OpenQuake Engine 3.6.0
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- In some cases
was giving a fake error about the source
not being in the source model even if it actually was
[Chris Van Houtte (@cvanhoutte)]
- Adds the Van Houtte et al. (2018) significant duration model for New
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Added a way to compute and plot the MFD coming from an event based
- Storing the MFDs in TOML format inside the datastore
[Robin Gee (@rcgee)]
- Moves b4 constant into COEFFS table for GMPE Sharma et al., 2009
[Graeme Weatherill (@g-weatherill)]
- Adds functionality to Cauzzi et al. (2014) and Derras et al. (2014)
calibrated GMPEs for Germany to use either finite or point source distances
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Restored the ability to associate site model parameters to a grid of sites
- Made it possible to set
in the event based hazard calculator - Introduced a mechanism to split the tasks based on an estimated duration
- Integrated
oq plot_memory
intooq plot
- Removed
values for strike and dip when exporting griddedRuptures - Fixed
oq reset
to work in multi-user mode - Extended the source_id-filtering feature in the job.ini to multiple sources
- Supported WKT files for the binary perils in the multi_risk calculator
- Added an early check on the coefficients of variation and loss ratios of
vulnerability functions with the Beta distribution - Made sure that
oq engine --dc
removes the HDF5 cache file too - Removed the flag
because it is useless now - Introduced a soft limit at 65,536 sites for event_based calculations
- Fixed a performance regression in ucerf_classical that was filtering
before splitting, thus becoming extra-slow - Improved the progress log, that was delayed for large classical calculations
- Exported the ruptures as 3D multi-polygons (instead of 2D ones)
- Changed the
exports for consistency with the others - Changed the losses_by_event exporter for ebrisk, to make it more
consistent with scenario_risk and event_based_risk - Changed the agglosses and losses_by_event exporters in scenario_risk,
by adding a column with the realization index - Changed the generation of the hazard statistics to consume very little
memory - Fixed a bug with concurrent_tasks being inherited from the parent
calculation instead of using the standard default - Removed the dependency from mock, since it is included in unittest.mock
- For scenario, replaced the
with the GSIM representation in
the realizations output - Added a check for suspiciously large source geometries
- Deprecated the XML disaggregation exporters in favor of the CSV exporters
- Turned the disaggregation calculator into a classical post-calculator
to use the precomputed distances and speedup the computation even more - Fixed the disaggregation calculator by discarding the ruptures outside
the integration distance - Optimized the speed of the disaggregation calculator by moving a statistical
functions outside of the inner loop - Changed the file names of the exported disaggregation outputs
- Fixed an export agg_curves issue with pre-imported exposures
- Fixed an export agg_curves issue when the hazard statistics are different
from the risk statistics - Removed the disaggregation statistics: now the engine disaggregates only on
a single realization (default: the closest to the mean) - Forbidden disaggregation matrices with more than 1 million elements
- Reduced the data transfer when computing the hazard curves
- Optimized the reading of large CSV exposures
- Fixed the --hc functionality across users
- Optimized the reduction of the site collection on the exposure sites
- Made more robust the gsim logic tree parser: lines like
<uncertaintyModel gmpe_table="../gm_tables/Woffshore_low_clC.hdf5">
are accepted again - Added a check against duplicated values in nodal plane distributions and
hypocenter depth distributions - Changed the support for zipped exposures and source models: now the
name of the archive must be written explicitly in the job.ini - Added support for numpy 1.16.3, scipy 1.3.0, h5py 2.9.0
- Removed the special case for event_based_risk running two calculations
[Graeme Weatherill (@g-weatherill)]
- Adds the Tromans et al. (2019) adjustable GMPE for application to PSHA
in the UK
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Optimized src.sample_ruptures for (multi)point sources and are sources
- Fixed a mutability bug in the DistancesContext and made all context
arrays read-only: the fix may affect calculations using the GMPEs
berge_thierry_2003, cauzzi_faccioli_2008 and zhao_2006; - Fixed a bug with the minimum_distance feature
- Fixed a bug in the exporter of the aggregate loss curves: now the loss
ratios are computed correctly even in presence of occupants - Removed the (long time deprecated) capability to read hazard curves and
ground motion fields from XML files: you must use CSV files instead
[Marco Pagani (@mmpagani)]
- Implemented a modified GMPE that add between and within std to GMPEs only
supporting total std
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Added the ability to use a taxonomy_mapping.csv file
- Fixed a bug in classical_damage from CSV: for hazard intensity measure
levels different from the fragility levels, the engine was giving incorrect
results - Serialized also the source model logic tree inside the datastore
- Added a check on missing intensity_measure_types in event based
- Fixed
oq prepare_site_model
in the case of an empty datadir - Added a comment line with useful metadata to the engine CSV outputs
- Removed the long time deprecated event loss table exporter for event based
risk and enhanced the losses_by_event exporter to export the realization ID - Removed the long time deprecated GMF XML exporter for scenario
- IMT-dependent weights in the gsim logic tree can be zero, to discard
contributions outside the range of validity of (some of the) GSIMs - Now it is possible to export individual hazard curves from an event
- Added a view gmvs_to_hazard