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OpenQuake Engine 3.14.0

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@nastasi-oq nastasi-oq released this 12 Apr 14:22
· 16473 commits to master since this release

Release 3.14.0

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed the definition of aggrisk: dividing by the effective time
  • Internal: removed flag save_disk_space since now it is always on
  • Slightly changed the collapsing of nodal planes and hypocenters in
    presence of the equivalent distance approximation (reqv)
  • Extended oq reduce_sm to multiFaultSources
  • Fixed the check on unique section IDs for multiFaultSources
  • Implemented multi-aggregation with a syntax like
  • Removed the obsolete commands oq to_shapefile and oq from_shapefile
    and turned pyshp into an optional dependency
  • Setting num_rlzs_disagg=0 is now valid and it means considering
    all realizations in a disaggregation calculation
  • Rounded the magnitudes in multiFaultSources to two digits

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Extended ModifiableGMPE to work with GMPETable and subclasses

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Upgraded shapely from version 1.7 to version 1.8: this causes slight
    changes in the results for most calculations
  • Removed the not used (and not working) functionality applyToSourceType
  • Raised an error when the total standard deviation is zero, unless
    truncation_level is set to zero

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe)]

  • Fixed a typo and a few bugs within Kuehn et al. (2020) model to include
    Z2.5 when the given region is JAPAN

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed /extract/events to return events sorted by ID
  • Changed the default amplification method to "convolution"
  • Fixed a bug with discard_trts sometimes discarding too much
  • Raised a helpful error message when ensurepip is missing
  • Fixed parentdir bug in event_based_damage
  • Fixed sorting bug in the /v1/calc/run web API
  • Internal: introduced limited unique rupture IDs in classical calculations
    with few sites

[Prajakta Jadhav (@Prajakta-Jadhav-25), Dharma Wijewickreme (@Dharma-Wijewickreme)]

  • Added GMPE Youd et al. (2002) and the corresponding site parameters

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed the exporter aggrisk-stats in the case of zero losses
  • Vectorized all GMPEs and forbidden non-vectorized GMPEs
  • Raised the limit to 94 GMPEs per tectonic region type
  • Optimized the NBCC2015_AA13 GMPEs
  • Optimized the GMPETable and the derived NGAEast GMPEs
  • Fixed a 32/64 bit bug in oq export loss_maps-stats

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Added a more flexible version of the GC2 implementation
  • Added caching of distances in multi fault ruptures
  • Added the NRCan site term to the modifiable GMPE

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Optimized .get_bounding_box, .polygon and .mesh_size for MultiFaultSources
  • Fixed bug in presence of mixed vectorized/nonvectorized GMPEs
  • Extended oq postzip to multiple files and oq abort to multiple jobs
  • Internal: changed to install the venv in /opt/openquake/venv
  • Fixed a BOM issue on Windows when reading job.ini files