Generates GraphQL types, inputs, queries and resolvers directly from SQLAlchemy models.
🔄 Automatic Type Generation: Generate strawberry types from SQLAlchemy models
🧠Smart Resolvers: Automatically generates single, optimized database queries for a given GraphQL request
🔍 Comprehensive Filtering: Rich filtering capabilities on most data types, including PostGIS geo columns
đź“„ Pagination Support: Built-in offset-based pagination
đź“Š Aggregation Queries: Support for aggregation functions like count, sum, avg, min, max, and statistical functions
⚡ Sync/Async Support: Works with both synchronous and asynchronous SQLAlchemy sessions
🛢 Database Support: Currently only PostgreSQL is officially supported and tested (using asyncpg or psycopg3 sync/async)
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Mapping SQLAlchemy Models
- Resolver Generation
- Pagination
- Filtering
- Aggregations
- Configuration
- Contributing
- License
Strawchemy is available on PyPi
pip install strawchemy
Strawchemy has the following optional dependencies:
: Enable Postgis support through geoalchemy2
To install these dependencies along with strawchemy:
pip install strawchemy[geo]
import strawberry
from strawchemy import Strawchemy
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column, relationship
# Initialize the strawchemy mapper
strawchemy = Strawchemy()
# Define SQLAlchemy models
class Base(DeclarativeBase):
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "user"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str]
posts: Mapped[list["Post"]] = relationship("Post", back_populates="author")
class Post(Base):
__tablename__ = "post"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
title: Mapped[str]
content: Mapped[str]
author_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""))
author: Mapped[User] = relationship("User", back_populates="posts")
# Map models to GraphQL types
@strawchemy.type(User, include="all")
class UserType:
@strawchemy.type(Post, include="all")
class PostType:
# Create filter inputs
@strawchemy.filter_input(User, include="all")
class UserFilter:
@strawchemy.filter_input(Post, include="all")
class PostFilter:
# Create order by inputs
@strawchemy.order_by_input(User, include="all")
class UserOrderBy:
@strawchemy.order_by_input(Post, include="all")
class PostOrderBy:
# Define GraphQL query fields
class Query:
users: list[UserType] = strawchemy.field(filter_input=UserFilter, order_by=UserOrderBy, pagination=True)
posts: list[PostType] = strawchemy.field(filter_input=PostFilter, order_by=PostOrderBy, pagination=True)
# Create schema
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)
# Users with pagination, filtering, and ordering
offset: 0
limit: 10
filter: { name: { contains: "John" } }
orderBy: { name: ASC }
) {
posts {
# Posts with exact title match
posts(filter: { title: { eq: "Introduction to GraphQL" } }) {
author {
Strawchemy provides an easy way to map SQLAlchemy models to GraphQL types using the @strawchemy.type
decorator. You can include/exclude specific fields or have strawchemy map all columns/relationships of the model and it's children.
Mapping example
Include columns and relationships
import strawberry
from strawchemy import Strawchemy
# Assuming these models are defined as in the Quick Start example
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column, relationship
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
strawchemy = Strawchemy()
class Base(DeclarativeBase):
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "user"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str]
posts: Mapped[list["Post"]] = relationship("Post", back_populates="author")
@strawchemy.type(User, include="all")
class UserType:
Including/excluding specific fields
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "user"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str]
password: Mapped[str]
# Include specific fields
@strawchemy.type(User, include=["id", "name"])
class UserType:
# Exclude specific fields
@strawchemy.type(User, exclude=["password"])
class UserType:
# Include all fields
@strawchemy.type(User, include="all")
class UserType:
Add a custom fields
from strawchemy import ModelInstance
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "user"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
first_name: Mapped[str]
last_name: Mapped[str]
@strawchemy.type(User, include="all")
class UserType:
instance: ModelInstance[User]
def full_name(self) -> str:
return f"{self.instance.first_name} {self.instance.last_name}"
See the custom resolvers for more details
By default, strawchemy generates strawberry types when visiting the model and the following relationships, but only if you have not already defined a type with the same name using the @strawchemy.type decorator, otherwise you will see an error.
To explicitly tell strawchemy to use your type, you need to define it with @strawchemy.type(override=True)
Using the Override Parameter
from strawchemy import Strawchemy
strawchemy = Strawchemy()
# Define models
class Color(Base):
__tablename__ = "color"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str]
fruits: Mapped[list["Fruit"]] = relationship("Fruit", back_populates="color")
class Fruit(Base):
__tablename__ = "fruit"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str]
color_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""))
color: Mapped[Color] = relationship("Color", back_populates="fruits")
# Define a type with override=True
@strawchemy.type(Color, include="all", override=True)
class ColorType:
fruits: auto
name: int
# Define another type that uses the same model
@strawchemy.type(Fruit, include="all", override=True)
class FruitType:
name: int
color: auto # This will use the ColorType defined above
# Define a query that uses these types
class Query:
fruit: FruitType = strawchemy.field()
The override
parameter is useful in the following scenarios:
- Type Reuse: When you need to use the same type in multiple places where the same model is referenced.
- Auto-generated Type Override: When you want to override the default auto-generated type for a model.
- Custom Type Names: When you want to use a custom name for your type but still have it recognized as the type for a specific model.
Without setting override=True
, you would get an error like:
Type `FruitType` cannot be auto generated because it's already declared.
You may want to set `override=True` on the existing type to use it everywhere.
This happens when Strawchemy tries to auto-generate a type for a model that already has a type defined for it.
You can also use override=True
with input types:
@strawchemy.order_by_input(Fruit, include="all", override=True)
class FruitOrderBy:
# Custom order by fields
override: bool = True
Strawchemy automatically generates resolvers for your GraphQL fields. You can use the strawchemy.field()
function to generate fields that query your database
Resolvers example
class Query:
# Simple field that returns a list of users
users: list[UserType] = strawchemy.field()
# Field with filtering, ordering, and pagination
filtered_users: list[UserType] = strawchemy.field(filter_input=UserFilter, order_by=UserOrderBy, pagination=True)
# Field that returns a single user by ID
user: UserType = strawchemy.field()
While Strawchemy automatically generates resolvers for most use cases, you can also create custom resolvers for more complex scenarios. There are two main approaches to creating custom resolvers:
When using strawchemy.field()
as a function, strawchemy creates a resolver that delegates data fetching to the StrawchemySyncRepository
or StrawchemyAsyncRepository
classes depending on the SQLAlchemy session type.
You can create custom resolvers by using the @strawchemy.field
as a decorator and working directly with the repository:
Custom resolvers using repository
from sqlalchemy import select, true
from strawchemy import StrawchemySyncRepository
class Query:
def red_color(self, info: strawberry.Info) -> ColorType:
# Create a repository with a predefined filter
repo = StrawchemySyncRepository(ColorType, info, filter_statement=select(Color).where( == "Red"))
# Return a single result (will raise an exception if not found)
return repo.get_one()
def get_color_by_name(self, info: strawberry.Info, color: str) -> ColorType | None:
# Create a repository with a custom filter statement
repo = StrawchemySyncRepository(ColorType, info, filter_statement=select(Color).where( == color))
# Return a single result or None if not found
return repo.get_one_or_none()
def get_color_by_id(self, info: strawberry.Info, id: str) -> ColorType | None:
repo = StrawchemySyncRepository(ColorType, info)
# Return a single result or None if not found
return repo.get_by_id(id=id)
def public_colors(self, info: strawberry.Info) -> ColorType:
repo = StrawchemySyncRepository(ColorType, info, filter_statement=select(Color).where(Color.public.is_(true())))
# Return a list of results
return repo.list()
For async resolvers, use StrawchemyAsyncRepository
which is the async variant of StrawchemySyncRepository
from strawchemy import StrawchemyAsyncRepository
class Query:
async def get_color(self, info: strawberry.Info, color: str) -> ColorType | None:
repo = StrawchemyAsyncRepository(ColorType, info, filter_statement=select(Color).where( == color))
return await repo.get_one_or_none()
The repository provides several methods for fetching data:
: Returns a single result, raises an exception if not foundget_one_or_none()
: Returns a single result or None if not foundget_by_id()
: Returns a single result filtered on primary keylist()
: Returns a list of results
Strawchemy provides query hooks that allow you to customize query behavior. Query hooks give you fine-grained control over how SQL queries are constructed and executed.
Using query hooks
from strawchemy import ModelInstance, QueryHook
from sqlalchemy import Select, select
from sqlalchemy.orm.util import AliasedClass
# Define a model and type
class Fruit(Base):
__tablename__ = "fruit"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str]
adjectives: Mapped[list[str]] = mapped_column(ARRAY(String))
# Apply the hook at the field level
@strawchemy.type(Fruit, exclude={"color"})
class FruitTypeWithDescription:
instance: ModelInstance[Fruit]
# Use LoadColumnsHook to ensure specific columns are loaded
@strawchemy.field(query_hook=QueryHook(load_columns=[, Fruit.adjectives]))
def description(self) -> str:
return f"The {} is {', '.join(self.instance.adjectives)}"
# Create a custom query hook for filtering
class FilterFruitHook(QueryHook[Fruit]):
def apply_hook(self, statement: Select[tuple[Fruit]], alias: AliasedClass[Fruit]) -> Select[tuple[Fruit]]:
# Add a custom WHERE clause
return statement.where( == "Apple")
# Apply the hook at the type level
@strawchemy.type(Fruit, exclude={"color"}, query_hook=FilterFruitHook())
class FilteredFruitType:
You must set a
typed attribute if you want to access the model instance values. Theinstance
attribute is matched by theModelInstance[Fruit]
type hint, so you can give it any name you want.
The QueryHook
base class provides several methods that you can override to customize query behavior:
: Apply changes to the statement. By default, it returns it unchanged. This method is only for filtering or ordering customizations, if you want to explicitly load columns, use the `load_columns' parameter instead. -
: Specify columns that should always be loaded, even if not directly requested in the GraphQL query. This is useful for:- Ensuring data needed for computed properties is available
- Loading columns required for custom resolvers
- Optimizing queries by explicitly loading only required columns
Important notes when using query hooks:
- You must use the provided
parameter to refer to columns of the model on which the hook is applied. Otherwise, the statement may fail. - For now, you can only refer to model columns; accessing columns from relationships (through joins) is not supported.
- The GraphQL context is available through
within hook methods.
Strawchemy supports offset-based pagination out of the box.
Pagination example:
Enable pagination on fields:
from strawchemy.types import DefaultOffsetPagination
class Query:
# Enable pagination with default settings
users: list[UserType] = strawchemy.field(pagination=True)
# Customize pagination defaults
users_custom_pagination: list[UserType] = strawchemy.field(pagination=DefaultOffsetPagination(limit=20))
In your GraphQL queries, you can use the offset
and limit
users(offset: 0, limit: 10) {
You can also enable pagination for nested relationships:
@strawchemy.type(User, include="all", child_pagination=True)
class UserType:
Then in your GraphQL queries:
users {
posts(offset: 0, limit: 5) {
Strawchemy provides powerful filtering capabilities.
Filtering example
First, create a filter input type:
@strawchemy.filter_input(User, include="all")
class UserFilter:
Then use it in your field:
class Query:
users: list[UserType] = strawchemy.field(filter_input=UserFilter)
Now you can use various filter operations in your GraphQL queries:
# Equality filter
users(filter: { name: { eq: "John" } }) {
# Comparison filters
users(filter: { age: { gt: 18, lte: 30 } }) {
# String filters
users(filter: { name: { contains: "oh", ilike: "%OHN%" } }) {
# Logical operators
users(filter: { _or: [{ name: { eq: "John" } }, { name: { eq: "Jane" } }] }) {
# Nested filters
users(filter: { posts: { title: { contains: "GraphQL" } } }) {
posts {
# Compare interval component
tasks(filter: { duration: { days: { gt: 2 } } }) {
# Direct interval comparison
tasks(filter: { duration: { gt: "P2DT5H" } }) {
Strawchemy supports a wide range of filter operations:
Data Type/Category | Filter Operations |
Common to most types | eq , neq , isNull , in , nin |
Numeric types (Int, Float, Decimal) | gt , gte , lt , lte |
String | order filter, plus like , nlike , ilike , nilike , regexp , iregexp , nregexp , inregexp , startswith , endswith , contains , istartswith , iendswith , icontains |
JSON | contains , containedIn , hasKey , hasKeyAll , hasKeyAny |
Array | contains , containedIn , overlap |
Date | order filters on plain dates, plus year , month , day , weekDay , week , quarter , isoYear and isoWeekDay filters |
DateTime | All Date filters plus hour , minute , second |
Time | order filters on plain times, plus hour , minute and second filters |
Interval | order filters on plain intervals, plus days , hours , minutes and seconds filters |
Logical | _and , _or , _not |
Strawchemy supports spatial filtering capabilities for geometry fields using GeoJSON. To use geo filters, you need to have PostGIS installed and enabled in your PostgreSQL database.
Geo filters example
Define models and types:
class GeoModel(Base):
__tablename__ = "geo"
id: Mapped[UUID] = mapped_column(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
# Define geometry columns using GeoAlchemy2
point: Mapped[WKBElement | None] = mapped_column(Geometry("POINT", srid=4326), nullable=True)
polygon: Mapped[WKBElement | None] = mapped_column(Geometry("POLYGON", srid=4326), nullable=True)
@strawchemy.type(GeoModel, include="all")
class GeoType: ...
@strawchemy.filter_input(GeoModel, include="all")
class GeoFieldsFilter: ...
class Query:
geo: list[GeoType] = strawchemy.field(filter_input=GeoFieldsFilter)
Then you can use the following geo filter operations in your GraphQL queries:
# Find geometries that contain a point
filter: {
polygon: { containsGeometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [0.5, 0.5] } }
) {
# Find geometries that are within a polygon
filter: {
point: {
withinGeometry: {
type: "Polygon"
coordinates: [[[0, 0], [0, 2], [2, 2], [2, 0], [0, 0]]]
) {
# Find records with null geometry
geo(filter: { point: { isNull: true } }) {
Strawchemy supports the following geo filter operations:
- containsGeometry: Filters for geometries that contain the specified GeoJSON geometry
- withinGeometry: Filters for geometries that are within the specified GeoJSON geometry
- isNull: Filters for null or non-null geometry values
These filters work with all geometry types supported by PostGIS, including:
(generic geometry type)
Strawchemy automatically exposes aggregation fields for list relationships.
When you define a model with a list relationship, the corresponding GraphQL type will include an aggregation field for that relationship, named <field_name>Aggregate
Basic aggregation example:
With the folliing model definitions:
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "user"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
name: Mapped[str]
posts: Mapped[list["Post"]] = relationship("Post", back_populates="author")
class Post(Base):
__tablename__ = "post"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
title: Mapped[str]
content: Mapped[str]
author_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""))
author: Mapped[User] = relationship("User", back_populates="posts")
And the corresponding GraphQL types:
@strawchemy.type(User, include="all")
class UserType:
@strawchemy.type(Post, include="all")
class PostType:
You can query aggregations on the posts
users {
postsAggregate {
min {
max {
# Other aggregation functions are also available
You can also filter entities based on aggregations of their related entities.
Aggregation filtering example
Define types with filters:
@strawchemy.filter_input(User, include="all")
class UserFilter:
class Query:
users: list[UserType] = strawchemy.field(filter_input=UserFilter)
For example, to find users who have more than 5 posts:
filter: {
postsAggregate: { count: { arguments: [id], predicate: { gt: 5 } } }
) {
postsAggregate {
You can use various predicates for filtering:
# Users with exactly 3 posts
users(filter: {
postsAggregate: {
count: {
arguments: [id]
predicate: { eq: 3 }
# Users with posts containing "GraphQL" in the title
users(filter: {
postsAggregate: {
maxString: {
arguments: [title]
predicate: { contains: "GraphQL" }
# Users with an average post length greater than 1000 characters
users(filter: {
postsAggregate: {
avg: {
arguments: [contentLength]
predicate: { gt: 1000 }
Distinct aggregation filtering example
You can also use the distinct
parameter to count only distinct values:
filter: {
postsAggregate: {
count: { arguments: [category], predicate: { gt: 2 }, distinct: true }
) {
This would find users who have posts in more than 2 distinct categories.
Strawchemy supports query level aggregations.
Root aggregations example:
First, create an aggregation type:
@strawchemy.aggregation_type(User, include="all")
class UserAggregationType:
Then set up the root aggregations on the field:
class Query:
users_aggregations: UserAggregationType = strawchemy.field(root_aggregations=True)
Now you can use aggregation functions on the result of your query:
usersAggregations {
aggregations {
# Basic aggregations
sum {
avg {
min {
max {
# Statistical aggregations
stddev {
variance {
# Access the actual data
nodes {
Strawchemy can be configured when initializing the mapper.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
session_getter |
Callable[[Info], Session] |
default_session_getter |
Function to retrieve SQLAlchemy session from strawberry Info object. By default, it retrieves the session from info.context.session . |
auto_snake_case |
bool |
True |
Automatically convert snake cased names to camel case in GraphQL schema. |
repository_type |
type[Repository] | "auto" |
"auto" |
Repository class to use for auto resolvers. When set to "auto" , Strawchemy will automatically choose between sync and async repositories based on the session type. |
filter_overrides |
OrderedDict[tuple[type, ...], type[SQLAlchemyFilterBase]] |
None |
Override default filters with custom filters. This allows you to provide custom filter implementations for specific column types. |
execution_options |
dict[str, Any] |
None |
SQLAlchemy execution options for repository operations. These options are passed to the SQLAlchemy execution_options() method. |
pagination_default_limit |
int |
100 |
Default pagination limit when pagination=True . |
pagination |
bool |
False |
Enable/disable pagination on list resolvers by default. |
default_id_field_name |
str |
"id" |
Name for primary key fields arguments on primary key resolvers. |
dialect |
Literal["postgresql"] |
"postgresql" |
Database dialect to use. Currently, only PostgreSQL is supported. |
from strawchemy import Strawchemy
# Custom session getter function
def get_session_from_context(info):
return info.context.db_session
# Initialize with custom configuration
strawchemy = Strawchemy(
Contributions are welcome! Please see for details on how to contribute to this project.
This project is licensed under the terms of the license included in the LICENCE file.