Geocities-ASCII Themed Site
(Because I can.)
This whole thing started when I did HackClub and made a small NFC-based PCB business card. I didn't know what to add, so I put an ASCII art image of myself on it. (Fig. 1)
But then it occured to me, I didn't actually know what I wanted to write to the card. So I decided to follow the cards theme and make an old-style site based on GeoCities, and found Neocities in the process, an awesome community continuing the tradition of free web hosting. (If you're wondering, yes! It is so ancient it actually only lets you use HTML/CSS/JS. I adore it. 🤣)
Making little easter eggs and animations is just charming, and frankly feels like art, so this is super fun! :)
If you like clacking on your computer and you're bored, you should try it too!