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Transaction Maker

Mode pub_tag

git clone

cd transaction-maker

export MASTER_PK_HEX_STR=0xabcdef0123456789...

node src/index.js \
  --mode pub_tag \
  --root_dir ./ \
  --tags ./csv_template/tag.csv \
  --version_id [VER STRING] \
  --jsonrpc_http [Ethereum JSONRPC URL]

Mode attach_tag

git clone

cd transaction-maker

node src/index.js \
  --mode attach_tag \
  --root_dir ./ \
  --attaches ./csv_template/attach.csv \
  --version_id [VER STRING] \
  --jsonrpc_http [Ethereum JSONRPC URL]


npm i @fstnetwork/transaction-maker

Mode pub_tag / attach_tag

Please set the environment variable MASTER_PK_HEX_STR=0xabcdef0123456789... while using the library

publisher_id can be any unique string

tag_uniq_name can be any unique string

(version_id in options will be the postfix of the tagname)

One publisher can have many tags (but the best practice is still one publisher has one tag)

attach_from can just be set to "publisher"

const { create_tags, attach_tags } = require("@fstnetwork/transaction-maker");

// creat tags first
    version_id: "abc",
    root_dir: process.cwd(),
    jsonrpc_http: "[ETH_JSON_RPC_URL]",
    logger: "default",
    { publisher_id: "def", tag_uniq_name: "abcdef" },
    { publisher_id: "def", tag_uniq_name: "ghijkl" },

// and then
    version_id: "abc",
    root_dir: process.cwd(),
    jsonrpc_http: "[ETH_JSON_RPC_URL]",
    logger: "default",
      tag_uniq_name: "abcdef",
      attach_from: "publisher",
      attach_to: "0xefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefef",
      attach_amount: "1",
      tag_uniq_name: "abcdef",
      attach_from: "publisher",
      attach_to: "0xefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefef",
      attach_amount: "1",
      tag_uniq_name: "ghijkl",
      attach_from: "publisher",
      attach_to: "0xefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefef",
      attach_amount: "1",
      tag_uniq_name: "ghijkl",
      attach_from: "publisher",
      attach_to: "0xefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefef",
      attach_amount: "1",