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LOC Documentation

Build and Deployment

FST Network's LOC Documentation, built with React-based Docusaurus 3.x.

Development Guide

Download and Open Locally

Prerequisites: Node.js (latest LTS version), Git and VS Code

Upgrade npm and install yarn:

npm i -g npm@latest yarn@latest

Download the repository, install dependencies and open the folder in VS code (VS Code may prompt for installing a few extensions):

git clone
cd loc-documentation
code .

Open in CodeSpace

Prerequisites: Github

On the Github repository, click <> Code -> Codespaces -> Create codespace on main. This will start a web version of VS Code with the repository loaded.

Install Dependencies

Open a terminal in VS Code and run


If you open the project in CodeSpace, it will automatically run this command as part of the setup.

Start Development Server

Build and run a development server, which will hot-reload any changes you've made to most of the files. Be warned that the development server may not throw some build errors.

yarn start
# run dev server at http://localhost:3000

Build and Run Local Production

Build a production and serve it locally. The production (under ./build) can be served by any static web server.

Be noted that the build process may fail due to broken links/anchors in the docs or incompatible upgraded packages. (Warnings can be ignored. You can override these behaviors in docusaurus.config.ts.)

yarn build
yarn serve
# serve production at http://localhost:3000

Build and Run as Local Docker Container

Prerequisite: Docker

# build docker image
docker build . -f ./dev-support/containers/local/Dockerfile -t loc-documentation
# run docker container at http://localhost:8080
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --rm loc-documentation

Commit Changes

To commit any changes to the repository:

yarn commit

This action will run format for all docs, sync to the Github repo then push local changes to the repository.

it is recommended to run a build test first if you've made major changes in docs or have upgraded packages.

Upgrade Packages

This repository has a Dependabot configuration that will create pull-requests for upgradable versions of packages.

Upgrade locally and commit:

yarn upgrade {package}@{version}
# or
yarn upgrade {package}@latest # upgrade to latest
# then
yarn commit

Or simply merge pull-requests on Github then update the local version:

git pull origin main && yarn

Docs Maintenance

Create or Update Docs

All docs are written in .mdx format, which supports both Markdown and React/HTML syntax.

Refer to:

Docs Config

Most of the docs config can be found in docusaurus.config.ts.

Refer to:


If there are major changes in the index page or navbar items, a new thumbnail photo (/static/img/thumbnail.jpg) should be created.

Spelling Checker

The repo will prompt installing a spelling checker in your VS Code environment, which will generate warnings for unrecognized spellings while viewing .md or .mdx files.

Docs and Versioning

Due to the requirement of multiple versioning in LOC, LOC-Doc current serve the following docs:

Docs Folder Root Routing Path Docs ID Docs Versioning
/src/pages / General pages without sidebars No
/docs /docs default General docs have sidebars No
/docs-main /main main LOC (Core, Studio, CLI) main docs Yes
/docs-sdk-ts /sdk-ts sdk-ts SDK for JS/TS docs Yes
/docs-sdk-csharp /sdk-csharp sdk-csharp SDK for C# docs Yes
/docs-legacy /legacy/intro legacy Legacy docs Yes (will not add new versions)

Versioned docs will have the root path of /{path}/{version}/....

Links between docs should always pointing to the current (latest) docs. If versioned docs contain links no longer pointing to valid path and/or anchor (which throws error during build), remove the older link.

/docs-draft are for unused old materials, which will be excluded from the site building process.

Add a General Page

Create a .md or .mdx file under /src/pages and it will be accessible via /{page-name}.

Add a New Docs

To create a new docs whether or noe it will be versioned:

  1. Create a new root folder docs-{new-docs-id}. The new ID must be unique from other docs.

  2. Copy /sidebars/sidebars.ts and create a new file named /sidebars/sidebars-{new-docs-id}.ts

  3. Add a docs plugin in docusaurus.config.ts:

        id: "{new-docs-id}",
        path: "docs-{new-docs-id}",
        routeBasePath: "{new-docs-id}",
        sidebarPath: "./sidebars/sidebars-{new-docs-id}.ts",
        showLastUpdateAuthor: true,
        showLastUpdateTime: true,
        includeCurrentVersion: true,
        lastVersion: "current",
        onlyIncludeVersions: ["current"],
        versions: {
            current: {
                label: "{docs name}",
                path: "",

The routeBasePath is the final routing path on the website, and the pages can be linked via /{new-docs-id}/{page-name}.

  1. Add the docs link /{new-docs-id} in themeConfig.navbar and themeConfig.footer as well as /docs/index.mdx.

  2. Update docsRouteBasePath and docsDir paths in the search plugin @easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local to index the new docs.

  3. Complete the docs.

Create a Versioned Docs

Versioned docs are older docs preserved for version progressing purposes.

For major or significant minor updates, a new versioned docs should be created:

  1. Create a versioned docs from the current docs and marked as the previous version:
yarn docusaurus docs:version:{id} {previous-version-number}

Versioned docs will have the path /{id}_versioned_docs/version-{previous-version-number}/.

  1. Edit docusaurus.config.ts to include the new previous version under onlyIncludeVersions and versions in the corresponding docs plugin.

  2. Modify the current docs (including the release notes, the displayed sidebar version, etc.) according to the latest release.

  3. The latest (current) docs also should update its release notes to include the link of all versioned docs.

  4. For the main docs (/docs-main), update onlyIncludeVersions and versions in the docs plugin to include versioned docs (which will update the drop down menu). Use docs-legacy as the reference. For SDK docs, only the latest versions need to be included (there is no room for extra drop down menus).

Create a New SDK Docs

In case of a new SDK docs is required, use one of the SDK docs as template and create all the necessary docs/configurations.


No description, website, or topics provided.



