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OpenQuake Engine 3.2.0

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@nastasi-oq nastasi-oq released this 06 Sep 13:49
· 138798 commits to master since this release

[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]

  • specified 'amd64' as the only architecture supported by ubuntu packages

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed the source writer: now the srcs_weights are written in the XML
    file only if they are nontrivial
  • Changed the algorithm assigning the seeds: they are now generated before
    the source splitting; also, a seed-related bug in the splitting was fixed
  • For event based, moved the rupture generation in the prefiltering phase

[Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]

  • Fixed a bug with CTRL-C when using the processpool distribution

[Robin Gee (@rcgee)]

  • Raised the source ID length limit in the validation from 60 to 75 characters
    to allow sources with longer IDs

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Introduced a multi_node flag in openquake.cfg and used it to
    fully parallelize the prefiltering in a cluster
  • Used the rupture seed as rupture ID in event based calculations
  • Changed the deprecation mechanism of GSIMs to use a class attribute
  • Solved the pickling bug in event based hazard by using generator tasks
  • Improved the distribution of the risk tasks by changing the weight

[Pablo Heresi (@pheresi)]

  • Contributed the HM2018CorrelationModel

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Restored the individual_curves flag that for the moment is used for the
    risk curves
  • Introduced two experimental new parameters floating_distance and
    spinning_distance to reduce hypocenter distributions and nodal plane
    distributions of ruptures over the corresponding distances
  • Optimized the parsing of the logic tree when there is no "applyToSources"
  • Made the IMT classes extensible in client code
  • Reduced the hazard maps from 64 to 32 bit, to be consistent with the
    hazard curves and to reduce by half the download time

[Graeme Weatherill (@g-weatherill)]

  • Implements a fix of Montalva et al (2016) for new coefficients (now
    Montalva et al. (2017))

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Parallelized the reading of the source models
  • Optimized oq info --report by not splitting the sources in that case
  • Speedup the download of the hazard curves, maps and uhs
  • Honored concurrent_tasks in the prefiltering phase too
  • It is now legal to compute uniform hazard spectra for a single period
  • Added command oq plot_memory
  • Introduced a MultiGMPE concept
  • Saved the size of the datastore in the database and used it in the WebUI

[Graeme Weatherill (@g-weatherill)]

  • Adds geotechnical related IMTs

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Renamed /extract/agglosses -> /extract/agg_losses and same for aggdamages
  • Supported equivalent epicentral distance with a reqv_hdf5 file
  • Fixed the risk from ShakeMap feature in the case of missing IMTs
  • Changed the way gmf_data/indices and ruptures are stored
  • Added experimental support for dask
  • Added 11 new site parameters for geotechnic hazard
  • Changed the SiteCollection to store only the parameters required by the

[Robin Gee (@rcgee)]

  • The number of sites is now an argument in the method _get_stddevs()
    in the GMPE of Kanno, 2006

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Changed the serialization of ruptures to HDF5: the geometries are now
    stored in a different dataset
  • Bug fix: the asset->site association was performed even when not needed
  • Made it possible to serialize to .hdf5 multipoint sources and
    nonparametric gridded sources
  • Added a check on source model logic tree files: the uncertaintyModel
    values cannot be repeated in the same branchset
  • Added a flag std_hazard_curves; by setting it to true the user can
    compute the standard deviation of the hazard curves across realizations

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Added Thingbaijam et al. (2017) magnitude-scaling relationship

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added an /extract/ API for event_based_mfd
  • Fixed a bug in the classical_damage calculators: multiple loss types
    were not treated correctly

[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]

  • Adding tests to the method computing decimal time

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Removed the event_based_rupture calculator and three others
  • Added a field size_mb to the output table in the database and made
    it visible in the WebUI as a tooltip
  • Added a command oq check_input job.ini to check the input files
  • Made the loss curves and maps outputs from an event based risk calculation
    visible to the engine and the WebUI (only the stats)
  • Added a check on duplicated branchIDs in GMPE logic trees

[Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]

  • Fixed a bug when reading exposure with utf8 names on systems with non-utf8
    terminals (Windows)
  • Changed the openquake.cfg file and added a dbserver.listen parameter
  • Added the hostname in the WebUI page. It can be customize by the user
    via the file

[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]

  • Added a Content-Length to the outputs downloadable from the WebUI
  • Fixed a bug when extracting gmf_data from a hazard calculation with a
    filtered site collection
  • Stored an attributed events.max_gmf_size
  • Added a check on exposures with missing loss types
  • Added a LargeExposureGrid error to protect the user by tricky exposures
    (i.e. France with assets in the Antilles)
  • Changed the event_based_risk calculator to compute the loss curves and
    maps directly; removed the asset_loss_table
  • Changed the event_based_risk calculator to distribute by GMFs always
  • Optimized the memory consumption in the UCERF classical calculator
  • Added a parameter minimum_magnitude in the job.ini
  • Added an utility utils/