Releases: gem/oq-engine
OpenQuake Engine 1.9
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Fixed a bug such that in some circumstances the logging stream handler
was instantiated twice, resulting in duplicated logs - Changed the default job status to 'executing' (was 'pre_executing')
- Fixed the ordering of the logs in the Web UI
- Removed the dependency from PostGIS
- Restored the monitoring which was accidentally removed
- Removed the obsolete option
- Printed the names of the files exported by the engine, even when there
are multiple files for a single output - Introduced four new tables job, output, log, performance: all the other
60+ database tables are not used anymore
OpenQuake Engine 1.8
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Removed two
switches (--export-stats
and fixed--show-view
; unified--delete-hazard-calculation
into a single--delete-calculation
- Updated
to extract the full report from the
datastore - If
is true, use celery to determine a good default for
the parameterconcurrent_tasks
- Made celery required only in cluster situations
- Fixed the duplication of exported result in the classical_damage
calculator when there is more than one realization - Removed several obsolete or deprecated switches from the
command - Replaced all classical calculators with their lite counterparts
- Fixed the site-ordering in the UHS exporter (by lon-lat)
[Paolo Tormene (@ptormene)]
- Added API to validate NRML
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- The engine can now zip files larger than 2 GB (used in the export)
- Now the loss maps and curves are exported with a fixed ordering: first
by lon-lat, then by asset ID - Replaced the old disaggregation calculator with the oq-lite one
OpenQuake Engine 1.7
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Fixed an encoding bug in
- Fixed an export bug: it is now possible to export the outputs generated
by another user, if the read permissions are set correctly
OpenQuake Engine 1.6.0
[Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]
- Added the oq_reset_db script. It removes and recreates the database and
the datastore
[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]
- Demos moved to /usr/share/openquake/risklib
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Removed the 'view' button from the Web UI
- Removed the epsilon_sampling configuration parameter
- Made customizable the display_name of datastore outputs (before it was
identical to the datastore key) - The zip files generated for internal use of the Web UI are now hidden
- Made visible to the engine only the exportable outputs of the datastore
- Closed explicitly the datastore after each calculation
- Replaced the old scenario calculators with the HDF5-based calculators
- Fixed a very subtle bug in the association queries: some sites outside
of the region constraint were not discarded in some situations - Removed the self-termination feature
- Removed the epsilon sampling "feature" from the scenario_risk calculator
- Replaced the event based calculators based on Postgres with the new ones
based on the HDF5 technology
OpenQuake Engine 1.5.1
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Fixed a bug affecting exposures with multiple assets on the same site
OpenQuake Engine 1.5.0
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- The event based calculators in the engine are now officially deprecated
and they raise a warning when used - Optimization: we do not generate the full epsilon matrix if all
coefficients of variation are zero - Fixed two subtle bugs in the management of the epsilons: it means that
all event based risk calculations with nonzero coefficients of variations
will produce slightly different numbers with respect to before - Removed excessive checking on the exposure attributes 'deductible' and
'insuredLimit' that made it impossible to run legitimate calculations - Changed the meaning of 'average_loss' for the aggregated curves: now it
is the sum of the aggregated losses in the event loss table,
before it was extracted from the aggregated loss curve - Changed the way the average losses (and insured average losses) are
computed by the event based risk calculator: now they are extracted
from the event loss table, before they were extracted from the loss curves - Set to NULL the stddev_losses and stddev_insured_losses for the event based
risk calculator, since they were computed incorrectly - Introduced a new experimental command
'oq-engine --show-view CALCULATION_ID VIEW_NAME'; the only view available
for the moment is 'mean_avg_losses' - Negative calculation IDs are interpreted in a Pythonic way, i.e. -1
means the last calculation, -2 the calculation before the last one, etc. - If a site parameter is more distant than 5 kilometers from its closest
site, a warning is logged - Changed the splitting of fault sources to reduce the number of generated
sources and avoid data transfer failures if rupture_mesh_spacing is too
small - Changed the event loss table export: now the CSV file does not contain
the magnitude and the rows are ordered by rupture tag first and loss second - Removed the calculator EventBasedBCR
- Longitude and latitude are now rounded to 5 digits
- Fixed a very subtle bug in the vulnerability functions, potentially
affecting calculations with nonzero coefficients of variation and nonzero
minIML; the numbers produced by the engine were incorrect; see - 'investigation_time' has been replaced by 'risk_investigation_time' in
risk configuration files - Initial support for Django 1.7
[Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]
- Removed the bin/openquake wrapper: now only bin/oq-engine is
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Added parameter parallel_source_splitting in openquake.cfg
[Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]
- improvements
- Added
- moved from /usr/openquake/engine to
[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]
- Packaging system improvement
OpenQuake Engine 1.4.0
[Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]
- Fixed debian/control: add missing lsb-release to build deps
[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq), Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]
- Fixed dependencies version management
[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq), Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]
- Add binary package support for both Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)
and Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Removed the SiteModel table: now the association between the sites and the
site model is done by using hazardlib.geo.geodetic.min_distance
[Daniele Viganò (@daniviga)]
- added authentication support to the 'engineweb' and the 'engineserver'
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- the aggregate loss curves can be exported in CSV format
[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]
- added 'outtypes' attribute with list of possible output types for
each output item in outputs list API command - added '/v1/calc//status' API command
- added 'engineweb' django application as local web client for oq-engine
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Renamed the maximum_distance parameter of the risk calculators to
asset_hazard_distance, to avoid confusion with the maximum_distance
parameter of the hazard calculators, which has a different meaning;
is it an error to set the maximum_distance in a job_risk.ini file - Added to the API an URL /v1/calc/:calc_id/remove to hide jobs
- A new key is_running is added to the list of dictionaries returned by
the URL /v1/calc/list - Replaced the mock tests for the engine server with real functional tests
- Added a resource /v1/calc/:calc_id/traceback to get the traceback of a
failed calculation - Now the logs are stored also in the database, both for the controller node
and the worker nodes - Bypassed Django when deleting calculations from the database: this avoids
running out of memory for large calculations - Fixed an issue in the scenario calculator: the GMFs were not filtered
according to the distance to the rupture - Now critical errors appear in the log file
- Added a --run command to run hazard and risk together
- Fixed bug in the event based calculator; in the case
number_of_logic_tree_samples > 0 it was generating incorrect hazard curves.
Also improved (a lot) the performance in this case. - Fixed a tricky bug happening when some tectonic region type are filtered
away. - The event based risk calculator now save only the non-zero losses in
the table event_loss_asset. - Added a CSV exporter for the Stochastic Event Sets, for debugging purposes.
- The GMF CSV exporter now sorts the output by rupture tag.
[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]
- Each pull request must be accompanied by an update of the debian
changelog now.
OpenQuake Engine 1.3.1
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Fixed a tricky bug happening when some tectonic region types are filtered
OpenQuake Engine 1.3.0
[Matteo Nastasi (@nastasi-oq)]
- gunzip xml demos files after copied into /usr/openquake/engine directory
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Updated python-django dependency >= 1.6.1, (our repository already
includes a backported version for Ubuntu 'precise' 12.04); this change
makes unnecessary "standard_conforming_strings" postgresql configuration
variable setting - The event based risk calculator is able to disaggregate the event loss
table per asset. To enable this feature, just list the assets you are
interested in in the job.ini file: "specific_assets = a1 a2 a3" - We have a new hazard calculator, which can be invoked by setting in the
job.ini file: "calculation_mode = classical_tiling"
This calculators is the same as the classical calculator (i.e. you will
get the same numbers) but instead of considering all the hazard sites at
once, it splits them in tiles and compute the hazard curves for each tile
sequentially. The intended usage is for very large calculations that
exceed the available memory. It is especially convenient when you have
very large logic trees and you are interested only in the statistics (i.e.
mean curves and quantile curves). In that case you should use it with the
option individual_curves=false. Notice that this calculator is still in
an experimental stage and at the moment is does not support UHS curves.
Hazard maps and hazard curves are supported. - We have a new risk calculator, which can be invoked by setting in the
job.ini file: "calculation_mode = classical_damage"
This calculator is able to compute the damage distribution for each asset
starting from the hazard curves produced by the classical
(or classical_tiling) calculator and a set of fragility functions. Also
this calculator should be considered in experimental stage. - A significant change has been made when the parameter
number_of_logic_tree_samples is set to a non-zero value. Now, if a branch
of the source model logic tree is sampled twice we will generate the
ruptures twice; before the ruptures were generated once and counted twice.
For the classical calculator there is no effect on the numbers (sampling
the same branch twice will produce two copies of identical ruptures);
however, for the event based calculator, sampling the same branch twice
will produce different ruptures. For instance, in the case of a simple
source model with a single tectonic region type, before we would have
generated a single file with the stochastic event sets, now we generate
number_of_logic_tree_samples files with different stochastic event sets.
The previous behavior was an optimization-induced bug. - Better validation of the input files (fragility models, job.ini)
- The ability to extract the sites from the site_model.xml file
- Several missing QA tests have been added
- The export mechanism has been enhanced and more outputs are being exported
in CSV format - New parameter complex_fault_mesh_spacing
- Some error messages have been improved
- A lot of functionality has been ported from the engine to oq-lite,
i.e. a lite version of the engine that does not depend on
PostgreSQL/PostGIS/Django nor from RabbitMQ/Celery. This version is
much easier to install than the regular engine and it is meant for
small/medium computation that do not require a cluster. The engine
demos, have been moved to the oq-risklib repository, so that they can
be run via the oq-lite command without installing the full engine. - Currently the following calculators have been ported (all are to be
intended as experimental): classical hazard, classical tiling, event
based hazard, scenario hazard, classical risk, scenario damage,
classical damage.
OpenQuake Engine 1.2.2
The OpenQuake Engine release 1.2
Changes since 1.2.1
- Refined version management