal - such that my IDE and Discord looked the same. But found others wanted to use it, so it's public so I can link it to them. :)
This theme could be improved a lot, so feel free to play around!
- Ensure you have BetterDiscord downloaded
- Download monokai_theme.css
- Add the file to your theme folder (should be in Discord settings) OR copy+paste into [custom css] in [settings]
- Ensure you have Vesktop installed
- Download monokai_theme.css
- Add the file to the theme folder (under Themes in Vesktop settings) OR copy and paste into QuickCSS (Themes in settings)
If you manage your system via Home-Manager either via the NixOS module or as standalone you can also use my (TheNeekOfficial) setup to install it declaratively.
{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
# Freesia's discord css
monokai-pro-css = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "freesiagaul";
repo = "monokai-pro-betterdiscord";
rev = "fb4c83348e4578e8ee9e1334b5b335b11f62a7e6"; # Current as of ~26th of February
sha256 = "JUpOCSxJaq4CHCnyAYhsBNsNiz3OxYCerhS7b78/3w4="; # Current as of ~26th of February
} + "/monokai.theme.css";
home.packages = with pkgs; [
home.file.".config/vesktop/themes/monokai-pro.css" = {
source = monokai-pro-css;
Just add this to your home.nix or in your flake.nix dependent on how you've set up home-manager.
This theme was inspired by:
- Zelk by schnensch0
- Midnight by refact0r
- Monokai Pro
- Dylan, and his epic Nix setup ;)