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OpenQuake Engine 3.15.0

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@nastasi-oq nastasi-oq released this 12 Sep 09:22
· 14655 commits to master since this release

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added a check on sum(srcs_weights) == 1 for mutex sources

[Kendra Johnson (@kejohnso)]

  • Fixed disaggregation by lon, lat in presence of multiFaultSources

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Replaced command oq download_shakemap with oq shakemap2gmfs
  • Raised an error for missing required IMTs in ShakeMap grid files
  • Extended the custom_site_id to 8 characters
  • Restricted the accepted characters in risk IDs
  • Extended disagg_by_src to mutually exclusive sources (i.e. Japan)
    and managed "colon" sources specially

[Anne Hulsey (@annehulsey)]

  • Contributed Mag_Dist_TRT and Mag_Dist_TRT_Eps disaggregations

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Internal: added a way to disable the DbServer from openquake.cfg or
    by setting OQ_DATABASE=local
  • Implemented total_losses, even for insurance calculations
  • Optimized "computing risk" in the event_based_risk calculator (~30% faster)
  • Changed the magnitude binning formula, thus fixing some disaggregation
    calculations (for instance when there is a single magnitude for a TRT)
  • Changed the aggrisk/aggcurves exporters in presence of insurance losses
  • Internal: changed how avg_losses, src_loss_table and agg_curves-stats are
    stored to simplify the management of secondary losses
  • Internal: we have now repeatable rupture IDs in classical PSHA

[Pablo Iturrieta (@pabloitu)]

  • Added support for negative binomial temporal occurrence models

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added support for disaggregation in case of mutually exclusive sources

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed error message when trying to compute disagg_by_src with too many
    sources: in some cases, it contained a misleading reference to point sources
  • Reorganized the Advanced Manual; changed the theme to be consistent with
    the OpenQuake manual
  • Internal: added command oq db engine_version
  • Added a check for required site parameters not passed correctly
  • Fixed ps_grid_spacing approximation when the grid is degenerate
  • Logging a warning when starting from an old hazard calculation
  • The extra fields of the site collection were lost when using --hc

[Julián Santiago Montejo Espitia]

  • Implemented the Arteta et al. (2021) subduction model for Colombia

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added host field to the job table (dbserver restart required)
  • --exports=csv was not honored for the realizations output; now it is

[Paul Henshaw (@pslh), Sandra Giacomini]

  • Ported the OpenQuake manual from latex to reStructuredText format

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Entered automatically in sequential mode if there is not enough memory
  • Raised an early error for missing risk IDs in the vulnerability files
  • Changed the definition of aggrisk again to ensure consistency with the
    average losses

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe)]

  • Added width and hypo_depth estimation to Campbell and Bozorgnia (2014)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Improved the precision of the ps_grid_spacing approximation
  • Added a check for missing mags when using GMPETables
  • Fixed a bug in upgrade_nrml -m for point sources with different usd/lsd
  • Automatically discard irrelevant TRTs in disaggregation calculations

[Ashta Poudel, Anirudh Rao (@raoanirudh), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added the ability to run connectivity analysis in event_based_damage
    and scenario_damage calculation with an appropriate exposure

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe), Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added ztor estimation to Campbell and Bozorgnia (2014)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Using PointMSR when the reqv approximation is enabled
  • Internal: changed the rupture storage for classical calculations
  • Optimized rupture instantiation for point sources
  • Optimized distance calculations for point sources

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe), Claudio Schill]

  • Simple performance improvement of Kuehn et al. 2020 model

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed again the string representation of logic tree paths and added
    an utility to build trees from literal lists
  • Fixed the field source_info.trti in the datastore to point to the
    correct tectonic region type index and not to zero
  • Added a check for inconsistent IDs across different kinds of risk functions
    (i.e. fragility and consequence)
  • Fixed a logging statement that could run out of memory in large calculations
  • Optimized iter_ruptures for point sources by vectorizing the generation of
    planar surfaces by magnitude, nodal plane and hypocenter

[Tom Son (@SnowNooDLe)]

  • Implemented a missing piece in Chiou & Youngs (2014) model
    Predicted PSA value at T ≤ 0.3s should be set equal to the value of PGA
    when it falls below the predicted PGA

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Added the possibility of disaggregating in terms of epsilon*
  • Added a method to compute the cross-correlation matrix
  • Added Hassani & Atkinson (2018)
  • Added Hassani & Atkinson (2020)

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Fixed disaggregation returning NaNs in some situations with
  • Bug fix: not storing far away ruptures coming from multiFaultSources
  • Implemented CScalingMSR
  • Optimized context collapsing in classical calculations
  • Setting ps_grid_spacing now sets the pointsource_distance too
  • Saving memory in preclassical calculations on machines with 8 cores or less
  • Changed the magnitude-dependent maximum_distance feature to discard
    ruptures below minmag and above maxmag
  • Added the ability to estimate the runtime of a calculation by using
    the --sample-sources option
  • Fixed a wrong formula in modifiable_gmpe.add_between_within_stds
  • Reduced the stress on the memory in classical calculations, thus
    improving the performance
  • Setting the truncation_level to the empty string is now forbidden;
    some GMFs calculations not setting truncation_level can now give
    different results since truncation_level=None is now replaced with