WARNING: this is work in progress and the file format is likely to change!
The files with .ls extension is a LiveScript source file. LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript.
For emacs user, please use https://github.com/YHisamatsu/livescript-mode for syntax highlight.
The node.js in Ubuntu is pretty old and does not work with LiveScript. Please use the one in chris ppa.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
and some dependency
$ sudo aptitude install libcups libimage-size-perl
$ npm i
## compile
$ npm run prepublish
# update submodule
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
data/twly$ git pull origin master
# generate JSON file, you can input which ad you want, below will use ad=8 for example
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc mly.ls ad 8 > data/mly-8.json
# In begining of ad=9, source didn't provide uid of legislator, we maintain it ourself for temporary usage.
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc mly_uid_by_ourself.ls > data/mly-9.json
# get ly-gazette in the same directory with twlyparser
$ cd ..
$ git clone git://github.com/g0v/ly-gazette.git
# output/raw/4004.text -> output/raw/4004.md
$ cd twlyparser
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./format-log.ls --fromtext --gazette 4004 --dir ./output/raw
# generate all gazettes for 8th AD
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./format-log.ls --fromtext --ad 8 --dir ./output/raw
To retrieve source word files of a specific gazette that is already listed in 'data/index.json':
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc get-source.ls --gazette 4004
Convert to html with 'unoconv':
You'll need to install LibreOffice.
# make sure you do `git submodule init` and `git submodule update`
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc populate-sitting.ls --force --gazette 4004
you may use the sample data to skip get-source
and unoconv conversion
twlyrawdata.tgz : download from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/30657009/ly/4004.tgz
$ mkdir source/
$ tar xzvf twlyrawdata.tgz -C source/
$ mkdir output
# convert doc files to html and update data/gazettes.json with metadata
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc populate-sitting.ls --dometa
# generate text file from source/
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./format-log.ls --text --gazette 4004 --dir ./output
# generate markdown file from text generated above
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./format-log.ls --fromtext --gazette 4004 --dir ./output
# generate all gazettes for 8th AD
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./format-log.ls --text --ad 8 --dir ./output
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./format-log.ls --fromtext --ad 8 --dir ./output
# generate specific gazette or AD
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./md2json.ls --gazette 4004 --dir ./output
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./md2json.ls --ad 8 --dir ./output
# generate all gazettes
$ ./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./md2json.ls --dir ../data
./node_modules/.bin/lsc format-log-resource-json.ls --dir ../data
./node_modules/.bin/lsc ck_json2csv_mly.ls > mly.csv # ./data/mly-8.json
./node_modules/.bin/lsc ck_json2csv_gazette.ls > gazettes.csv # ./data/gazettes.json
./node_modules/.bin/lsc ck_json2csv_vote.ls --dir ../ly-gazette/raw # 3110.json 3111.json ...
mkdir -p source/meta
sh ./list 4004 > source/meta/4004.html
./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./parse-list.ls source/meta/*.html
./node_modules/.bin/lsc ./prepare-source.ls
data/index.json should now be populated.
There are some pages of gov.tw that we can query data. such as
- http://misq.ly.gov.tw/
- lis.ly.gov.tw - but you cannot use this link directly for some technical reasons
- go to http://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/homePage
- choose '立法院議事系統'
There is a script to generate bill-diff. But we need the billId of a bill to bootstrap the script. The billId could be found in misq page. use 1010509070300300 as a billId for example
./node_modules/.bin/lsc parse-bill.ls 1010509070300300
could helps us to generate bill-diff. It might fiailed in first run, just execute it twice.
We can parse motion data from lis.ly.gov.tw as well. First of all, install chrome extension from g0v/ly-crx, then
1. open lis.ly.gov.tw (in correct way)
1. query motion
1. You will see 'download all' in the page of query result, click the button
1. The browser will open a new page, save the whole content of opened page to /tmp/foo.html
./node_modules/.bin/lsc parse-tts.ls /tmp/foo.html > foo.json
./node_modules/.bin/lsc populate-summary.ls
to parse ly-law-record and ly-statistics
update_record(json_path, output_path)
All path without specificate (e.g. to_path, output_path), don't put on file type
update_record('../ly-record/record.json', '../ly-record/record')
All function will generate csv and json file
get-calendar-by-year(year, seen) => entries
Crawl calendar from
Run npm run shot:something.
Shot both cassettes and snapshots by using network
or shot only snapshots by using the cassettes
Run npm run test:something.
$ npm run shot:calendar
If you don't has any cassettes under test/fixtures/cassettes/something/*.yml
it will shot both cassettes and snapshots by using network.
If you already had,
it will shot only snapshots by using the cassettes: test/fixtures/cassettes/something/*.yml
To the extent possible under law, Chia-liang Kao has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to twlyparser.
This work is published from Taiwan.